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Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/13/2007 10:54 AM CST
I dont know what my rib app'd for in lirums, but I believe it was 1325 dokars.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 04:27 AM CST
Mine was like 1485 lirums, I think that was like 1360 doks. I don't know if Dulci's comment was serious or sarcastic. I went through like 5 bundles worth of ribs to get one that high, and I only had 1 that appraised like that. So it wasn't like it was some arbitrary, casual pull. I went through all that because I thought the skinning contest was a totally separate contest.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 07:47 AM CST
WTH? That was the app of my rib.


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 07:54 AM CST
Also, just for the record:

>Examining the exchange rates and doing some quick calculations, you figure 1485 Lirums is equivalent to 1856 Kronars or 1339 Dokoras.

>Examining the exchange rates and doing some quick calculations, you figure 1325 Dokoras is equivalent to 1836 Kronars or 1468 Lirums.

I had two ribs that appraised at 1460 lirums and the one I used was 1485 (I don't get how that sounded sarcastic, but whatever). I went through the bundle I had on me at the time, since I ran up to the picnic at the last moment.


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 09:25 AM CST
<<I don't get how that sounded sarcastic, but whatever>>

Just the tone I guess I felt when I read it. I'll explain...

<<Wow. Mine had that exact appraisal. - Dulci>>

This sounded alot like, "Wow, you can do what the rest of us can, good for you." Maybe I read it a little more harsh than it meant to be. But after doing that much work, I thought I had something good, and the "wow" part made it feel a bit cynical. Because I couldn't see you being that excited talking about something you already did. My bad.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 10:13 AM CST
What the heck, Van. I was just surprised that mine was as good as yours.


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 10:42 AM CST
Well the picnic was fun, its about time they got something good going. I didnt stay too long, but that was for other reasons entirely, and I know everyone I talked to had a great time there.

Kudos on pulling off such a fun event for everyone, was great that it was geared for all circles of Rangers. I cant wait till the next one.

(on a side not and unrelated to the actual event) The comment about the skin seemed harmless to me, I dont think she was being sarcastic Vand. I read it as "wow cool we had the same thing" but I digress.

Great job..cant wait for the next.
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/14/2007 11:43 AM CST
I know. As I said, I probably took it the wrong way. Gotta remember the one thing we don't have here is tone of speech. Which can affect alot. Sorry.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/18/2007 10:29 PM CST
Well hows this. The one I used, was the best of 5 skins from 5 minutes before heading to the picnic. :-P

Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/16/2009 08:22 PM CDT
Sept 19 is off due to RL conflicts for both me and Audacia. It was shifted to October 4th, time to be determined.

Currently, we're looking at hosting it in Lang, though it was suggested to use the guildhall in Boar Clan. So give me thoughts on that, so I can design the scavenger hunts around it.

The plan is to host an archery contest, breaking it up by skill range, not by circle. Crossbow users will be in a seperate bracket, giving you the chance to compete twice, if you're a crossbow user AND a bow user. (that rule is subject to change, but thats the current plan. It may change based on participation.)

We're also going to be playing Charades, using the ranger sign system, so brush up on your signs and interpretations. And no, there is no ranger sign for 'Audacia is the best GM ever.' I tried it already.

We're planning on having both a scavenger hunt (similar in design to the race, though only across one province) as well as possibly hosting a relay race (i.e. person one runs to here, gets this, comes back, next person runs gets this, comes back, etc. First team to get all items wins prize.)

I'm going to do my absolute damndest to get a ranger merchant or (even better) a craftsman or alterer. This is your ONE AND ONLY CHANCE to give me input on someone you'd like to see there. Obviously, I have ZERO control over it, but I can throw ideas at Audacia. We have enough time to hopefully plan for someone showing up. So, if there is a specific craftsman you'd like to see (i.e. such as the bow repair guy from last time) this is your ONLY chance to ask about it.

I'm not promising any alterers or craftsman or anything, so don't get your hopes up. I'm merely taking inputs, and going to ask the question if I get some decent input on it.

We'll also be telling stories. I'm not sure if this will be so much a contest as a 'story time' sort of thing, but it's going to happen. So bring your best stories of rangerly prowess, the bygone days of Harome and Tenteth and Dulcinia and Sammee, or just how rangers are far superior to all other guild.

The plan is also to host a guild-wide hunt. Nothing says fun like cramming 40 rangers into a hunting area and starting monstrous spawns. Always makes for a fun night, sorting out who's arrows are who's when all is said and done.

Couple other ideas we're tossing around, but nothing firm yet. Give me some input folks. The picnic's for you guys to enjoy. if there's something you'd like to see, let me know, and I'll see if I can arrange it.

Again, and as always, I can be reached on my play.net email address, on AIM at RangerRantjur, or at home at RangerRantjur@aim.com

Sarkranis: "From outside of the Empath's guild, go east, north, and through the hospital backdoor."
Trinean: "I'm not sure I trust healing through the back door."
Zamara: "It's not so bad, once you get used to it."
Re: Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/16/2009 10:10 PM CDT
Just as a aside, we've also ironed out the basic rules for a sort of 'Rent a date'. A sort of Cabana Boy/Girl auction, proceeds to fund the next event scheduled.

Currently, the only volunteers to be 'sold' are:

Jenealle (yes, THAT Jenealle.)

We're looking for 1 more woman and 2 more guys to volunteer. NO strings attached, no need to perform any sort of devious act (Much to your chagrin, I'm sure, Falk.) The funds will go towards financing the next ranger event(s). And yes, participants will receive a cut of the 'bid'. So volunteer! It's a chance to make some free money!

Everything's being ironed out, slowly, but I do need some input from you guys as to what you'd like to see.

Sarkranis: "From outside of the Empath's guild, go east, north, and through the hospital backdoor."
Trinean: "I'm not sure I trust healing through the back door."
Zamara: "It's not so bad, once you get used to it."
Re: Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/17/2009 10:26 PM CDT
>And no, there is no ranger sign for 'Audacia is the best GM ever.' I tried it already.

Remind me to put a pinecone under your seat next time :-)

I also think we should stick to 2-3 events, and put the rest in the next Ranger get together. I know I can't commit to those kind of hours in October.

All in all, awesome ideas and I can't wait to see them come to fruition! :-)

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Re: Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/19/2009 12:39 AM CDT
I would love to see a head band that has feathers and beads attached that actually shows as being worn on the head like those hair combs that are out there. It would be very cool if one version of these had cam in the beads.

Other than that I'd love to be able to customize my quiver, leathers, shield, bow, weapon belt, skinning knive, carving knife, and sword. Jugglies are always fun, but I'd like some that did not make so much noise when I used them. I'd love some jugglies that are cam. I'd love a jugglie alterer. Herb pouches, fletching kits, leather working kits, and smoking pouches are always fun.

A while back, in the sea caves, there were some lovely leather garments that were designated as being for Kaldar, but I've always thought that if a ranger were making their own clothing it would be something like that. It would be fun to have those and then an alterer.

Patterns for leather working to make more clothing would be nice. Embroiderery patterns are nice. Specialized fletching kits that allow you to cut the feathers in such a way that they are clearly ranger made arrows would be nice, but I'm probably dreaming here.

--There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.--George Carlin
--'Must you fall asleep when I am talking?'..'No, its purely voluntary'..Churchill
Re: Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/25/2009 11:42 AM CDT
Just wanted to make sure you know this is a conflict with the Great Elanthian Jubilee. Couldn't find forum post right away but this is quote from locksmith union page.

"The Locksmith Union has teamed up with The Order of the White Rose and The Tavern Troupe, and with the assistance of the Trader's Consortium, we will be hosting this huge event in October. It will span three days, October 2nd through October 4th, and include many many things to participate in for people of all levels."

Also its the weekend I'm in the Bahamas for work so I don't like the date either. Heh.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Re: Picnic Ideas, thoughts, and ramblings. *PLEASE READ/RESPOND* 08/25/2009 02:55 PM CDT
Alas, due to IRL conflicts for myself and/or Audacia, it's either that weekend, or we're not doing anything until the February/March timeframe, if not later.

The Union's party is set for 3 days. Take a few hours from the party and spend time with your guildmates.

Sarkranis: "From outside of the Empath's guild, go east, north, and through the hospital backdoor."
Trinean: "I'm not sure I trust healing through the back door."
Zamara: "It's not so bad, once you get used to it."
Picnic Reminder! 09/26/2009 02:03 PM CDT
Alright Folks, here's the deal.

The Gathering of the Clans is next Sunday (October 4th.) at 3PM Eastern. We'll be gathering in the Lang Guildhall, and food, fun, drinks, and plenty of games await.

Events to include:

Archery Contest.

This contest is to be run Tournament Style, similar to an NCAA basketball bracket. Any player wishing to participate throws their name into the hat, and will be added at random to the brackets.

Any questions on this can be directed to my AIM at RangerRantjur, my play.net, or to myself or Ranger Scrambles in game. Scrambles will be the official for the Archery Contest.


Brush up on your ranger signs and their meanings, and have a little fun trying to stump your friends. Players will be given signs to interpret for points, and the top scorers will move on until we have a singlular ranger sign champion. Be mindful, as any sort of cheating (up to an including but not limited to- Beseeching a rock, flipping to another window with a complete list, etc) will be dealt with severely. This event will be run by Ranger Seei, and any questions, comments or concerns can be directed to him in game, or to me via my play.net, or my AIM at RangerRantjur.


Grab a brew and sit by the fire, as we enjoy tales of rangerly prowess, poetry, or anything else that strikes your fancy. This will be graded as a singular category (unless we have a large number of poetry entries, and large number of stories, etc, and then I'll split it up.) Winners will be decided on creativity, rangerlyness, and anything else I decide makes a good story. Rumor has it they'll be receiving an alteration voucher.

Any issues can be directed me, or if you're terribly intrepid, Audacia probably has the answers.

I really hope to see alot of you there. This will be the final ranger event for this year, and I'm already in progress working on the next event.

And please, if you have ideas for games, events, etc, feel free to let me know.

No Ranger Stands Alone.

Picnic reminder! 09/26/2009 07:11 PM CDT
Sounds great but.....reconsider using Boar Clan? I don't think many rangers even know it exists and it's a cool place and won't have a lot other guilds running around hinding our running around. I'm not anti other guild...just this is a chance for our guild to shine.

Besides alters for leathers...I would love to be able to purchace makers tags for self made bows and leather products or purchase the ability to make them. I don't imagine a big deal here...sort of wax labels without the wax and maybe in leather?

Another contest might be "who can track their wolf the best or farthest!"

And oh....I been away...Dulcinia left?????

Zinaca and her wolf Lucky who is sooo excited to go and meet other wolfs and scare the coons silly : D
Re: Picnic reminder! 09/26/2009 07:21 PM CDT
I have actually considered boar clan.

The final decision will be made in a few days, I think, as to whether we're using boar clan or Lang. Alot of folks leaning towards boar clan. So we'll see.

No Ranger Stands Alone.

Re: Picnic reminder! 09/27/2009 12:41 AM CDT
>I have actually considered boar clan.

Home sweet home. =)
Re: Picnic reminder! 09/27/2009 11:27 AM CDT
>>I have actually considered boar clan.

Where's the archery range in Boar Clan?
Re: Picnic reminder! 09/27/2009 11:54 AM CDT
It's in the ranger guild, near the guildleader.
Re: Picnic reminder! 09/30/2009 10:46 PM CDT
<<It's in the ranger guild, near the guildleader.>>

Er no...it's outside the door behind the guild leader. He has a nice safe wall to protect him from ah...the archery impaired. Paglar's brave but I don't think he is the arrow dodging type.

Now me.....heh

Zinaca and her wolf Lucky
Ranger Picnic 10/04/2009 04:31 PM CDT
To all of you who attended, thank you so much for making this a wonderful day.

Congratulations to Falkonis, Taljin, and Lhun for winning the archery contest.

Congratulations to Telrenth,Ishimmer, and Taljin for winning the Charades competition.

And the Craftsman Darrix-Alteration vouchers, for storytelling, went to:

Lhun, for a fantastic tale of rangerly deeds.

Saracus, for a tale of what a ranger really is.

Falkonis, for his tale of an Elven ranger with a bow.

Thank you all for coming to the party, and I do hope you had a good time.

~Ranger Rantjur Uzim, Emerald Knight, Commander, Ilithi Infantry (Retired.)

No Ranger Stands Alone.

Re: Ranger Picnic 10/05/2009 12:14 AM CDT
Thanks to everyone who helped put on this event (especially Rantjur). The other two stories were really great, and it was interesting to try and guess the signs. I need to train that longbow of mine a bit more ...

- Saracus
Re: Ranger Picnic 10/05/2009 06:10 PM CDT
I had a blast at the picnic - and would have even if I didnt end up doing well at things. Thanks for putting it together Rantjur, thanks everyone that chipped in, Audacia, Seei, Darix and anyone I might be missing. And thanks also to everyone that showed up.

Re: Ranger Picnic 10/07/2009 08:59 PM CDT
Anyone have a log of stories? I'm still out of country for work and didn't have a chance to log on for the gathering. Boo.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Re: Ranger Picnic 10/08/2009 01:30 AM CDT
I logged the stories, of course mine will be from a first person perspective. Cleaned up a bit too for clarity sake. Below are the three winners (and the only three entries). All three worthy of a prize for sure, but not enough folks put stories together for a true competition I guess. Enjoy.

Lhun - first place:

You say, "Tonight I have for you gathered here a collection of stories and tales."
You say, "They have been gathered in poetic verse, but for those of you opposed to song - there will be pictures."
You say, "But first, a good story needs an old cigar."
You say, "At least my grandpap says so."
You get a Pantel spice cigar from inside your bone-colored cloak.
(lights cigar)
You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You sing:

"All Rangers here, lend me Yer ears - and stories we'll pass all around.
So light Yer cigar, I've tales from afar - Settle yerself on the ground.
Some could be true, but I can't recall - Others for sure might have been.
One tale I'm told there's a witness or two, but ne'er was he heard from again."

You exhale an oddly shaped smoke ring. Cigar smoke with a curious blend of spice, nutmeg and chocolate drifts through the air.

You nibble on a burning Pantel spice cigar thoughtfully.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

An oddly shaped smoke ring fades away into the breeze.

You mischievously sing:

"There once was a Ranger,
Who, despite all the dangers,
Had a habit of wearin' no clothes."

You discharge a rivulet of smoke which becomes a semblance of a person wrapped in a small towel.

You squint at an image of a person wearing a tiny towel.

You arch your eyebrow.

You wave at an image of a person wearing a tiny towel, causing it to dissipate.

You chuckle.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You playfully sing:

" He'd race about town,
And my how'd they frown.
Whene'er he'd go out exposed!"

You breathe out some smoke that grows into a hazy shape of a woman holding a limp piece of rope.

You mischievously exclaim, "Careful with that rope lassy, its just a Nekkid Ranger Race!"

You blow a kiss at a smoke image of a girl holding a limp rope.

You try to touch a smoke image of a girl holding a limp rope, but only end up destroying its

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You glance at a burning Pantel spice cigar and grin.

You wistfully sing:

"Remember the time,
When that friend ya' cant find,
Went alone on a quest out to sea?"

You blow out some smoke which looks exactly like a small boat with a deformed triangular sail.

You glance at a smoke image of a small boat.

You wave at a smoke image of a small boat, causing it to dissipate.

You matter-of-factly exclaim, "Rangers are not entirely drown-proof... Always ask your local moon mage about weather conditions!"

You give a slight nod.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You matter-of-factly sing:

"His ship enter'd the waves,
Sailing straight for the grave,
Some Rangers jus' cant let things be!"

You exhale a cloud of smoke that changes into an image of a rounded gravestone.

You stand near an image of a rounded gravestone.

You try to lean against an image of a rounded gravestone, but end up falling through it, destroying it in the process.

You rise to your feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

You dust yourself off.

You sing:

"You've now heard a few, and here's what I'll do - 'cause not once have I seen a frown.
Light Yer cigar, I've more tales from afar - Settle yerself on the ground.
Some could be true, but I can't recall - Others for sure might have been.
One tale I'm told there's a witness or two, but ne'er was he heard from again."

You nod emphatically.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You turn a burning Pantel spice cigar in the light, admiring it.

You wryly sing:

"All 'round the town,
This beast can be found,
And fish be its fav'rit food. "

You discharge a cloud of smoke, which turns into a depiction of a stiffly standing kitten.

You glance at a smoke image of a stiff kitten and grin.

You try to pet a smoke image of a stiff kitten, but only end up destroying its fragile composition.

You say, "Looks cute from a distance. But don't make him your companion..."

You narrow your eyes.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You smugly sing:

"And ever'where he sat,
That smelly old cat,
A fish-head all rotted, half-chewed!"

You puff out a cloud of smoke which becomes an image of a swimming fish.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You sniff at the fish.

You grimace.

You try to push an image of a swimming fish, but only end up destroying its fragile composition.

You say, "Here's a lesson for you hunters."

You hesitantly sing:

"If one met a Dragon,
I think ya should stab 'im,
Right on tha tip of the nose"

You tap your nose.

You spew out some smoke, which changes into an image that resembles something not quite unlike a prone form of a dragon.

You jump back from an image of prone dragon!

You smile nervously, daring a glance in the direction of the dragon.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You dryly sing:

"'Cause then when ya run,
An' he's roastin' Yer buns,
He can't sniff out his cowardly foes!"

You puff out a few little balls of smoke. Cigar smoke with a curious blend of spice, nutmeg and chocolate drifts through the air.

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Some little balls of smoke fades away into the breeze.

You sing:

"I've still a few more, If ya don't find me a bore - I'd suggest that you stick around.
Light Yer cigar, I've more tales from afar - Settle yerself on the ground.
Some could be true, but I can't recall - Others for sure might have been.
One tale I'm told there's a witness or two, but ne'er was he heard from again."

You flick some ashes from the end of your Pantel spice cigar.

You tinker with your Pantel spice cigar.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You smile cheerfully, eyes aglow as the tobacco embers flare to life.

You mischievously sing:

"I should tell ya the story,
'Bout young love in glory.
It's moral all Rangers should know."

You puff out some smoke that becomes an image of a pixie with a large misshapen wing.

You wink and flash a sly grin.

You try to hug a smokey image of a misshapen pixie, but only end up destroying its fragile composition.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You hesitantly sing:

"If Yer mate likes the birds,
And sweet songs she has heard,
You'd be best not to tame her a crow!"

You blow out some smoke that turns into the image of a mangled, sorry excuse for a bird.

You laugh at a mangled image of a bird!

>kick bird
Now what did the bird ever do to you?

A mangled image of a bird fades away into the breeze.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You playfully sing:

"Its not often the case,
In any Ranger race,
That a halfling be first out the gate."

A light haze of smoke wafts off your Pantel spice cigar.

You discharge a line of smoke that gathers to form the image of an armor-clad Halfling.

You quietly ask, "Can't run too fast with those little legs, ya know?"

You give a slight nod.

You pretend the armor-clad Halfling doesn't exist.

You wave at an image of an armor clad halfling, causing it to dissipate.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You matter-of-factly sing:

"But when given a horse,
They are fastest of course,
'For that horse has the lightest of weight!!"

You puff out a line of smoke which grows into the shape of a horse with a tiny rider.

You snicker.

You gaze at a smoke image of a horse with a tiny rider.

You pat a smoke image of a horse with a tiny rider.

You exclaim, "Ride along now little horsey, before one of these Rangers catches ya!"

You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.

A smoke image of a horse with a tiny rider fades away into the breeze.

You take a long drag off of a burning Pantel spice cigar.

You sing:

"And here I must end, as my tobacco grows thin - And I hope to my tales ya were bound.
We smoked our cigars, and heard tales from afar - Here on Rangerly ground.
Some could be true, but I can't recall - Others for sure might have been.
One tale I'm told there's a witness or two, but ne'er was he heard from again."

You allow a line of smoke to rise from your mouth. Cigar smoke with a curious blend of spice, nutmeg and chocolate drifts through the air.

You snuff out the Pantel spice cigar.

You bow.

Falkonis - second place:

Falkonis recites:

"This a story in Poem form called "An Elven Ranger's Fading". It's about an old Elf that was going to walk what elves call the Fading Path."

Falkonis chants:

"Ol'asdirt, a ranger Elven, walked his chosen path
No joy of living, lust for life or pride in ranger craft
Forest sounds, forest sights, all passed in green limmed light
His only wish, a fading, taken as his right"

Falkonis chants:

"He hid, he stalked and climbed, all with practiced ease
Honed and sharp his ranger skills, Falkios his god to please
His god would know, would understand the lack of spoken word
These actions would bear witness, they would be seen not heard"

Falkonis chants:

"With natural stealth, by riverside, a dappled glade he found
Espying there a creature, standing proud upon the ground
The lustre of its fur, made him catch his breath
His fading would now be complete, with this svelt creature's death"

Falkonis chants:

"But Elven sight, sharp as frost, found something out of place
The creature's hair, upon its head, wore braids of style and grace
Intelligence, he realised, still hidden, clothed in shade
He'd follow, stalk the creature now, find what home it made"

Falkonis chants:

"The creature quickly scanned the glade, and the river's bank
And on one knee, quite cautiously, it dipped its head and drank
The water cleaved and in the space that just one breath would take
The creature's form was wrapped, ensnared, a deadly jrendelsnake"

Falkonis sings:

"Ol'asdirt raised his bow and shot, all without a thought
Praying he would help the life, the jrendelsnake now sought
Straight and true the arrows flight found its target's skin
And for a second loosed the coils the soul had been wrapped in"

Falkonis sings:

"A heartbeat more, the snake spat out a venomed sticky spew
Enveloping the creature's form, it's aim had been so true
Ol'asdirt fired again, this arrow it would tell
The snake died fast, but its victim's form, into the river fell"

Falkonis sings:

"The ranger rushed to rivers's edge and seeing falls ahead
Dropped his bow and grabbing rope, along the bank he sped
A tree with overhanging bough he spys, he raced, began to climb
He'd save the creature if he could, if only he had time"

Falkonis sings:

"Gaining tree and reaching bough he tied the rope thereto
His ankle took the second turn, it was all that he could do
He dove, he swam, the river's current he now fought
And just before the roaring falls, the creature's shoulder caught"

Falkonis sings:

"But under strain the rope payed out, his knot had proved untrue
And so the pair were swept along, the danger grew and grew
But finally o'er the falls, the rope, at last, went taut
And gripping tight this slender thread, again the current fought"

Falkonis sings:

"Finding strength and using skills that rangers do possess
He dragged the body as he climbed, the branch would mean success
He beat the falls and reaching up grasped the saving bough
One more effort, one more climb, that would save them now"

Falkonis sings:

"Success!! they reach the river bank, too spent for conversation
But on awakening the ranger finds, he's under observation
Who are you? what are you? how come you to this place?
The creature preens, Challin's the name, Prydean is the race"

Falkonis sings:

"And when the pair had learned of each and gone their seperate ways
Ol'asdirt's mind turned to life and to future days
Maybe, he thought, i've been too quick to walk my fading path
Still much to learn, he quipped, embracing life with a laugh"

Saracus - third place:

Saracus softly says, "This was told to be by another ranger, I do not recall whom."
Saracus softly sings:

"Awake with the dawn, cold and bleak
The sun shines dimly through clouds mine eyes seek.
Alone with myself, alone must I roam.
The mission I've been given finds me far from home."

Saracus firmly sings:

"For to us they come, always in force.
To me falls the duty of watching their course.
Alone with myself, alone must I be.
The knowledge of so many, counting on me."

Saracus sternly sings:

"My path lies ever distant, winding trails through forested lands.
Knowing all along, their lives in my hands.
Alone with myself, alone with the wood,
Through lands primeval, where time has stood."

Saracus patiently sings:

"Mountains to the heavens, cavern's 'neath the earth,
My path is a lonely one, yet I know its worth.
O'er rocks, barrens, and far stretching plains,
Onward I press, my charge remains.
For a charge I've been given. An oath I did take."

Saracus sadly sings:

"All through the day, and all through the night,
Far distant catching glimpses of flickering light.
Counting now... watchfires, ten score or more,
The lands of my birth know not what's in store."

Saracus darkly sings:

"Alone with myself, alone have I seen,
The camp of the enemy, forming plans unclean.
Dark their intent, vile is their mind,
So many 'gainst so few, they think our lives timed."

Saracus matter-of-factly sings:

"Report now I've done, told what I've seen.
Plans of defence made from minds keen.
All along ramparts and gates they post,
All manner of people, though fighters most."

Saracus firmly sings:

"With strong hearts placed here, iron wills placed there,
Distrust of each other gone, we lay our hearts bare.
Alone with myself, but alone no longer,
I stand with my brethren, together always stronger.
For we are Rangers, silent as death."

Saracus bows.
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