Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:25 PM CDT

>>Also, didn't he just completely shred Penethol through his wards, either the biggest or second biggest barb in game, with numerous skills at 1750?

Whoever owned Penethol at the time didn't read the manual, there were no wards up so the story goes.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:26 PM CDT

Effectively, the argument comes down to learning TM or lets just say another skill for closing the "gap damage", or getting said "gap damage" for free without re-learnibg from zero a new skill. So, this is really an argument for the veterans here and they're the ones who went through so much turbulence throughout years and tears of promises that I'm not exactly sure which way I lean.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:31 PM CDT

>>I really think you are severely underestimating how big Aftermath is compared to Korutu,

And I really think you are using secondhand incidental information arguing in the barbarian forums with barbarians that play the class every day. Also, like I said, I have watched war mages smaller than him break through his wards, I have had both war mages and clerics my level break through mine, on more than one occasion. Unless you have real eexperience in which you can provide all the facts with impunity, on stancing, mana used, and otherwise, it's just rumor, hearsay and conjecture.

Maybe get out there and do some actual testing with Korutu yourself, provide some numbers, some data points.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:38 PM CDT

>>Maybe get out there and do some actual testing with Korutu yourself, provide some numbers, some data points.

I have tested with him. This is just turning into a pointless argument, you dont think they are strong, that's your perception. I have the opposite perception, but that wasnt my point to begin with, this got way off track. My point I was really trying to make was that its not magic, so it cant be dispelled through normal means. That makes it pretty powerful imo.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:39 PM CDT
Most clerics and magic users could break wards before if they knew what they was doing. Its just a lot easier now.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:40 PM CDT

>>My point I was really trying to make was that its not magic, so it cant be dispelled through normal means. That makes it pretty powerful imo.

And I explained the trade-off there. You cannot dispel ours, and NMUs cannot dispel yours. That's not a barb thing, that was an intentional trade-off by design. Thieves included.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:41 PM CDT
If you have tested with me before which maybe you have I dont know who you are. We should test again
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:44 PM CDT

>>And I explained the trade-off there. You cannot dispel ours, and NMUs cannot dispel yours. That's not a barb thing, that was an intentional trade-off by design. Thieves included.

Technically untrue. I know several NMU's that purchased rend wands from Duskruin and thus are capable of dispelling MU spells since they trained debil and have good stats. Not a commonly available item but it can and does happen.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:54 PM CDT
>How do you feel the offensive output of your weapon skill set stacks up vs weapon secondary and weapon tertiary guilds?

I think my Barbs damage output is mediocre, but, the problem is his damage output is exactly the same as any other MU with a Str/Agl/WeaponSkill/WeaponStat buff. Which is basically all of them. I feel the issue isn't just damage streams, it's that Barb weapon damage is almost entirely duplicated by a lot of other guilds. So yes, any guild that is weapon secondary and magic prime or secondary has access to a lot of damage, but they also have access to a lot of the offensive buffs that Barbs do too. I don't know how to rightfully balance this other than doing something akin to Squanto's suggestion of just providing a flat weapon bonus based on skillset placement, which is basically what Expertise expansion gets at.

Because the answer the question is 'poorly', because it lacks RT-less stacking, AoE, and the myriad perks that come with TM. In terms of skillset placement, magic prime or even secondary can completely replace the need to use weapons, but we can see that the opposite is not true.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 07:59 PM CDT
>>Technically untrue. I know several NMU's that purchased rend wands from Duskruin and thus are capable of dispelling MU spells since they trained debil and have good stats. Not a commonly available item but it can and does happen.

Odd. I bought one in hopes of doing just that. With 800 debil and 90 int/wisdom I couldn't dispel a 120s WM. Wonder if they adjusted those?
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 08:04 PM CDT
>>Vs equal level barb/spellcaster with similar ranks, you wont get past the ward. I've seen people with ranks near 1700's in their magics and 120+ in mentals fail to get through the resists of someone who doesnt even have 1000's in weapons and not a single stat over 100.<<

the spellcaster is doing something very wrong in this situation.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 08:05 PM CDT
>Duskruin wands

While handy, (especially mental focus, resonance and bless) those wands only prep their respective spells at something like half power or less iirc. There's also a hefty cooldown (1 hour i think) on use.

You'd have to outclass them pretty dramatically to have much success with Rend unless your target is casting low prep spells for some strange reason.

Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 08:13 PM CDT
>>How do you feel the offensive output of your weapon skill set stacks up vs weapon secondary and weapon tertiary guilds?

Raesh, you've kinda hit the nail on the head here. With two exceptions, Dual Load (shared with Rangers) and Whirl (which isn't setting the world on fire), there's no fundamental advantage for a Barbarian in dealing weapon damage. Arguably, they're potentially behind the curve, as other posters have noted because they require TWO abilities to bonus their head weapon (and Dragon/Eagle for a rank boost).

The other problem is Combat in general. Extra ranks bonus accuracy, which only bonuses damage to a certain point (pre-overkill mechs). Which leads to the issue of Barbarian's not feeling any real benefit from using their Dragon/Eagle buffs.

When talking the value of TM in the hands of magic Tert/Secondary/Prime, there's two issues. 1, mana availabilty (while better, there's still a healthy gap) and 2, shear magical options. The War Mage is a wonderful poster child of having a great set of options. A Heavy TM pre-game, a multi shot minimal RT pre-game, THEN adding a cyclic, while prepping a Debil/TM spell. Clerics aren't doing badly either, trading raw damage options with a blistering array of debil/meta magic control options.

Whereas, going back to the barbarian they can...spin? If I was going to try to make some fast and dirty help for barbarians, the first place I'd stop is Whirl. Give it some extra umph. I'd also consider giving a chance for a 'free' offhand attack based on expertise vs defending on normal attacks. For two handers, I would even be in favor of barbarians getting 'extra' suited to strength modifier on weapons.

Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 08:14 PM CDT
Capping accuracy seems to be fairly easy. Pretty much everyone has defenses below their offenses, so most of us choose hunting grounds based on our ability to survive. Barbs cap out accuracy the fastest by having more weapons ranks, but that's it. I think Raesh nailed it when he said that weapon damage is more or less equal across guilds, and the source of the discrepancy is squarely on cyclic TM. Since cyclic TM is unlikely to go away, and does represent a significant source of damage, it seems like all the magic tert guilds should get something that relies on primary skillet for damage. Paladins might get a riposte, or thorns-type effect. Thieves can have their ambush damage tweaked to be in line with some portion of cyclic damage over the alpha-strike CD. Traders might get hirelings based on trading, and rangers can have their companions as a secondary damage stream. But what about barbs?

Barbs can whirlwind, but that damage is underwhelming. Dual-wielding is an interesting weapon skillet perk, but currently doesn't offer much in terms of damage. One option to bolater the damage of the weapon skillset would be a true dual-wield, where your off-hand weapon procs a free swing with some percentage of main-hand attacks. That doesn't address the people that wield a single weapon, though. I'm a little stumped for barbarians.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 08:39 PM CDT

Yeah, I think the biggest giveaway that there's a discrepancy is the RT's involved for TM + Cyclic vs the RTs involved for swinging a weapon and whirlwinding, paying attention to the fact that I said 'and whirlwinding', as it cannot be done simultaneously with swinging. Barb Analyze is a poor mans boost, and CCM available to all and fairly useless in most contexts.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 09:01 PM CDT
Spell stances don't give you extra of anything, they only dictate where your mana goes first if you're casting below the cap for the spell. A capped spell is no more potent at 130% potency and no less potent at 85% potency. Same for the other attributes.

Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 09:02 PM CDT
A duplicate post was removed.


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Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 09:12 PM CDT

>>Spell stances don't give you extra of anything, they only dictate where your mana goes first if you're casting below the cap for the spell. A capped spell is no more potent at 130% potency and no less potent at 85% potency. Same for the other attributes.

Kinda surprised you don't know this, tbh. When you're combating an integrity barrier, stanceing for it definitely helps. Pretty sure potency has had an effect on breaking non-integrity wards as well. While it might not adjust the end outcome of the spell, people aren't always casting 100 mana spells at cap, over and over, in pvp.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 09:44 PM CDT
Alright before we go too far down this path, I need so set some boundaries clearly.

>>This is something we have brought up, in these folders, no less than half a dozen times in the last few years. It gets discussed at length and we get shot down, over and over.

If I already had the answer assume I would not be asking. I understand it is frustrating to feel like you aren't being heard or that your concerns are being dismissed or that you're having to repeat yourself but this doesn't help. One of my responsibilities to to keep an eye on the development of all guilds in the game and Barbarians are not one I have a lot of personal experience with which is why I'm asking these questions.

>>No, our damage output at = ranks and = stats is exactly the same as everyone elses.

This is the sort of information I need. This would seem to imply you do not find Expertise useful or the other perks of being a Weapon prime (For example, using larger weapons offhand). That's the core of what I'm trying to dig into here since that would be the equivalent to the difference between the TM spells we give a magic tert and the TM spells we give a magic prime.

>>Pretty much every MU can buff every stat, almost every weapon, or at least a weapon of choice. Some, better than us. (Rutilor's Edge, that one bard spell I cant recall, Ignite, Im lookin at u)

While we're not going to be able to have this conversation without some guild by guild comparisons, hyperbole does not help and causes people to disengage in meaningful conversations.

I could pull the numbers together on this right now (I have an older copy from when I was digging into this topic for some early SoI work) but I think my time would be better invested this evening in finishing some actual code work. If someone wanted to make this argument that the options available to Barbarians for stat and weapon buffing were less than for other guilds and present the numbers to back that up I'd be happy to look at it.

For the weapon buffs themselves (Resonance, Ignite, Rutilor's Edge) I'll actually pull the numbers for that since it's harder for players to access and the're not under a unified mechanic (unfortunately):
Resonance - Up to 20% buff to top two damage stats on the weapon, though it's capped such that for really high stat weapons it's not going to be that strong.

Ignite - 20-35% of the top damage source is added in fire damage (Though, again, capped at the extreme end). Far less effective if the weapon already has fire damage. On the surface this is more powerful than resonance but because it means you're now contesting a third defense you weren't before in practice it's going to be very target dependent which weapon comes out on top.

Rutilor's Edge - Adds quite a bit of balance and power, generally adds slightly less damage to the primary damage function than Resonance (This spell isn't on a % function so it's hard for me to express this is a meaningful way).

Tsunami - Increases balance up to almost as much as RUE (Depending on potency, unlike RUE) and primary weapon stat (Also depending on potency unlike RUE, but like Reso/Ignite) by more than RUE and potentially slightly more than Reso (Again, not a % function so hard to express that way... and, yes, Elanthipedia doesn't look to match what this actually does - which hasn't change since 2013.)

So they're a little apples to oranges to compare and Ignite is kind of on it's own axis. Off the cuff, RUE should be updated to more modern scaling mechanics and actually use potency, all of them should likely start stronger at low potency (Even if they end up in the same place) and Tsunami seems to stack up fairly well.

>>TM design is based on skillset placement, more potent spells going to the primaries. We can't really manage weapons like that, can we? that 2he going to suddenly be too much for any secondary to handle? And even with just single target tm+weapons, the gap is large.

Sure we can. See: Large weapons in the offhand (And I know most people don't view that as a useful thing, but it's the best example I have right now of this is totally something we can let a weapon prime do that a non-weapon prime can't). Expertise is also, in theory, designed to fill that role - it's a way to let you flex your primary skill set into turning your weapons into a more lethal urm...weapon..

>>All the other guild vs guild NMUs vs MUs barrier chatter

... Yeah, I'm not stepping into that part of the conversation. No offense.

>>Arguably, they're potentially behind the curve, as other posters have noted because they require TWO abilities to bonus their head weapon (and Dragon/Eagle for a rank boost).

I believe we've stuck to this standard for all weapon buffs, splitting melee and ranged. Have we not?


Grrr cyclics. Grrr. These have been a thorn in my side since Magic 3.0's launch. One day cyclics, one day ::shakes fist::


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 10:05 PM CDT

>While we're not going to be able to have this conversation without some guild by guild comparisons, hyperbole does not help and causes people to disengage in meaningful conversations.

I don't think it was really hyperbole. We covered about a month ago how while Barbs have a large combat suite, other guilds bring almost identically large suites to bear too.

For example, for offensive buffing, Barbs are Tsunami, Wildfire, Dragon/Eagle, Bear, to cover +WeaponStats, +Agility (and +Crit?), +WeaponSkill (Dual Load is excellent, I'll grant you that, as a Weapon Prime, that's exactly the sort of extra oomph we should be seeing from weapon use), and +Str.

The list of spells that buffs those things is pretty large. There are the +WeaponStats spells you just addressed (Ignite, RuE, Resonance).

+Agility is covered by
Cheetah Swiftness (Ranger)
Drums of the Snake (Bard)
Invocation of the Spheres (Moon Mage)
Khri Focus (Thief)
Magical research
Mantle of Flame (Warrior Mage)
Vigor (Empath)
Wildfire (Barbarian)

+WeaponSkill is covered by
Righteous Wrath
Mantle of Flame
kind of sort of Rage of the Clans

+Strength is covered by
Aegis of Granite (Warrior Mage)
Bear Form (Barbarian)
Bear Strength (Ranger)
Benediction (Cleric)
Heroic Strength (Paladin)
Vigor (Empath)

And, mind you, Symbiotic Research can shore up deficits too. I understand there are some limitations in place, and most guilds can't use ALL these buffs simultaneously, but I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said that Barbs don't bring much in the way of unique-ness to their offensive toolkit. They can buff everything everyone else can, but there isn't anything a Barb can buff that no other guild can. I feel that stings a bit, because like I said this weekend, everyone else has hoverboards, why can't Barbs? And yes, to answer your question, offhand heavy weapon wielding is a pretty mild perk.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 10:21 PM CDT
While I doubt it'll help any, I'll point out that Mantle of Flame and Aegis of Granite are mutually exclusive. Also need Mantle of Flame and Tailwind running to buff all melee/ranged weapons. Not exactly a high hurdle to cross, though.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 10:21 PM CDT
>>I understand there are some limitations in place, and most guilds can't use ALL these buffs simultaneously, but I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said that Barbs don't bring much in the way of unique-ness to their offensive toolkit. They can buff everything everyone else can, but there isn't anything a Barb can buff that no other guild can.

Direct buffing isn't going to be where the Barbarian outshines other guilds (You should expect to be on par with Rangers, Paladins, Thieves and Traders). That's still using your tert skillset to achieve the ends you want. What Barbarians need is a way to achieve many of their goals (Make things dead) through use of their primary skill set.

This is the same nut I've been working to crack as I plan a revamp of Paladins - letting them leverage their primary skill set (Armor) into some unique and interesting ends.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 10:22 PM CDT

>>Also, didn't he just completely shred Penethol through his wards, either the biggest or second biggest barb in game, with numerous skills at 1750?

I did shred Penethol. I can pastebin the fight if you wish. I wasn't able to kill him because clerics are OP, blah blah blah. I killed him because he was standing there calling me a piece of crap the whole time rather than fighting back. People take things that happen in game and distort them and come here to use specific fights to illustrate why their guild sucks, but every fight is unique.

I had my TM buffed to 1750+, and I debuffed his defense, and it's not like he went down in one cast, I burned almost all of my mana to kill him. Barb wards are the most ridiculous wards in the game for a spell caster. They are almost as ridiculous as aether cloak, so stop complaining about being underpowered.

Cleric is one of the most defenseless classes in the game. Scrubs who are literally half my size can land hits on me, that's how weak a cleric is defensively. On the other hand, barbs have both defensive and offensive power, cleric is all offense, and it's rewarded thusly with having a stronger offense.

As playing one of the strongest offensive classes in the game, I can tell you without a doubt, barbarian is the hardest guild to fight. If you're getting killed by guilds smaller than you, then you're doing something wrong.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 11:49 PM CDT
>>Cleric is one of the most defenseless classes in the game.

Based on?

Your shield, defending and evasion buffs are 20% now, not 15. You have the not so unique ability to layer multiple damage barriers including the non-ablative mpp in conjunction with MaF. You have Halo as a trigger defense which works pretty damn well. You have more ability to shut down an opponents magic than any other guild. Yes, even barbs. Hulp. Spite. SL. Preventing someone from casting entirely is far better than just warding against it, and your toolbox is full of ways. A commune to instantly halt bleeding with a considerably long duration. Hydra-hex'd malediction set to offense or even generally cast is a considerable defense as well. 20% reflex buff in a guild spell. Ghost shroud (which was just buffed with cyclics getting easier and cheaper).

If your basis on 'defenseless' is based on skillset and learning rates, that has nothing to do with anything being talked about here. We're talking about the toolbox, and actually having things in it.

>>On the other hand, barbs have both defensive and *offensive power*

Offensive power? We're 100% limited to physical attacks. We do not have alternative methods to generate damage, via single cast or cyclic TM. As has been noted, and really cannot be argued- every guild can essentially buff almost all weapons, or at the very least a weapon of choice. In the end of the day, a Barbarian swinging a weapon with 500 ranks and 50 str/agil is going to hit exactly the same as any other guild with equal ranks and stats. This is NOT however the case with spell assignment to magic primes (as I mentioned and Raesh already confirmed) or hindrance applications for armor primes, and survival primes receive passive bonuses to stealth, perception and such as well.

And Raesh, I would maybe check your numbers on RUE vs Tsunami again. I know we got together and tested a while back, a Paladin capping RUE and I think it was maybe Squanto or Gorteous with Tsunami, comparing the bonus granted on the same actual weapon. RUE had the advantage on damage. It was a heavier weapon, rare metal forged halberd, I believe. Lance. Something along those lines.
Re: Barriers 08/01/2016 11:56 PM CDT
>An honest question I think you should all be thinking about (And I do not have an answer as I ask this, I haven't spent enough time with the subject): How do you feel the offensive output of your weapon skill set stacks up vs weapon secondary and weapon tertiary guilds? Because that should be your primary damage stream and if the problem is that your primary skillset isn't producing a gap between secondary and terts (Similar to the TM gap between a Warrior Mage, a Bard and a Ranger) then we may be focusing on the wrong problem.-Raesh

Primary, secondary, tertiary means nothing if the ranks are equal...especially with Magic 3.2 and the removal of SoI. I agree with you that we may be focusing on the wrong problem because of what I just stated. We have Expertise as a guild only skill. What does it do? We don't know and may never know. I understand that Melee/Missile Masteries are a bit wonky now as they give bonuses above the cap, but I believe that Expertise should give a scaling bonus on top of OF for Barbarians. I think this should be 10% of skill so that at max skill (1750) you get 175% bonus to your OF. How's that for a suggestion?

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 12:03 AM CDT

>>I think this should be 10% of skill so that at max skill (1750) you get 175% bonus to your OF. How's that for a suggestion?

The problem with that is the low damage ceiling OF can bonus. Aside from overkill mechanics, that is reached very easily from prior posts by Kodius. Expertise fuels barbarian maneuvers which again, are a bit lackluster. Forcing sometimes completely wonky combo's to get a benefit is troublesome, especially in a pvp situation where that 'sweep, sweep, sweep' is going to get you killed. And analyze intimidate is a bit of a joke, to be honest. "Please, stand still while I run through a handful of attacks so I can prevent you from retreating for 15 seconds. Wait, no, don't leave the room. I wasn't done stopping you from leaving the room.'
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 12:22 AM CDT
So let's focus on that for a bit... what do you like about the current Expertise system? What prevents it from living up to it's potential?


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 12:28 AM CDT

>>So let's focus on that for a bit... what do you like about the current Expertise system? What prevents it from living up to it's potential?

As it stands, it is an assortment of very short duration buffs that require clunky use of the analyze system to use. Other than for expertise training, I'm not aware of anyone who actually uses them. Most of them are already covered by buffs in our suite or not entirely necessary to begin with.
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 12:41 AM CDT
>So let's focus on that for a bit... what do you like about the current Expertise system? What prevents it from living up to it's potential?

First when I talk about Expertise I mean the ranks, not the BCMs that train Expertise.

So we don't know what Expertise actually. I have 961 ranks of expertise and all I know is that it unlocks potential maneuvers (that are by they way too expensive the higher the ability.)

Inner Fire - Regain a small amount of inner fire (0 skill) (Circle 1)
Accuracy - To-hit bonus for 10-30 seconds (50 skill) (IF + 50) (Circle 12)
Damage - Damage bonus for 10-30 seconds (125 skill) (Accuracy +75) (Circle 27)
Intimidation - Prevent opponent retreat for 10-30 seconds (200 skill) (Damage +75) (Circle 42)
Fatigue - Prevent fatigue loss from combat for 10-30 seconds (350 skill) (Intimidation + 150) (Circle 72)
Balance - Prevent balance loss from combat for 10-30 seconds (600 skill) (Fatigue + 250) (Circle 118/119)
Vitality - Regain a small amount of vitality (900 skill) (Balance +300) (Circle 157/158)
Rage - The next berserk costs no IF to activate (1200 skill) (Vitality + 300) (Circle 177/178)
Calm - The next meditation costs no IF to activate (1600 skill) (Rage + 400) (Circle 200+)

These are tied to the same system, it appears, as Charged Combat Maneuvers which as everyone knows is silly from a toe-to-toe combat perspective. Feint-Swing-Bash-Bash. Need I say more.

Expertise does not seem to provide any benefit to Barbarians aside from Inner Fire at a lower rank. Let's go through them one by one.

Inner Fire - We MUST use this to ensure we have enough IF at early circles. Why?
Accuracy - We must complete a non-accurate combo to ensure we get 10-20 seconds of accuracy. If we could hit something we're fighting we wouldn't need this anyway.
Damage - Meh.
Intimidation - We're Barbarians. Why would we want a critter to not retreat. Imbalancing combos in PVP make this useless.
Fatigue - Good ability but should come much earlier, like after IF. By the time you get it you pretty much don't need it.
Balance - See Fatigue.
Vitality - 900 ranks? I use Famine and worn items to manage minor vitality lose. At this point if you used this you'd be dead or hurt more because of the imbalancing combos.
Rage - 1200 ranks? IF isn't a problem per se at this point.
Calm - Circle 200+ ranks? If you don't have Yogi it's pointless.

So that is for the current abilities. I think Expertise should add to our in combat abilities without the BCMs. Bonus to weapon ranks, bonus to damage, something. Maybe make each of these passive instead of requiring a BCM. I don't know but I'll admit I don't use any of them right now. I'd use Rage and Calm though if they came earlier.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 01:11 AM CDT
Alright - so the next extension of my question would be, since expertise is largely based on the combat maneuver system... what do people not like about that system? Just that it gives combos that are far enough from optimal that the benefit of following the combo isn't worth it?


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 01:38 AM CDT
>So let's focus on that for a bit... what do you like about the current Expertise system? What prevents it from living up to it's potential?

Expertise combos:
Thematically I like the idea. However in practice the "on-hit" requirement is clunky and makes activating them unreliable in a closely matched fight or PVP. For many of the combos the scenario where you'd be able to activate them regularly (hitting all the time) is where you least need them; the Accuracy combo in particular suffers from this. By comparison, a system like Aethereal Pathways provides similar effects but in a much more usable and on-demand fashion.

Charged Combat Maneuvers:
Are these even considered part of the Expertise system? They train it but I'm unclear whether Expertise ranks actually have any effect on them. Regardless, the wind-up time makes these another clunky and underwhelming option; in PVE it feels like you would do more by just attacking normally during the wind-up and subsequent RT, and in PVP the telegraphing aspect makes them ineffective. This seems like one area for potential value-adds for Expertise or Weapon Prime; maybe the ability to activate with no wind-up time on some sort of cooldown, ala Heavy TM.
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 06:24 AM CDT
>>Alright - so the next extension of my question would be, since expertise is largely based on the combat maneuver system... what do people not like about that system? Just that it gives combos that are far enough from optimal that the benefit of following the combo isn't worth it?<<

Not saying that I want any upgrades limited to this...

It would be nice if RT/cooldown on those maneuvers scaled with our expertise ranks.

Example, you are not a barb/are a barb with less than 150 expertise ranks, you get what we have currently: the 5ish second windup and 5ish second RT and the 1 min cooldown.

At 150 ranks, the windup drops 1 second and the cooldown by 5 seconds.

At 300 ranks, the RT drops 1 second and the cooldown by 5 seconds.

At 450 ranks, the windup drops by another second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 600 ranks, the RT drops by 1 second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 750 ranks, the windup drops by 1 second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 900 ranks, the RT drops by 1 second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 1050 ranks, the windup drops by 1 second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 1300 ranks, the windup drops by 1 second and the cooldown by another 5 seconds.

At 1450 ranks, the cooldown drops by 5 seconds.

So a capped maneuver for a barbarian would be 0 windup, 2 seconds RT and 15 second cooldown. This would show some level of "expertise," as opposed to us using maneuvers like everyone else. In my opinion, we should be able to do more damage with maneuvers, as well.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 07:21 AM CDT

>Alright - so the next extension of my question would be, since expertise is largely based on the combat maneuver system... what do people not like about that system? Just that it gives combos that are far enough from optimal that the benefit of following the combo isn't worth it?

Virtually all the combo's are useless, and literally all the combos are useless in pvp. I've used DAMAGE and FLAME, the latter only because of how barb IF/ability use is broken prior to picking up Powermonger. The other abilities unlock hilariously too late, or don't really serve a functionally needed purpose, with ACCURACY being the most egregious. In what situation am I going to benefit from an accuracy buff that requires I hit the target a bunch first?

I would much prefer the system be tied to a bunch of Barbarian only combat maneuvers that are steadily improved by increasing ranks of Expertise.
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 07:34 AM CDT

The buffs that come from completing said "combos" lasts so short that the initial investment of doing all those attacks to get said buff is not worth it. Rather you could've killed the thing a long while back by doing your standard progression of attacks. Also, the buffs themselves are somewhat weak, I don't really notice much of a difference. Thus, like someone else mentioned doing these expertise attacks are meaningless unless you are using them for training purposes.

Charged attacks, although more noticeable when actually used, takes too long on both the actual charge-up stage and the cooldown to be of anything more then flavor.

Overall, I think whoever designed these manuevers had the (wrong) inclination that Barbs derived thair damage output elsewhere and didn't want to "rock the boat" too much in terms of providing another damage stream (even though both damage streams the combo buff/charged attack takes more investment then you get an actual benefit from). But anyhow changing either or both these things still doesn't help with the AoE damage problem of Barbs.
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 09:20 AM CDT

>> what do people not like about that system?

I'd like to echo a lot of what people have said here. Being forced into a randomly generated combo is just horrible, even if the buff was increased on the back-end it still wouldn't be worth it. And no, it's not a difficulty thing, because in all honesty it is absolutely easy to script it efficiently.

And, the buffs themselves are mostly useless. They are already covered by other abilities, mostly, and the damage increase on that one feels flat out inconsequential. Do those buffs even stack with other buffs of the same type? I heard that in general that wasn't even allowed anymore.

Having expertise tied to something useful would be great. Some type of stand-alone barbarian unique abilities.
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 11:35 AM CDT
I know this has been brought up in the past (a long time ago) but things like, extra attacks as people (or creatures) move in/out of threat ranges that don't affect your current status at all (i.e. it's just fluff messaging and extra damage, you aren't actually going to lose balance/lose ammunition/etc...) would be nice.

Expertise driven as to what types of moves are available or what ranges (melee/pole/missile), and/or multiple levels (e.g. if the attacker is visible it kicks in at this level, if the attacker is unseen it potentially might kick in, but at a higher level).

When I think Expertise, I'm thinking it should be Equilibrium (a movie) style combat knowledge/move prediction.

I am --- Navak
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 02:40 PM CDT
I exclusively use CCMs to train Expertise and never use BCMs. BCMs bonus is too weak (except Flame), too short, too unbalancing (four random attack types), take too long (you have to hit four times when normally it takes six or less hits to kill a critter), and that's all just for PVE. For PVP, forget about it. Neither CCMs or BCMs are worth it in PVP. I've tried CCMs in PVP on multiple weapons. It's not bad but the problems that have been listed are definitely in play. The tell from messaging, the ramp up time where no RT producing action can be performed, the RT itself (which isn't "horrible) as it seems to reduce with skill which is a boon), the lack of damage from the attack, etc.

I like using CCM Doublestrike with HB+HE weapons. In concert with whirlwind it actually does a fair amount of damage. This is for PVE only though. In PVP not so much.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 07:56 PM CDT

Well, as KODIUS has stated the GM staff does not have the resources to create a TM based brand new skill for Barbarians. I think RAESH knows this as well and is giving us an alternative, that is buffing up our existing Barb repetoire of skills.

And you know what? I think RAESH is right! Those charged and buff maneuvers are almost never used for actual combat purposes and they just seem like a lot of work gone to waste just because they are useless and heavily underpowered. I think buffing them by reducing charge times, increasing damage, and making the buffs useful will go a long way to helping out Barbs. I also think a buffed whirlwind attack will help in the AoE side of things.

Barb TM skills are a fantastic idea but due to a lot of factors should be a longer term project. Besides it's nice to have something to look forward to in the future, it's why a lot of us keep on playing!
Re: Barriers 08/02/2016 08:00 PM CDT
>>Well, as KODIUS has stated the GM staff does not have the resources to create a TM based brand new skill for Barbarians. I think RAESH knows this as well and is giving us an alternative, that is buffing up our existing Barb repetoire of skills.

Well, yes and no. Would it be hard to resource making Barbarian TM right now? Yeah. Sure would be. But I also feel like it's the wrong tool to address the immediate problem. Am I opposed to the idea of Barbarian TM (as described by Armifer earlier in this thread)? Not particularly. I'm just saying that it sure seems like the larger problem, and very possibly one that would take less development resources to improve, is in the primary skill set so I wanted to explore that area for awhile.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Barriers (expertise) 08/03/2016 07:14 AM CDT
It would be great if expertise was a useful tool for at level PvE and PvP. I have only ever used expertise to train small edged. 2 tdp birds with one stone.