Re: Picnic Winners 06/29/2003 06:51 PM CDT
>Ummm... Kivian won the charades... boy... I'm going back to bed.

Yeah, and she was cheating, too! She had outside help! I was robbed, I tell you! Robbed!


Come to the Pack House!

Re: Picnic Winners 06/29/2003 06:57 PM CDT
Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system (what kind of freak can guess Cabana Boy during Charades?)...

Had a blast at the Picnic. Thank God I'm on the West Coast, though.

I also wanted to say that the way Charades was run last night (and not just because I got second) was probably the best it's been since the first Picnic I went to (which I think was the first Mentor sponsored Lirisa Picnic ever, with the oak compasses). We actually had to think about it instead of just plugging sign messages into a search engine. And Seei did a great job.

Thanks, Mentors.


Come to the Pack House!

Re: Picnic Winners 06/29/2003 07:57 PM CDT
>And Seei did a great job.

And he did that on the fly, had NO idea what word he was going to have to do, till a few seconds before you all saw him attempt to do it.

I think that is just outstanding myself

::applauds Seei::

Be well



How do I set a laser printer to stun?

Re: Picnic Winners 06/30/2003 12:42 PM CDT
<<<(what kind of freak can guess Cabana Boy during Charades?)...>>>

Even worse what kind of freak can figure out how to give the clues for Cabana Boy? ... Um that would be me



I am glad you all had a good time.. I had a blast .. anyone know how to get this leather lotion out of my hair?
Re: Picnic Winners 06/30/2003 05:31 PM CDT
>anyone know how to get this leather lotion out of my hair?<

Give it a few hours, look at it, check to see if it's done, mark a pattern, snip, sew, repeat.

Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
Kywolf the AntiPicnic (not by choice!) 07/06/2003 07:53 AM CDT
ARG! I missed it... AGAIN!! I'm fated to never actually attend a Lirisa Picnic. ::grunts and stomps around:: I was even off work too.. but I only read boards while at work, so wasn't reading any reminders. I'm sucha bad ranga.

Lirisa Picnic - In the planning stages 06/18/2007 03:23 PM CDT
I am currently in the planning stages of a Lirisa Picnic. For those of you that have never been to one and might wonder what it is, it is a gathering of rangers from all over Elanthia in Langenfirth.

I have several competition ideas and would like to solicit those older rangers that have been to one or more of the picnics for any rules you might remember. Currently, the list of competitions are Nekkid Ranger Race, Archery, Storytelling, Skinning and Tanning, and Scavenger Hunt.

The date is currently TBA until I iron out some of the prizes and other details. Please email me via my account if you remember past picnics.




"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Lirisa Picnic Planned 10/16/2007 03:28 PM CDT
May I direct your attention to the calendar, November 3. Details to be posted in the coming days.


"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Planned 10/16/2007 06:18 PM CDT
HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!! a long time coming and i'm sure will be worth the wait. big ups to the ranger mentors, oh and the rest of you as well ;) any chance to include a nekid ranger race?
Re: Lirisa Picnic Planned 10/16/2007 07:23 PM CDT
In the interest of time and resources, I've taken the Nekkid Ranger Race out of the Lirisa Picnic agenda, but will be submitting it as a separate event sooner than soon.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Planned 10/17/2007 08:59 AM CDT
Cool, again nice work mentors, you guys have been having some great events as of late.
Re: Lirisa Picnic Planned 10/17/2007 09:42 AM CDT
Can I still be naked for the other events?

Lirisa Picnic, 11/3/07 10/29/2007 10:48 AM CDT
It's getting close and a long time coming! The upcoming Lirisa Picnic to be held in Langenfirth, 11/3/07. Events will start at 6:00 pm EST. Here's a tentative schedule, that will remain fluid depending on just how many rangers actually find Lang to participate.


6:00 - 6:30 pm Greeting and socializing - Langenfirth, Town Hall

6:30 - 7:30 pm Tall Tales Told Truly - Telgar Inn

7:00 - 8:30 pm Skinning and Tanning Contest - Shalan's Peltry

7:30 - 8:30 pm Scavenger Hunt - Langenfirth Ranger Guild

7:00 - 9:00 pm Preliminary Rounds Archery Tournament - Therenborough Archery Fields

9:00 - 10:00 pm Finals Archery Tournament - Therenborough Archery Fields

I'll be posting contest descriptions and rules later today. Any questions can be directed to my email, this board, or find me in game.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/29/2007 09:52 PM CDT
Here's some info on the various contests to be held during the Lirisa Picnic.

*Tall Tales Told Truly (Story Telling Contest)*

Tell your best tall tale in 10 minutes or less. Points will be deducted for each minute over 10.

*Scavenger Hunt*

Eight items will need to be retrieved during this mad dash through Therengia. Clues will be given as to the location of the items. One hour time limit, points awared on number of items gathered and order of return. Are you up to the challenge?

*Skinning and Tanning*

A two-fold contest, you will show off a trophy skinnable and also construct an item from supplies provided. There will be three tiers for this competition; Circle 1-40, 41-80, 81 and above.

For the skinning portion of the competition, you will need to bring with you to the picnic a trophy to be judged. Choose from the following list:

*Circle 1-40*

rat, frog, goblin, antelope, jackal, cougar, black bear, Haven ram, blood wolf, snowbeast, serpent, silver leucro, crocodile, snow goblin, shaggy barghest, small peccary, heggarangi boar, la?tami, frostweyr bear, gargoyle

*Circle 41-80*

black leucro, river boa, lesser shadow hound, red leucro, clouded arzumos, caracal, viscious warcats, golden pard, blight ogre, nightstalker unyn, nightreaver unyn, lanky grey lache, young forest gryphon, giant blade spider, dobek moryun, elsralaels, long fanged warcats, scavenger troll, hulking barghest, azure merrow

*Circle 80 and above*

adan?f blood warrior, adan?f shadow mage, marbled angiswaerd, sleek hele?la, dolomars, muscular firecats, bristle-back peccary, saber-toothed warcats, germish?din, shadow beast, cinder beast, celpeze, basilisk, seordmaors, polo?izh, armadillo

Points will be awarded based on quality of the trophy.

The tanning portion will involve crafting an item from materials provided by your event crew. Already tanned hides and pelts will be provided along with patterns and other necessities to craft an item.

Points will be awarded based on quality of the item.

*Archery Tournament*

Stick bow or crossbow allowed. You may only participate in one category.

Tiers as follows:

Circle 1-20
Circle 21-40
Circle 41-60
Circle 61-80
Circle 81-100
Circle 101+

Flites of 3 archers will shoot, archer with the highest score moving on. The three archers in each circle tier will compete in the finals to determine first, second and third place. Your event team will provide color-coded arrows or bolts to be used. Points to be awarded depending on target ring hit.

Any questions, find me, Pfanston, or Hanryu IG or direct them to this board or my email address.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/30/2007 08:49 PM CDT
No malachata in the 81+ range?

Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/30/2007 10:25 PM CDT
I was told they weren't skinnable, however, I'll accept a trophy from malchata.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/31/2007 10:08 AM CDT
I could swear you could get ribs from Malchata...


But yes, not many can actually hunt them, let alone skin them.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/31/2007 11:22 AM CDT
Malchata are very easy to web, very easy to kill with ranged, and very easy to skin perfectly with arrange. The only difficult thing about them is if they hit you.
Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 10/31/2007 04:20 PM CDT
How will you be assessing the quality of the trophy? Appraisal value?


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Lirisa Picnic in Lang 11/01/2007 10:44 AM CDT
The date of the Lirisa Picnic in Lang is fast approaching. Here's the link to the events that will happen during the picnic. Hope to see you all there!



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Contests 11/02/2007 01:08 PM CDT
<<How will you be assessing the quality of the trophy? Appraisal value?

Parts and appraisal of the item will contribute to the assessment.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/04/2007 09:46 AM CST
I just wanted to post a big huge thank you to everyone who helped me out last night. I received a number of very nice comments and I think the event was a success.

Thank you to my mentor brothers and sisters (in no particular order), Hanryu, Pfanston, Seei, Leucius, Worrclan, Chabelle, Juason, Janora, Barola and Wyndz.

And when you see them, please thank my non-mentor friends who offered their time when I was panicking; Ryalle, Mordibar, Mazrian, and Shianalee.

Last but certainly not least, my thanks to Maece and Eleara for the wonderful prizes and help getting the picnic off the ground.

The picnic wouldn't have happened with all of your help. My thanks!



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/04/2007 07:49 PM CST
Thanks for a fun time and for all your hard work. And the prize!


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/05/2007 08:56 AM CST

I also wanted to thank all of the mentors for pull the Picnic off so well, the gift, and good times. And a thats to everyone that showed up as well.

I also wanted to apologize for zoning out and finally leaving without saying much. My dad took me by supprise, by walking in with 3 pheasants. Not a big deal normally, but he had a cataract removed 10 days ago. He was whining about missing hunting season, so I sent him off with my old single shot .410. That will teach me, you'd think I wouldn't under estimate the old fart by now. ;)

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/05/2007 09:14 AM CST
Cool. You dad's a Ranger too!


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/06/2007 09:31 AM CST
Niles and I would like to thank you, Valynn, and all the Mentors for such a great event. I hate that more people didn't show for such a well-organized, fun evening. Kudos to the poet for the scavenger hunt riddles. More kudos to Maz and Han for a well-run archery tournament. Being able to yell at the contestants from the peanut gallery is priceless.

The gifts were excellent-- who doesn't need a new rangerly camb? Not enough of those out there. Love the map case -- I'm cramming all my gazillion horse vouchers in it! (Notice hidden plea to make transferring ownership easier and more convenient to the source of the horse flesh.)

Looking forward to the Nekkid Race.
Keep up the good work, Mentors!

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/06/2007 10:07 AM CST
Yep yep, most 4 and a half hours of fun i've spent in game since the cursed quest I'd say. thanks for all your hard work, great prizes and riddles. probably the most well run event i've been to in.... maybe ever. especially considering the number of things happening and the logistics to keep them moving along. ranger mentors you do a fine job, makes being a ranger fun still.
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/06/2007 01:08 PM CST
It was alot of fun, and a good chance to socialize with some of these reclusive rangers. The gifts and prizes were awesome.

I just wish I'd have known the skinning contest and tanning contests were linked. Heh, I had an absolutely fabulous skin. I was quite proud of it. I should make Pfanston give it back.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/06/2007 01:58 PM CST
So glad this event got off, and really sad I missed it, but hopefully next year. Been out of town with work and wasn't able to catch it. Hope you guys had a blast!


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a small star ruby.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/06/2007 04:53 PM CST
I got my skin back. How did yours app, Vandyman?

Also, who won archery?


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/06/2007 11:44 PM CST
Glad you asked, Dulcinia! Here are the winners.

Tall Tale Winners

First Place: Matthaus
Second Place: Shawntelle
Third Place: Rainea

Scavenger Hunt Winners

First place: Nilerbone and Caelfind
Second place: Shinmuo and Isoe
Third place: Pythia and Rainea

Archery Winners

Circle 21-40
First place: Shawntelle
Second place: Matthaus

Circl 41-60
First place: Maulem
Second place:Ilauron
Third place: Johnny

Circle 61-80
First place: Shinumo
Second place: Nilerbone
Third place: Tormosk

Circle 81-100
First place: Valashay

Circle 100+
First place: Vandyl
Second place: Falkonis

Skinning/Tanning contest winners

Tier 1
First place: Shawntelle
Second place: Matthaus

Tier 2
First place: Illauron
Second place: Shinumo
Third place: Zephyria

Tier 3
First place: Dulcinia
Second place: Falkonis
Third place: Isoe


"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/07/2007 10:20 AM CST
<<<Circle 81-100
First place: Valashay>>>

Really? I sat there for 2 hours waiting for this bracket to come up, and whwen it did, I was told there was no other people in this group. I was then asked if I wanted to compete in the 101 and over, I said yes, and then was never called.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/07/2007 01:55 PM CST
My apologies. I can look into what happened and make note of it for future events. In the interest of time, I ran events back to back and on top of each other, so I was unable to monitor each event personally and relied on my team of volunteers to make sure things went well.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/07/2007 03:32 PM CST
No worries Valynn. I was told I won the bracket by default since there was no other competition in the circle bracket. I would have gladly competed against Valashay in the 81-100 bracket or Falkonis and Vandyl in the 101 + bracket. I think the archery tournament was very well done. I enjoyed watching everyone compete, and the occasional "hey watch where you're shooting that thing!" to the folks that missed the target. And there whos bolt went astray and "speared a bluejay."

I wish I had remembered and woken up sooner, as I would have liked to attend some of the other events. Hopefully, next one.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/07/2007 04:15 PM CST
Hey! No spearing of bluejays!


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/09/2007 10:41 PM CST
Although I lost the archery contest, I must say, I did enjoy the fact that there was a randomness to it. I mean the range I hit in the green (instead of a bullseye) was funny, considering Van and I were still hitting bullseyes when we pushed the target further out, after the event was over.

Randomness does make things a bit more interesting and fun.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/11/2007 06:54 AM CST
<<I got my skin back. How did yours app, Vandyman?>>

I turned in a malchata rib that appraised 1485 lirums. That was my best one at least.

Unfortunately I didn't know it was linked to the Tanning contest, which I didn't really attempt to contend in. I just wanted to turn in a remarkable trophy.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/11/2007 07:03 AM CST
<<No worries Valynn. I was told I won the bracket by default since there was no other competition in the circle bracket.>>

I remember hearing someone mention this too.

<<Randomness does make things a bit more interesting and fun.>>

I don't know if it's complete randomness or not. But I'm more of a fan of the idea of larger range of potential accuracy, than more true randomness. One that expands as targets get further, and narrows as they get closer, but always calculated based on stat/skills. Kind of like creatures, sometimes you don't always apoc the things you'd expect to, and vice versa, sometimes you do on things you usually don't. It's just that in combat, there is so much more to factor that makes the range very expansive(stuns, encumberance, fatigue, balance, etc...).

Re: Lirisa Picnic Events Results 11/11/2007 07:07 AM CST
<<Third place: Isoe>>

Big Isoe in the third tier bracket with all the other fossilized rangers. She's been working hard at this stuff.

Congradulations to everyone though.

Re: Lirisa Picnic Thanks 11/11/2007 07:46 AM CST
>>>I turned in a malchata rib that appraised 1485 lirums. That was my best one at least.

Wow. Mine had that exact appraisal.


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin