Ranger Ideas - Suggestions For Improvement
Ranger Ideas - Suggestions For Improvement
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Horses, yeah horses. Go run screaming now.
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created by - PURHEART
Ranger Trails & Nature Modifier
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created by - KDAKKARD
PACE expansion to reflect terrain
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Allow guests in the Ranger Housing area by Leth
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created by - KNGOSLOPES
Poaching with spears
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created by - MCCONVILLEW
A change of philosophy regarding the ranger trail system
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created by - MCCONVILLEW
Something equivalent to thief eliminate ability for rangers
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created by - MCCONVILLEW
Remove the stick bow accuracy penalty for rangers wearing a medium shield
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created by - MCCONVILLEW
Scouting Attack
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created by - SORTIK
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created by - LESLIEC
Ranger Only Housing needed
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created by - SSTOJIC2
Ranger bonus
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created by - SSTOJIC2
Awaken Forest - Teach TM
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created by - SORTIK
Grizzly Claws - AOE TM
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created by - SORTIK
Companion Slates
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created by - LOAFSHAPED
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created by - C0UGAR
Guild Registers
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created by - CAPTJACK
winter firepit and benches
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created by - CLAYSW7
Ranger Guild improvements
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created by - VALIRIC
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created by - TSCHO2
A Few Ideas
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created by - LESLIEC
My thoughts
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created by - CAPTJACK
Ranger Signature Attack
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created by - TSCHO2
Ranger Spell
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created by - LHIND
Horse Deed Books?
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created by - PURHEART
Trail to Citadel
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created by - SORTIK
Plague of Scavengers and Carrion Call
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created by - SORTIK
First Aid and infection
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created by - ACKMON
Running Trails and Athletics
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created by - WILLOWS
Ranger Register Reset
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created by - SOULBURNER
Guild registers
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created by - CURTISJ32
Please remove permadeath from companions.
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created by - LOUTUSFLOWER
Oath of the Firstborn
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created by - SORTIK
Beseech Elanthia to Transfer
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created by - SORTIK
Ranger Calls
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created by - REIDTRAVEL
Free to Play : Corik's Wall
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created by - NAVESIBROTHER
Constructive Suggestions
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created by - NASTY8
New Ranger SIGNALs Drive
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created by - DR-NAOHHI
Ranger Dev Wishlists
- (71 replies)
created by - DR-NAOHHI
Re: Ranger Dev Wishlists
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created by - CHOLLAR
New Thread
Ranger Ideas - Suggestions For Improvement