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Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/22/2006 06:54 PM CST
>And at least then you know what you're getting right up front. First offer is 5 gold...if I have to ask again it's 4 gold...and it keeps going down from there.

>Motivation! ;)

Heh... that would motivate me all the way down to zero.
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/23/2006 12:48 AM CST
i usually don't accept tips at all ..except..they tend to get forced on me..sigh...as a rule though i definatly don't accept tips from deaders

Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/23/2006 08:49 PM CST
>>as a rule though i definatly don't accept tips from deaders

Nobody does. There must be once heck of a spirit-world party-town we can't see somewhere, because the darned ghosts never can keep any money on them. :)

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/24/2006 11:15 AM CST
>>Nobody does.

My empath does. He gets more annoyed when a deader stiffs him than when a living person does because:
1. Usually deaders have more wounds. More wounds = more work for him.
2. Dead bodies are gross.
3. Allowing someone to be raised is a more valuable service than taking a few scuffs, in his eyes.
4. In his opinion, deaders are often dead in the first place because of their own carelessness, whereas some wounds are a normal part of hunting.
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/24/2006 06:04 PM CST
Psh, corpses. My Empath doesn't touch corpses unless resurrection is needed for a good reason (and "I have money on me I don't want to lose" isn't a good reason), and won't even stand them rotting in the guild. She'll haul them to Cleric's to be healed instead.

I get a lot of flak for refusing to heal corpses. Have been personally attacked and called a bad roleplayer for doing nothing more than saying "He has favors, he can depart, I won't heal his corpse so find another Empath." Oddly enough, no one has ever asked her why she won't heal corpses...they just assume she does it to be difficult I guess.

Rev. Reene, player of a few

Niaura asks, "wat happen?"
You say to Niaura, "Someone set you up the bomb."
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/25/2006 02:29 AM CST
My empath will heal anyone if he thinks there's a chance of getting money out of it. Given that his prime motivation is getting paid, he gets irked when he gets stiffed. He finds corpses gross, as all normal people should, but if he thinks he'll get paid he'll get over it.
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 02/25/2006 10:27 PM CST
Good point. More people need to stop asking for raises, it's a waste of time and healing efforts.

A significant amount of on-hand money is the only reason I see for needing a raise. That and being on a ship that is out at sea.

Even when I played characters in the past who hunt in the middle of nowhere, I departed and had the fun of adventure of getting back and getting my stuff. Sometimes I died 2-3 more times just trying to do that. If I lost something valuable, its my fault for having it on my person while doing risky business.

Clemency has died 13 times in his life, and 1 of those times was at sea where he waited for a Cleric on the other side. Otherwise, he departs before his face even hits the ground.
"Put your head up to my heart, hear me live and follow suit, this will all be over soon, it's gonna hurt a little." -Emberghost
Re: Topazes and crystals and diopsides, oh my! 03/05/2006 07:51 PM CST
we make money the old fashioned way, we forge it ;)


try out my new reqs calculator as opposed to those circle calculators

When in doubt, reinvent the wheel!
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