Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 02:05 PM CDT
I guess I don't see the big deal?

It doesn't bother me that there were elements to the plot that were secret since there were plenty of open opportunities to get involved. I had a lot of fun and some really cool things happened for my character without Maz having any formal role in the story. That's just one man's experience of course but IMO everyone involved in the event did a pretty good job.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 03:17 PM CDT
>>One participant emailed the GM requesting inclusion in the group. Metagaming.

This didn't happen.

>>Infact the very reason these players were chosen to be in the know by the GM who played Lilena and then had their characters sworn to secrecy was in a way.... say it with me.

This is also not accurate.

>>So each one of these 5-6 people by your opinion should be able to get the same amount of community respect interaction and GMNPC affiliations if they login on an anonymous novice.

Correct. Same as literally any other character in the game, it is based entirely on what the character does. In fact, there were several novices involved in integral parts of the Elpalzi wrap up. I, the GM running those events, did not and do not know who plays them. I don't care, either. I only care about what the character does. Several score other characters had lots of chances to get pulled in to similar parts of the plot, but just straight up did not respond, so they didn't have the sort of follow up that others did.

>>LOL. My character was brought in on Lilena's plot largely because he had already engaged the GM NPC about a number of on going Events on various occasions.

Correct. That character had proven to Lilena that he could be trusted and that he was extremely interested in protecting the Province over the course of, uh, man, probably over a year's worth of events by now.

>>Yeah it's quality role play, not OOC afiliations.


>>So if that's true I guess we can expect some obscurely known characters to crop up in future events. Played by equally obscurely known players.

We already do, and we will continue to.

>>More than anything this is why we will never see an obscure player play a key role in an event.

We already have. Just because you personally did not know about it, does not mean it didn't happen. It even happened in the Elpalzi events over the last month or so. More than once.

>>Other characters had to behave in the event as if these opinions were coming from the GMNPC's

I watched a lot of other PCs ignore, mock, and deride things that the group working with Lilena said :) It was just as good RP as the people who listened to them, and everyone seemed to be having fun.

>>Because as one of "the chosen" even I don't know why I ended up part of the group.

Your character was in the right place at the right time and responded in ways that made Lilena think she could take a chance on trusting him.

>>The implication being rewards are usually very long term and the bar is typically set high to get even a modicum of positive reinforcement.

No, that is the implication that you are making. That is not what GM Nohn said, nor is it by default what any other person will necessarily read as an implication to what he said. I feel that one of the reasons you get the amount of pushback on the forums as you do is that you frequently state your opinions as facts. That has the tendency to rub a chunk of people the wrong way.

>>Do you really think if a character spends their time being OOC in public that they're likely to be pulled into a plot?

Nope. And that right there is the line of 'good rp' that is needed to be involved in an event. I do not, nor does any other member of GM staff, have some kind of RP scorecard that we use to decide who 'gets' to be involved in an event. Ditto on not having a 'your character or player must be this well-known to get on the ride' meter.

These things are simply not reality, and it's frankly insulting to both staff and to your fellow players to continue saying that it's objectively what's happening, instead of saying that you personally feel as though this might be what occurs based on your own perceptions as someone who hasn't been part of the event / other events.

>>GMs hypothetically wish to hold my character accountable for what I the player have said on these forums, in the game RPly. They are engaging in metagaming and or bias.

We don't do this.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 03:43 PM CDT

Khras was involved in a major paladin event a few years back. You will have a hard time convincing people the GMs are bias with events.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 04:00 PM CDT

<I guess I don't see the big deal?

<It doesn't bother me that there were elements to the plot that were secret since there were plenty of open opportunities to get involved. I had a lot of fun and some really cool things happened for my character without Maz having <any formal role in the story. That's just one man's experience of course but IMO everyone involved in the event did a pretty good job.

No doubt yeah I agree with the majority of that statement.

In regards to the Event.

My points were not a criticism of the Event or the people running the Event. I had a good time.

If we are talking about metagaming and how the community handles unpopular individuals-opinions...

I disagree, I think it is a big deal.

In the game metagaming absolutely exists. Players who share unfavorable opinions as you said yourself risk alienation to put it mildly, not to mention the odd or convenient harassment.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 04:20 PM CDT

My Paladin was front and center during an event where Zombie Stompers invaded the Crossing to find some Dwarf who had stolen something from their Togball field. I was the first one to find the Dwarf and talk to him, and he lead me(and like 6 others by that point) to the field so he could bury what he had stolen to put the Togballers to rest.

It was a small, inconsequential event but literally the only people I speak to in game are the Empaths that heal me and I doubt there is one person that actively knows my Paladn's name.

Events happen and it is really easy to get involved just by showing up, but it doesn't really matter because Amish is clearly trolling everyone and I'm surprised people still respond to him.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 04:42 PM CDT
<One participant emailed the GM requesting inclusion in the group. Metagaming.

<This didn't happen.

Well the player posted and said they did is what I was speaking to.

<Several score other characters had lots of chances to get pulled in to similar parts of the plot, but just straight up did not respond, so they didn't have the sort of follow up that others did.

No one can know till you post. Thank you for the clarification!

<So if that's true I guess we can expect some obscurely known characters to crop up in future events. Played by equally obscurely known players.

<We already do, and we will continue to.

I wasn't and am not aware of any.

<Other characters had to behave in the event as if these opinions were coming from the GMNPC's

<I watched a lot of other PCs ignore, mock, and deride things that the group working with Lilena said :) It was just as good RP as the people who listened to them, and everyone seemed to be having fun.

I didn't see any of this.

<The implication being rewards are usually very long term and the bar is typically set high to get even a modicum of positive reinforcement.

<No, that is the implication that you are making. That is not what GM Nohn said, nor is it by default what any other person will necessarily read as an implication to what he said. I feel that one of the reasons you get the <amount of pushback on the forums as you do is that you frequently state your opinions as facts. That has the tendency to rub a chunk of people the wrong way.

One player stated it took them 4 years to gain GMNPC attention. Which most perceive as the highest reward for role play. GM NOHN posts and says he is lowering the bar for RPA's. So we have two thresholds for reward in the game in regard to role play.

I am not a staff member I can only work with what people post about themselves and try to add up the evidence as I read it, in game and on the forums.

Circumstantial fair, derivative fair, but considering the secretive nature of the behind the scenes... speculation is all anyone is supposed to have.

<I feel that one of the reasons you get the <amount of pushback on the forums as you do is that you frequently state your opinions as facts. That has the tendency to rub a chunk of people the wrong way.

My opinions are based on two undeniable facts from which logical implications can be drawn. Though I appreciate your insight into the animosity.

<These things are simply not reality, and it's frankly insulting to both staff and to your fellow players to continue saying that it's objectively what's happening, instead of saying that you personally feel as though this might <be what occurs based on your own perceptions as someone who hasn't been part of the event / other events.

I would never intentionally insult a staff member or fellow player, in this thread alone I have been berated with insult and insinuation by nearly every poster and I think I replied to one in kind when my patience got the better of me.

Far be it for me to assume anything but everyone knows I am not a staff member so how could any of my opinions come from anything but my own perception. Pending your explanation of the subject which now we have. All due respect though I have played for a long time and have been in many other events.

Thank you for the illumination!
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 04:44 PM CDT
You are never going to eliminate all the meta gaming that happens in DR. So what is your point? If you want others to treat people differently it is on them. You don't get to police that and neither do I. The GMs do to a certain extent within their policy. If that is unacceptable to you then you should find another game or hobby. Welcome to social gaming. There are no guarantees that people will like you or your opinions IG or OOC. I feel like you got a lot of participation trophies when you were young.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 04:52 PM CDT
>>We know only recently from Navesi posting and saying it took her/him 4 years to attain GMNPC interaction.

This is also not accurate. I had multiple interactions with GMNPCs when Navesi was a commoner and still basically unknown, all within the first six months of playing her.

It took me years to build an IC reputation with Navesi, which has connected her more to the community. That has had nothing to do with my ability to participate in GMNPC plots when I was in the right place and time.

- Navesi
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:01 PM CDT
>>GM NOHN posts and says he is lowering the bar for RPA's.

That is not what he posted. Nohn said that he was using a low bar, not that he was lowering the bar. The standards that Nohn spoke of are the standards that all GM staff use for RPAs, he was just explicitly stating things that he was doing during his scans since he was posting about them. Nohn wasn't in the position to lower the bar, or raise it, or move it sideways. As head of Events, that sort of determination for changing standards wouldn't happen unless I changed our internal policy :)

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:01 PM CDT
<This is also not accurate. I had multiple interactions with GMNPCs when Navesi was a commoner and still basically unknown, all within the first six months of playing her.

<It took me years to build an IC reputation with Navesi, which has connected her more to the community. That has had nothing to do with my ability to participate in GMNPC plots when I was in the right place and time.

Then why did you post this

<As for GM attention, even though I've been playing Navesi for 4 years now, last month was I think the first time a GMNPC actually sought her out to speak to her

You went on...

<So, years of work finally made the character visible and acceptable enough to approach.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:04 PM CDT

>IC reputation with Navesi

My character has always dug your characters professionalism. I feel like you're some kind of beat cop who has an ear to the ground and a magical notepad at the ready to get a statement.

@Klines, aka, the Chosen One - Can I have your autograph?
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:08 PM CDT
>>Then why did you post this

<As for GM attention, even though I've been playing Navesi for 4 years now, last month was I think the first time a GMNPC actually sought her out to speak to her

I said that it was the first time a GMNPC sought her out. Not the first time I'd ever interacted with one on Navesi.

I worked on her reputation as a newspaper reporter. The GMNPC wanted something reported in the newspaper. It was an example of my hard work paying off in getting her well known as a reporter.

However, it's possible for ANYBODY to interact with GMNPCs when they are in the right circumstances, more so if they are actively pursuing events.

- Navesi
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:08 PM CDT
<As for GM attention, even though I've been playing Navesi for 4 years now, last month was I think the first time a GMNPC actually sought her out to speak to her

You went on...

<So, years of work finally made the character visible and acceptable enough to approach.

Because, Tarlof, as I've been saying this whole thread, you see what you want to see. Navesi said that it took four years for a GMNPC to approach her. That does not mean she had no other interaction with a GMNPC. I think it was you that said "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Irony, eh?
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:09 PM CDT

<That is not what he posted. Nohn said that he was using a low bar, not that he was lowering the bar. The standards that Nohn spoke of are the standards that all GM staff use for RPAs, he was just explicitly stating things that he <was doing during his scans since he was posting about them. Nohn wasn't in the position to lower the bar, or raise it, or move it sideways. As head of Events, that sort of determination for changing standards wouldn't happen unless <I changed our internal policy :)

I was paraphrasing.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:10 PM CDT

<I said that it was the first time a GMNPC sought her out. Not the first time I'd ever interacted with one on Navesi.

<I worked on her reputation as a newspaper reporter. The GMNPC wanted something reported in the newspaper. It was an example of my hard work paying off in getting her well known as a reporter.

<However, it's possible for ANYBODY to interact with GMNPCs when they are in the right circumstances, more so if they are actively pursuing events.

I appreciate the insightful clarification but my point is still valid, 4 years to gain the maximum reward for roleplay
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:17 PM CDT
>>I appreciate the insightful clarification but my point is still valid, 4 years to gain the maximum reward for roleplay

Ah, I see, so your position is that the only reason to role play is for the "max reward." This is starting to make a lot more sense now.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:18 PM CDT
>>I was paraphrasing.

My point is that you made an incorrect inference based on that difference I pointed out. You stated that you could infer that since Nohn lowered the bar, the bar was previously high. Nohn did not say he was lowering the bar, the bar was exactly where it always was, which happens to be not particularly high.

You stated:
>>My opinions are based on two undeniable facts from which logical implications can be drawn.

But one of the 'undeniable facts' was neither a fact nor undeniable. It was how you personally read into what GM Nohn said.

The other of your 'undeniable facts' is also being disputed by the person from whom you were quoting. Please understand that the way you personally read a statement may not be the actual intent behind the statement. People misinterpret each other. It happens to us all at least some of the time.

Things like this are where it comes across as if you are stating your opinions as objectively undeniable facts, and like I mentioned before, I feel that this is at least a large part of why you get as much pushback as you do on the forums.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:35 PM CDT

<Nohn did not say he was lowering the bar, the bar was exactly where it always was, which happens to be not particularly high.

<Please understand that the way you personally read a statement may not be the actual intent behind the statement.

So am I understanding you correctly.

To quote Nohn

<Simply be in a public space, responsive and interactive, and not breaking the IC environment.

That is the current critera to gain an RPA?

Also let me clarify this since you're misunderstanding.

<My opinions are based on two undeniable facts from which logical implications can be drawn. Though I appreciate your insight into the animosity.

My opinions are based on two undeniable facts (They posted) from which logical implications can be drawn. Though I appreciate your insight into the animosity.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:48 PM CDT
>>That is the current critera to gain an RPA?

That plus being seen by the GM at that time, yeah. We don't scan constantly to award RPAs. We'd never get anything else done if we did.

But yes, if we're scanning for folks to give RPAs at that time, and you happen to be logged in at that time and meet the criteria of 'Simply be in a public space, responsive and interactive, and not breaking the IC environment' when we look at you, yeah, you'll get an RPA. That's how the random scans we do work.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:51 PM CDT
>I guess I don't see the big deal?

>It doesn't bother me that there were elements to the plot that were secret since there were plenty of open opportunities to get involved. I had a lot of fun and some really cool things happened for my character without Maz having any formal role in the story. That's just one man's experience of course but IMO everyone involved in the event did a pretty good job.

As I said before, I'm new. I think part of the argument is that selection to be central players in the plot as a result of years of great roleplay is somehow unfair and therefore turns new people away.

I am here to say it doesn't. It is inspirational and I aspire to develop a character that can be part of the plot someday.

Thank you again to the GMs for running a great event, and thank you to all the players who were central to that plot for being great roleplayers. It brings me back. Seriously, it does.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:55 PM CDT
>I disagree, I think it is a big deal.

Can this conversation be noted, and no longer discussed?

I love this game and have a ton of fun with it. I do not see the point of continued argument here. This is now a purely academic issue and I think all the relevant (and irrelevant) points have been made.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:57 PM CDT

(Screams in phone)
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 05:58 PM CDT

<That plus being seen by the GM at that time, yeah. We don't scan constantly to award RPAs. We'd never get anything else done if we did.

<But yes, if we're scanning for folks to give RPAs at that time, and you happen to be logged in at that time and meet the criteria of 'Simply be in a public space, responsive and interactive, and not breaking the IC environment' <when we look at you, yeah, you'll get an RPA. That's how the random scans we do work.

That's interesting.

Then I would expect everyone who participates in an event should or would receive an RPA. After all they almost certainly should have staff on hand.

Unless of course I'm wrong.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:05 PM CDT
The fact that the game exists is a role playing award.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:11 PM CDT

<Can this conversation be noted, and no longer discussed?

<I love this game and have a ton of fun with it. I do not see the point of continued argument here. This is now a purely academic issue and I think all the relevant (and irrelevant) points have been made.

Flapjack started it and somehow I always end up under attack for my opinions. People are way nicer than this folder shows them I assure you.

<The fact that the game exists is a role playing award.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:13 PM CDT

you are leading Persida into your old complaint about how you had Tarlof and another character at an event and the other character got RPAs but not Tarlof. Why you can't just come out with things, no one will ever know... But, that was even answered before, if Tarlof had left before or arrived after the GM checked the room to see who was there and participating, then he may have gotten missed. While that is not an explanation you will accept, and this conversation will drag on and on and on... that is the reality of it.

I have had my circle nothing F2P alt in an event, to hold my things for a moment or so I can not miss something while Syn runs to the bank or vault or whatever, and it got RPAs and she didn't. Likely all it did was fidget around some and hand things back to Syn, but it was there when the GM checked who was participating so it was included. I have also participated in events with other people and not gotten RPAs but they did. Uthgaar would get them after invasions and Syn would get skipped. IT HAPPENS.

Partially quote and argue whatever you want, you will only read the things that you think some how support your warped sense of reality and manipulate facts as you see fit anyway.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:21 PM CDT

<you are leading Persida


Keep playing this
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:29 PM CDT
>>Then I would expect everyone who participates in an event should or would receive an RPA. After all they almost certainly should have staff on hand.

Nope, not always. Sometimes we miss folks, especially in particularly big events, or events spread out over several rooms. Sometimes a character might have been disruptive or OOC in some fashion. Sometimes the character moved out of the area before, or into the area after, we captured the names. It's actually pretty easy to be missed with the RPA issuance at a GM-run event.

We don't claim that everyone who participates gets an RPA. We don't guarantee RPAs for RPing in any situation, ever. RPAs are not like exp, they aren't an automatic part of the mechanics of the game. It's not 'input RP = output RPA'. It's not a formula, it's a nice extra that happens when we catch folks RPing.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 06:41 PM CDT

<Nope, not always. Sometimes we miss folks, especially in particularly big events, or events spread out over several rooms. Sometimes a character might have been disruptive or OOC in some fashion. Sometimes the character moved <out of the area before, or into the area after, we captured the names. It's actually pretty easy to be missed with the RPA issuance at a GM-run event. We don't claim that everyone who participates gets an RPA. RPAs are not like <exp, they aren't an automatic part of the mechanics of the game. It's not 'input RP = output RPA'. It's not a formula, it's a nice extra that happens when we catch folks RPing.

Well I was just curious. As always thank you for the direction and insight. I'll try to mind the theories, or at least if I can, present them with much less conviction.

I'm not sure if that's why I receive so much push back or if the animosity isn't based elsewhere. As odd as forum advice is from staff still I can't ever recall seeing someone getting post advice on the forums from a member of staff so I do appreciate the gesture.

If my hypothesis insulted anyone it wasn't my intention. I really did enjoy the event/s.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 08:09 PM CDT
Literally everyone in in DR metagames like Id be surprised if one or two people didn't. Not sure why anyone even uses that word to define anyone negatively on forums I feel like I am repeating myself.

" Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right... "
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/10/2017 09:38 PM CDT
<Literally everyone in in DR metagames like Id be surprised if one or two people didn't. Not sure why anyone even uses that word to define anyone negatively on forums I feel like I am repeating myself.

I think people need to feel superior. It's easy to cast stone after stone from the safety of your implied moral high ground.

Never you mind the person is tacitly placed atop a glass house.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/11/2017 02:12 AM CDT
>I think people need to feel superior. It's easy to cast stone after stone from the safety of your implied moral high ground.<

As a wise man once told don't throw stones if you live in a glass house and don't talk smack if you have a glass mouth.. Is this metagaming thread over or what. Quit crying about metagming.

" Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right... "
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/11/2017 05:17 AM CDT
Reading Tarlof rants reminds me of cow patty bingo. You never know when or where the next pile of random crap is going to land, but you can rest assured it's all a bunch of crap. Also, that boy got double leg dropped by Persida.

Like this:

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/11/2017 09:14 AM CDT

<Like this:

You know Hulk Hogan blames those leg drops for his chronic pain. Some might argue it was worth it for the fame and fortune.

I don't know if I would.

But no one is hurt in setting the record straight and educating everyone, rather the opposite.

I stand by my words.

<Is your argument so fragile you refuse to hear a counter point? Your pride?

<In a battle of ideas you have nothing to lose but ample knowledge to gain. Risk a thought, brave a conversation.

Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/11/2017 11:01 AM CDT
I ignored that dude a long time ago and I don't understand why others don't do the same. I haven't seen someone cry as much as him while contributing so little to the boards in a long time.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: Metagaming wahhhhhhhhhh 05/11/2017 11:33 AM CDT
> I haven't seen someone cry as much as him while contributing so little to the boards in a long time.

Don't you challenge me to a good time.
Re: Fahijeck's definition of metagaming 05/25/2017 01:49 PM CDT
<<We don't guarantee RPAs for RPing in any situation, ever>>

Slightly unrelated but I'd like to mention once again that the PIRP system, as it is, is completely squandered as a vehicle for encouraging roleplay in Dragonrealms. It would be an existential move if someone took it up as a project - to think through everything I have not thought through - to create something really special.

Now it is too exclusive / prohibitive; the PIRP system should be accessible to everyone all the time. How much power (points) each player has to bestow to others can be a function of PIRP popularity - a player rating based on how many points have been bestowed upon them by other players. Some people will mech abuse, but what will they have? Lots of PIRP points to spread positive vibe by reaffirming others' efforts to color the game with their RP? Not such a bad unintended consequence.

New players, indoctrinated by a widespread, commonly used PIRP system would view the game completely differently as they chased PIRP points.

What should the benefit of PIRPs be? What perks that are worth earning (but don'd provide mech abusers with unfair advantages)? That's up to you creative folks.

But the PIRP system should be common, used by all, and should be employed as a tool to drive RP in Dragonrealms. Even badguys would be psychologically more likely to offer better RP.
Re: Fahijeck's definition of metagaming 05/25/2017 02:34 PM CDT

Given how often in various chats you have people saying either "I've got points who wants them" or outright admitting to just passing them between their alts/friends, I think it goes without saying that the system is not functioning as intended.
Re: Fahijeck's definition of metagaming 05/25/2017 04:49 PM CDT

Re: Fahijeck's definition of metagaming 05/25/2017 05:39 PM CDT
