Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 06:56 PM CST
>I'm uncertain if we'll do it (we probably won't), but the idea was to make it so Necromancers must practice Thanatology on a member of the Eleven Races for every rank of Thanatology. It could be a lout for all I care, just the requirement that the Necromancer "bring his knowledge home" by murdering and desecrating a man.

Could do quests required for circling where the necromancer has to do a lab practical to show their progress in the arts.

Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 06:58 PM CST
"Could do quests required for circling where the necromancer has to do a lab practical to show their progress in the arts."

Coding heavy yes

but I love this idea.


"We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves"
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:01 PM CST
It could just be as simple as fluff messaging with Zamidren asking you to step over here and demonstrate your abilities on this hobo strapped to the table.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:03 PM CST
I don't consider my character evil or deranged.. yet..

He's self-centred and easily led and frankly a bit of a coward, the only reason he went to the monk, is because he was infatuated with a young necro (not that he knew she was), who suggested that before he join a guild, he should work for the monks to gain some coin.

He only joined because he was scared of what would happen to him if he didn't.

He's lost and confused and doesn't know where to turn for help. What effect this will have on him is yet to be seen.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:09 PM CST
So, I read the thing that happens to you after you join. This is the only line that makes a necronewb "crazy" as far as I can tell.

"Sanity threatens to abandon you as your perceptions are opened to the horrors that taunt the imagination but remain always hidden from natural sight."

So it only threatened to abandon, it's possible a person of strong will might come out of it sane. As far as I can tell this makes them about as sociopathic as a trapper.

Elemental Lord Opieus, Expert Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:10 PM CST
Shockingly, different people may respond to the same experience in different ways.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:12 PM CST
>suggested that before he join a guild, he should work for the monks to gain some coin

I thought this would be really fun to do to newbs.

Elemental Lord Opieus, Expert Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:22 PM CST
>The fact that people choose to hunt louts, swains, thugs etc. (and arguably goblins or orcs, depending on how far you want to take it) simply indicates that people either do not fully understand what their character is doing

I'll be honest, I didn't understand what the heck a swain was for a long time, OoCly.

Having said that, I will shamelessly use the self-defense (or defense of others) argument if anyone tries to accuse my character of being a sociopath for popping a few louts right in front of the guild.

Anything 'wild' is fair game IMO, and that includes intelligent things that also attack "us" occasionally like goblins, orcs and dragon priests.

It shouldn't be MUCH different for any somewhat rational Necro to make pretty much the same distinction. It shouldn't be more morally wrong to kill a wolf to study life than to steal his skin.

~ Kougen

Moon Mages: Ripping reality a new one since 586 BL
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:42 PM CST
>>I'm uncertain if we'll do it (we probably won't), but the idea was to make it so Necromancers must practice Thanatology on a member of the Eleven Races for every rank of Thanatology. It could be a lout for all I care, just the requirement that the Necromancer "bring his knowledge home" by murdering and desecrating a man.

I would be all for this, but honestly the creature ladder is hard to fill out with just humanoids. Also tough to train skinning well enough on them, although we could just double hunt to take care of both I suppose.

"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? " ~ Edgar Allen Poe
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 07:54 PM CST
>I'm uncertain if we'll do it (we probably won't), but the idea was to make it so Necromancers must practice Thanatology on a member of the Eleven Races for every rank of Thanatology. It could be a lout for all I care, just the requirement that the Necromancer "bring his knowledge home" by murdering and desecrating a man.

I'll just hide outside the Tender Foot Inn and get them as they come out.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 08:22 PM CST
My Barb doesn't kill any form of boar/pig or wolverines because they are sacred to Everild's various aspects (centaurs aren't in-game in the form of huntable critters, but if they were they would also be excluded).

Goblins and orcs, etc? They are intelligent, but they are also openly hostile against the races with which he is aligned, and they will attack without hesitation or question if he is perceived as being inside their territory.

He waits for them to advance first (unless he is berserking), but remorse? If they are willing to attack every single time without even trying diplomacy, a practical mindset prevents him from losing sleep at night even knowing he has been the singular source of a goblin genocide. War does not beget a merciful mindset; if they were strong enough, they would slaughter all his friends and family without hesitation as endless invasions demonstrate. They deserve no better.

"I hate you so much right now." -GM Armifer
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 08:33 PM CST
Honestly, with regards to why killing goblins and orcs is okay, I'm willing to just suspend my disbelief in the fantasy because any attempts to rationalize it treads dangerously close to bringing out the reasons used in real life history that led to all sorts of ethnic conflicts.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 09:24 PM CST
<<As Armifer points out, an ethical Warrior Mage (or Moon Mage, or Barbarian, or what-have-you) can go their entire career without killing anything more intelligent or sentient than a pig or a wolf, which is generally considered acceptable even IRL.>>

err. so how does this make the barb or WM different from a necromancer who spends their career killing rats, hogs, leucros, peccaries... etc? or less moral than a thief who kills bipedals for their boxes?

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 09:35 PM CST
<<I'm uncertain if we'll do it (we probably won't), but the idea was to make it so Necromancers must practice Thanatology on a member of the Eleven Races for every rank of Thanatology. It could be a lout for all I care, just the requirement that the Necromancer "bring his knowledge home" by murdering and desecrating a man.>>

won't this be part of some sort of quest? <risen? lichdom??> at least that is what i hypothesized from that MM vision that saw someone killing someone else that was on a table of their same gander and race when they were asked "the question is is she worth your life? or somesuch? Or was this something different?

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 09:50 PM CST
Necros kill for science.
Caelumia kills for science.

Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 09:51 PM CST
If someone didn't die the test clearly wasn't good enough.

My scientific method is beyond reproach.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 10:12 PM CST
>My scientific method is beyond reproach.<

After hearing Portal's line of

'We do what we must because we can.
For the good of all of us..
except the ones who are dead.'

I initially thought 'The Perfect Moon Mage Motto!'

Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 10:50 PM CST
inv> a sturdy backpack shabbily embroidered with a madman's laboratory pattern in off-white thread,

>look at my back
The highly cluttered space exhibits many a gruesome artifact stored in the numerous jars upon the cracked and slanted shelves surrounding the main workstation. Plopped on top of a clutch of crudely marked anatomy charts, a wrinkly brain impaled with pins sits next to a large scalpel, clearly the insane scientist's current project. A stuffed arbelog in one corner wears a checked gingham dress and bonnet, the display more than overtly contributing to the bizarre scene.

embroidery pattern acquired in trader tent at hallow's fest. very appropriate for a mad scientist, no?

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/14/2010 11:20 PM CST
>After hearing Portal's line of

Necromancers might have tea parties, but the cake is a lie.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 12:53 AM CST
additionally, there is always the following to think about.

Whereas necros do mutilate corpses, the "opposing side" mutilates those still living in the name of the gods.

Did you get a good look at what the inquisition did to Xerasyth?

they partially skinned him. Alive.
They castrated him <thats what tail removal does to a s'kra mur> alive.
They took out one of his eyes. Again, while alive.

And i doubt very much if they had an empath on hand to Nissa's bind <anesthize> him during the procedures.

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 01:57 AM CST
Jumping in on this thread at the risk of losing my sanity... heh heh.

I think that ultimately a straight "body count" and "who's committed the most atrocities" or "who drank the most evil tea" is going to be an ultimately futile endeavor. At the end of the day, it's not really that you're just killing stuff. It's that you're killing it and mutilating it, not just out of some satisfaction of mutilating it, but taking it apart to see what makes life, and death, tick. The gods really, really do not like you doing this, and as the worshipers of the gods, society is shaped accordingly. So, by that logic, it's not necessarily evil just because it leaves behind a corpse... It's evil because the gods say it is. But hey! Who listens to them?

>So, I read the thing that happens to you after you join. This is the only line that makes a necronewb "crazy" as far as I can tell....

I have to comment briefly on this. While that may be the only line that outright mentions sanity, keep in mind that what you see when twisted to perceive arcane mana is also what you see every single time you perceive mana, albeit with a lot less wording. Your character is -always- seeing what was in that room, day in and day out... it's always there, lurking at the edge of your sight. And after a while, it doesn't seem so horrible, does it? Is it because you're simply growing used to it like an old scar, to the point that you can tolerate it? Or is it because you're losing the portions of your sanity that think that what you're seeing is a Very Bad Thing?

Just some food for thought.

-GM Abasha


When the squirrels rule the world, my work will be complete.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 02:55 AM CST
As far as the "morality" of hunting and killing the humanoid mobs such as louts, swains, thugs, pirates, goblins, orcs, ogres, etcetera, I've always just had my characters operate under an assumed "You Keep What You Kill" bounty issued by the provincial governments. The authorities have deemed said societies and individuals as nuisances and unlawful elements and issued a standing invitation to anybody willing (adventurers) to handle the problem as they see fit. Anything you can scavenge is yours to keep.

I understand that there have not been any events or official notices that say this is the case, but it does seem like a logical explanation for the behavior of adventurers at large. When I hunted Undershard with my thief, he was "helping keep the local gang problem in check." The same line of logic could easily be applied to Bawdy Swains (who will drunkenly stumble onto the streets and savagely murder sprite hunters in their stupor) as well as Orcs and Goblins. (Don't ask me WHY Aesry want's the Snow Goblins removed from their frozen caves, they just apparently do, heh)

I would also like to point out that being a sociopath is not in fact "I killz all and kick puppies and burn kittens" rather "Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others." In short, sociopaths don't feel any obligation to societal norms and have do not form what are considered "normal" attachments to others. That's why we have no problem what so ever picking apart the corpse of Aunt Bettie as opposed to burying it. After all, she's dead, and we're still pursuing the Great Work.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 07:12 AM CST
<<I understand that there have not been any events or official notices that say this is the case,>>

actually, there is one, and only one such sign. it is in the tower in the west side of riverhaven and revolves around killing salt crabs. :-)

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 08:14 AM CST
>Your character is -always- seeing what was in that room, day in and day out... it's always there, lurking at the edge of your sight.

Should code up some random messaging for necromancers that occasionally has something moving in the edges of their vision. Or have a random additional message reflecting the nightmare they live in when they perc.

Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 10:16 AM CST
heh, i'll never quite look at power perception the same. :-)

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 10:38 AM CST
>heh, i'll never quite look at power perception the same. :-)

Imagine how much "fun" powerwalking is for a necro?

Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 11:56 AM CST
I am sad that Moon Mages no longer have the monopoly on living day-in day-out with unearthly horrors lurking just out of sight.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 12:09 PM CST
It really isn't that bad for Moon Mages. Disrupting Taisgath seemed like a bad thing to them.

Necromancers, on the other hand, either didn't know quite what they were getting into or are too stupid to care. Perhaps it's the knowledge that there is no backsies, that they have perhaps done something very bad with no way to take it back, that inspires such fanaticism for transcendence.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 12:29 PM CST
<<Should code up some random messaging for necromancers that occasionally has something moving in the edges of their vision. Or have a random additional message reflecting the nightmare they live in when they perc.>>
I dunno if the messaging was given to everyone at the same time or if it happens randomly but a few weeks ago when I was visiting Book I got a message along the lines of the cracks at the edge of my vision widening and feeling the Hunger. I'll see if I can find it.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 01:43 PM CST
>> It really isn't that bad for Moon Mages. Disrupting Taisgath seemed like a bad thing to them.

Double-edged sword. Cael certainly wishes it would all go away from time to time, especially when she wakes up in a pool of her own blood with a small crowd of people huddled over her going "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!"

>> Perhaps it's the knowledge that there is no backsies, that they have perhaps done something very bad with no way to take it back, that inspires such fanaticism for transcendence.

I definitely think if you do something like that most people will be inclined to try very hard to justify it and convince themselves it wasn't all for nothing.

I wonder how Redeemed deal with it.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 01:45 PM CST
Everything goes silent for a moment, and you begin to slowly pick up whispering at the edge of your hearing.

You feel something softly brush the back of your neck.

The rumbling of stone grating on stone can be heard to the north.

With a sudden pang, your heart skips a beat.

Something scurries away from your peripheral vision.

You pause, briefly horrified at what your magical senses may reveal. Suddenly you sneeze loudly.
I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 04:03 PM CST
Moon mage craziness is invoked, for most anyways. You channel the webs of fate into you and they don't always show something bad. Although they can see some pretty crazy things.

Necromancers always have something evil, something dreadful in the corner of their senses tugging at them. The End of everything always tugs at their senses.


You say, "I don't help your kind"
Necrobaby walks over and kicks you!
Necrobaby says, "Your more my kind than you are yours"
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 04:15 PM CST
Found the message:

A cacophonic dissonance spreads through your being, a crack in the edge of your mundane sight widening. Oozing darkness pours through it and floods your senses, as you sense wrongness, something calling to you. With a detached sense of dread, you realize that you're feeling a terrible Hunger, something that was always lurking at the edge of your sight but now making its presence actively known. Though the Hunger dims somewhat, it remains present, as if constantly watching and waiting for you to slip up.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 05:59 PM CST
>>I would be all for this, but honestly the creature ladder is hard to fill out with just humanoids. Also tough to train skinning well enough on them, although we could just double hunt to take care of both I suppose.

Necromancers already kinda do at low levels, what with a LE requirement and a Than requirement that needs us to kill things quickly.

If anything like this were to be implemented, though, I'd want a ritual that makes members of the humanoid races skinnable. It'd make hunting, gaining Divine Outrage, and simply grossing people out with Tanning all the more likely.
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 06:45 PM CST
Falken wrinkles his nose when he sees the bundle of elven skins you have brought him --

-all right, i'll give you 5 gold for 'em. only half price though, because of their...smell...

you nod and take the coin.

Falken : Talmai? that special "leather" you wanted? i have just the thing for it... and give me a pair of those elven stalking boots when you have them made. Thanks!

"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 07:12 PM CST
What? You thought Elven Leather was because it was made by elves?

Joking aside, putting in the must be the 11 races kinda thing makes it very hard on lowbie necros to get any thanatology really done. Only serves to make it more difficult on the player then to drive home the "We are not nice people" aspect of the guild.

My comment on only being less sociopathic then warrior mages was more in jest than anything else.


You say, "I don't help your kind"
Necrobaby walks over and kicks you!
Necrobaby says, "Your more my kind than you are yours"
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 07:27 PM CST
>> Joking aside, putting in the must be the 11 races kinda thing makes it very hard on lowbie necros to get any thanatology really done.


And really, I don't imagine them making it so you could only learn Thanatology from humanoids, just that you have to do it at least once per circle or rank or whatever.

Rev. Reene

<Szrael> Should have just gone for gorbesh again
<Szrael> And released the pirate guild or something
<Szrael> Tote would be an okay pirate
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 07:49 PM CST
11 races =/= humanoids.

Louts solves the issue for beginners although it floods the lout area with necros. But past that theres a big gap between louts and the next "11 races" creature.

Unless they meant humanoids which means its doable but still theres holes in the ladder. Walking to the moon mage guild would be like taking a stroll through Necros R' Us.


You say, "I don't help your kind"
Necrobaby walks over and kicks you!
Necrobaby says, "Your more my kind than you are yours"
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 08:13 PM CST
>> Joking aside, putting in the must be the 11 races kinda thing makes it very hard on lowbie necros to get any thanatology really done.

Louts->Crazed Madman->DP Fanatic->Ruffian/Cutthroat/Thug/etc->Pirate

I think that's about it through around 150 or so ranks.

As long as it's not one per circle of something that teaches Thanatology, then there's no problem. I'm imagining it'll be one per key circle of a set range.

You can easily go from nothing through 45 or so in training on one of the Eleven. It's the area from 50 to about 100 that might get hazy. DP Fanatics work, but I remember their spawn to be very low.

Did I miss something in the 50-90 rank range?

You wave your hand through the mist of the fountain and rub the wetness between your fingertips.
Rivalin says, "Yep, it's water."
Re: Do I have to be a deranged serial killer? 01/15/2010 08:16 PM CST
Aren't Gypsy Marauders human?
