Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 06:21 PM CDT
>>My 3 inviso cloaks say otherwise.

I said "guild-provided invisibility" for a good reason.

>>So give me a buff for all of my magic skills, then. Oh, except for Utility since I don't use it.

...Bear boosts warding, Tribalist boosts debilitation, Mercenary boosts augmentation, and Powermonger boost Inner Fire.

>>You're comparing grapes to grapefruit. Stop, please.

You're the one comparing boosting weapon skills to a specific type of stealth ability.

>>I can tell that you're talking from experience here when you bring up how all forms of refreshing inviso are identical in function. Otherwise, no idea what this is supposed to mean. Grass is green?

My point was that the strong majority of guild-based inviso is what you're referring to as blink inviso. The only exception to this is blend, which was a conscious choice by the GMs.

>>Brace yourselves for the 46 part counterpoints that Pureblade is prepping.

Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 07:02 PM CDT
Pureblade you should learn to DR, things change in DR for every 10 thousand of your posts (every few days). things that never will ever happen (ever), will happen next month or next year. Barbarians are a pretty good example of that.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 07:06 PM CDT
>>Pureblade you should learn to DR, things change in DR for every 10 thousand of your posts (every few days). things that never will ever happen (ever), will happen next month or next year. Barbarians are a pretty good example of that.

I apologize that me pointing out basic facts upsets you to the point where you're forced to lament that I have the audacity to post on the boards.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 07:29 PM CDT
So I was thinking today...

It would be cool if barbs had invisibility.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 07:35 PM CDT

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -Pureblade
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/28/2013 09:03 PM CDT
<<Also here: Billy the Barb who is holding his hands over his eyes repeatedly screaming "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!">>

I would like to vote for this being added as a barbarian only verb...

Hey you dang woodchucks! Quit chucking my wood!
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 09:51 AM CDT
>I apologize that me pointing out basic facts upsets you to the point where you're forced to lament that I have the audacity to post on the boards.

Times change Lemmingblade, just because a rule that's been around since the early DR days doesn't mean it has to continue to apply. The game evolves, and what applied back in the day doesn't necessarily have to apply now. You don't have to be a pre-Socratic philosopher who wouldn't believe the world was round, break the mold. The game needs more Squantipher Columbus'.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:16 AM CDT
Columbus was a hack.

I still don't see what the issue is; a GM specifically stated what guilds have inviso, and the counter argument is still circling around 'but nuh uh, thieves can buff weapons'. Again, if inviso is the only way you all can think of PvPing, the solution isn't to give everyone inviso, but to fix inviso.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:17 AM CDT
Also, pointing the brokenness of inviso out is not a straw man; a straw man would be suggesting that was your argument to begin with.
Here, in case you're confused;
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:31 AM CDT
>>Times change Lemmingblade, just because a rule that's been around since the early DR days doesn't mean it has to continue to apply.

Except guild-granted [refreshing?] invisibility being more restricted by becoming definitively signature (and explicitly a feature of survival primes + moon mages) is the new rule.

I know you really responded because you saw the opportunity for a bizarre Pureblade joke in order to jump in on the foot stamping and sad pouting, and I can respect that, but it only does anyone a favor in the "I zinged a guy who once played a character named Pureblade a decade ago and I have a weird obsession about it" sense, not the "I presented a valid argument that the GMs can rightfully consider" sense.

Unless you really did just wanted to zing me, which does seem like a thing you enjoy doing for some reason. In which case, well done! You've helped move the thread into "zing a guy who played a character named Pureblade who I am mad at because ten years ago he probably did something I evidently have yet to get over" territory, which will surely accomplish a thing.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 11:34 AM CDT
>I still don't see what the issue is; a GM specifically stated what guilds have inviso, and the counter argument is still circling around 'but nuh uh, thieves can buff weapons'. Again, if inviso is the only way you all can think of PvPing, the solution isn't to give everyone inviso, but to fix inviso.

Raesh said "The policy for invisibility, which hasn't changed in quite some time, is that it's a survival primary perk + Moon Mages."

I'm not sure if you read that far back, but the question was posed to revisit Barbarian invisibility since it hasn't changed in quite some time. 3.0 brought a lot of changes to things that haven't changed in quite some time. It's a valid request. Not sure why you don't understand. There's nothing wrong with wanting to revisit polices from the 20th century.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 01:13 PM CDT
>> Also, pointing the brokenness of inviso out is not a straw man; a straw man would be suggesting that was your argument to begin with.

>>>>If PvP is broken without invisibility, the solution is not to make all guilds have invisibility.

^ Straw man

The problem with your assessment here is that I NEVER claimed at any point in this argument that inviso is broken. Why? Because it's NOT.

Arguing that it's broken yourself is one thing. Insinuating that I'm arguing it and then 'knocking down' your own argument is 'straw man', at best. Other ways to describe it would be 'intentionally deceitful' or 'intellectually dishonest'.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 01:48 PM CDT
>>The problem with your assessment here is that I NEVER claimed at any point in this argument that inviso is broken. Why? Because it's NOT.

No one said you claimed invisibility is broken.

What was argued is that if the general stance you/others have is that you're/they're at a disadvantage because you/they don't have access to a refreshing invisibility, then something is wrong with refreshing invisibility because that should not be the case. And, the solution would not be to give more people invisibility, but investigate how to make invisibility less of a "I need this or else I am at a severe disadvantage" situation.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 01:55 PM CDT
Gort, I was responding directly to this comment by you:
>Blinking inviso is a huge advantage in PvP. Basic inviso is not such a huge advantage.

So, I suppose I was wrong, as I was replying to your argument that PvP is broken without invisibility.

Other ways to describe it would be 'uncertain of what you yourself stated', or 'moving the goalposts', like how you demanded IF buffs unawares that they already exist.

>I'm not sure if you read that far back, but the question was posed to revisit Barbarian invisibility since it hasn't changed in quite some time. 3.0 brought a lot of changes to things that haven't changed in quite some time. It's a valid request. Not sure why you don't understand. There's nothing wrong with wanting to revisit polices from the 20th century.

That in and of itself is perfectly reasonable, but given that the Raesh didn't include a 'and we're interested in changing said policies', I'm inclined to find any requests to do so somewhat moot. This argument is akin to asking for skillset changes, like saying "I feel Warmies should be Lore tertiary and Armor secondary". The position is 'survival prime + Moonies', and if you want to argue that that provides an unreasonable advantage to survival prime + moonies, perhaps the issue at hand is that inviso is broken for PvP, not that every guild needs it.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 03:14 PM CDT
>> Other ways to describe it would be 'uncertain of what you yourself stated', or 'moving the goalposts', like how you demanded IF buffs unawares that they already exist.

Unaware? Hardly. First off, they cost an arm and a leg and require immense specialization. There's no way you can get all of them, even if you only go for just those magic boosters.

Just like how Heitak was talking about the Predator path specialization, we have to make difficult choices in where we specialize, because the choices we make are what we're stuck with. You could compare it to feats, except that the difference here is that Mages pay for their feats through feat points. We pay for these through our ability points, which are a very precious commodity, and Barbarians are currently the only guild that require this insane level of specialization to access our top tier, having to learn up to nine abilities in that specific tree before we can touch the tip of that specific tree.

>> That in and of itself is perfectly reasonable, but given that the Raesh didn't include a 'and we're interested in changing said policies'

Yea, he should have been more clear - "And no, we're not changing anything, so screw you and your opinions". If he had said that, I'm sure we'd all know the score. It's implied that things are negotiable as long as people stay reasonable.

>> I'm inclined to find any requests to do so somewhat moot.

GM Jhaliascleric has spoken.

>> This argument is akin to asking for skillset changes, like saying "I feel Warmies should be Lore tertiary and Armor secondary".

You're swinging for the fences here, but while we're on weird tangents - "Barbarians learning magic? IMPOSSIBLE!"

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 03:46 PM CDT
This rather underlines how you move the goalposts. Instead of responding to the part of Tev and my posts that more or less refutes your previous contention, you move onto new issues. Lets back up;
You purported that inviso was an advantage in PvP that barbs should have. I'm being careful to avoid using strong word usage here in case you try and argue that. Your direct quote was:
>Blinking inviso is a huge advantage in PvP. Basic inviso is not such a huge advantage.

To which myself and Tev agreed that if inviso is a huge or 'not such a huge' advantage (I presume you still feel non-blinking inviso is an advantage, but your language is somewhat ambiguous there, so I'm hesitant to make any presumptions about what you're contending), the name of the game is NOT giving inviso to everyone or some people, it is to fix inviso. You called this a straw man, and then make a few fallacious comparisons, such as thieves being able to buff weapons, and barbarians being unable to buff magics.

Now you somewhat addressed the magic buffing point, but it still stands; SoI is a thing now, and plenty of guilds have buffs to tertiary skills. Maybe we should take issue with Clerics, Bards, and Warmies having survival buffs?

>Yea, he should have been more clear - "And no, we're not changing anything, so screw you and your opinions". If he had said that, I'm sure we'd all know the score. It's implied that things are negotiable as long as people stay reasonable.

I mean, you can be obtuse about it all you want, but the answer as to which guilds have inviso was given to you. The answer was 'survival primes + moonies'. If you want to continue arguing about it, at least do so with the understanding that a GM has weighed in on what the official paradigm is.

>GM Jhaliascleric has spoken.

Ah yes, your sarcasm, it makes your point so succinctly.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 04:00 PM CDT
>That in and of itself is perfectly reasonable, but given that the Raesh didn't include a 'and we're interested in changing said policies', I'm inclined to find any requests to do so somewhat moot.

Yeah, that's not how the grown up world works. If people disagree on a policy or stance we don't need to be "invited" to ask for it to be reconsidered. If you're looking for an invitation for anything you do or say you're going to spend a lot of time waiting for something that's not going to happen.

>This argument is akin to asking for skillset changes, like saying "I feel Warmies should be Lore tertiary and Armor secondary".

No, no it's really not akin to it at all. How do you figure those two share any similarity?

>The position is 'survival prime + Moonies', and if you want to argue that that provides an unreasonable advantage to survival prime + moonies, perhaps the issue at hand is that inviso is broken for PvP, not that every guild needs it.

Yes, Raesh stated the position of guild invisibility abilities earlier in the thread. Nobody is arguing for Barbarians to have it because of the way invisibility and PvP mesh. People are lamenting for it because they feel as if it has a place in the Predator Path, and when given the response by Raesh they're asking to re-evaluate that stance, because it's an old policy that's been around forever. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

No offense to Raesh/Kodius or staff, but not every decision, policy, guideline from staff is always right. Just like they aren't from Players either. Cultivating and growing a game comes from both sides. Some people who play this game have a mind of their own, and will challenge answers or policies. It's natural, healthy, and promotes change and evolution.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 04:33 PM CDT
>>that's not how the grown up world works.

>>Times change Lemmingblade

>>You don't have to be a pre-Socratic philosopher

Please, continue telling us how grown ups act.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 04:36 PM CDT
>Yeah, that's not how the grown up world works. If people disagree on a policy or stance we don't need to be "invited" to ask for it to be reconsidered. If you're looking for an invitation for anything you do or say you're going to spend a lot of time waiting for something that's not going to happen.

Not that you're suggesting as much, but the grown up world also doesn't work by kicking up a big fuss and whining that you don't like something until it changes. If a cop walks up to you and says 'don't cut the heads off those parking meters', don't be surprised if you end up in jail. That analogy was meant to be snarky more than pertinent, before it gets taken out of hand.

>No, no it's really not akin to it at all. How do you figure those two share any similarity?

Because Raesh said 'inviso is for survival primes and moonies'. If you want to argue for inviso being for barbs, I feel it is akin to arguing skillset placement, given that inviso is based on skillset placement.

>Yes, Raesh stated the position of guild invisibility abilities earlier in the thread. Nobody is arguing for Barbarians to have it because of the way invisibility and PvP mesh. People are lamenting for it because they feel as if it has a place in the Predator Path, and when given the response by Raesh they're asking to re-evaluate that stance, because it's an old policy that's been around forever. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

The argument that inviso is part of the predator path is distinctly NOT the argument that Gort was making, with his contention that PvP was hugely advantaged with inviso. Tev even pointed out that this was quite plainly a power grab for PvP purposes. It's not difficult to grasp, but it's not what's being said. Furthermore, the argument that the inviso is part of the predator path is a tenuous argument; as mentioned, SoI is a thing now, and guilds have buffs outside their SoI. That doesn't mean they all get inviso. Unless you feel any guild with a stealth buff should get inviso?

>No offense to Raesh/Kodius or staff, but not every decision, policy, guideline from staff is always right. Just like they aren't from Players either. Cultivating and growing a game comes from both sides. Some people who play this game have a mind of their own, and will challenge answers or policies. It's natural, healthy, and promotes change and evolution.

Oh I absolutely agree! If reasonable discussion can be had without argumentative fallacies and chicken little paranoia, then I think great progress can be had with respect to the games development.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 05:23 PM CDT
So at least it looks like we agree reasonable discussions can be had.

If barbs were to get any sort of inviso, what type would it be? How would you guys view it functioning?

Forged Weapons:
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 05:28 PM CDT

Haha, as listed previously; barb covers their eyes and roars "you can't see me!"

Seriously though, thematically, I disagree with the notion of barbs having invisibility, given the assumption that invisibility is inherently different than stealth. Anyone can hide, not anyone can be invisible.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 06:03 PM CDT

*Thieves have no magic, but can go invisible since they are survival primary.

*Rangers and necromancers have magic, are survival primary and can go invisible.

*Moon mages have magic, are not survival prime, but can go invisible, particularly due to historical reasons.

*Barbarians and the above 4 mentioned guilds all have stealth in their spheres of influence.

*It has been stated that invisibility is linked to stealthiness.

*Some people agree that the policy should be revisited under the new concepts of 3.0; others don't.

Question to GMs: Is this something that can be revisited? If so, fine. If not, fine. We've all presented our cases.

Side question: Will there ever be a spot check vs invisibilty?

Most importantly, thank you for your time and patience.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 06:15 PM CDT
>The argument that inviso is part of the predator path is distinctly NOT the argument that Gort was making, with his contention that PvP was hugely advantaged with inviso. Tev even pointed out that this was quite plainly a power grab for PvP purposes. It's not difficult to grasp, but it's not what's being said. Furthermore, the argument that the inviso is part of the predator path is a tenuous argument; as mentioned, SoI is a thing now, and guilds have buffs outside their SoI. That doesn't mean they all get inviso. Unless you feel any guild with a stealth buff should get inviso?

Again, if you actually read the thread you'd realize Lemmingblade accused Gort of a power grab and his intentions of wanting it in PvP. Gort was correcting and responding to his accusations. Why do you keep responding to this without reading what's going on?
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 07:35 PM CDT
>Barbarians and the above 4 mentioned guilds all have stealth in their spheres of influence.

But again, SoI buffing is somewhat besides the point; I agree that the five guilds with stealth included in SoI place Barbs as the only of the group without inviso, but Traders and Empaths don't have a Crafting buff despite being Lore prime, Thieves don't have a skinning buff, Rangers don't get a locksmithing buff, etc., etc., etc...

As an aside, Path of Predator isn't terribly stealthy. It's got one stealth buff, and one anti-stealth ability/debuff. I appreciate that people want to be stealthy, and thus want invisibility, but I don't see how you can look over the Predator abilities and conclude that inviso fits in there.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 08:15 PM CDT
>>But again, SoI buffing is somewhat besides the point;

SoI also just determines the size of a buff you get if you use that buff. Spheres of Influence don't even determine if you do (or don't) get something that buffs a skill. As pointed out, Barbarians can boost Augmentation and Warding, but they don't have it in their Sphere of Influence. Meanwhile, Necromancers have Performance and Small Edged in their Sphere of Influence, but they don't have anything that lets them boost either (nor does it mean Necromancers should be allowed to use recall or backstab).

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 08:26 PM CDT
>Rangers don't get a locksmithing buff, etc., etc., etc...

Yes, they do. Can you just stop?
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 08:26 PM CDT
Oh and I forgot what started this:

*Fancy stealthy Predator path.

I think it would be a nice end of path ability to be able to pulse invisibility. This would only be attainable if you went all the way down the path. I kind of wish that the paths concept that Kodius originally presented would be an option, with unique perks only available if you complete the path fully. That was my understanding of it, anyway.

So, sure, you get to use invisibility, but you may not be the world's greatest magic-crusher or weapon-master.

Something like that would be a fair tradeoff.

But as the design currently stands, it'd be something that you'd spend 4 or so slot points on like the other masteries. That is, if it existed.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 09:59 PM CDT
>Yes, they do. Can you just stop?

Poking around EPedia, it seems wotp does buff locksmithing. Mea culpa. That evidently invalidates everything else.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:21 PM CDT
>>Poking around EPedia, it seems wotp does buff locksmithing. Mea culpa. That evidently invalidates everything else.

With that resolved, I'm sure he'll go after Gort next for not knowing that Barbarians can boost their magic skills and refusing to acknowledge that part of the conversation even took place.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:31 PM CDT
>> The argument that inviso is part of the predator path is distinctly NOT the argument that Gort was making, with his contention that PvP was hugely advantaged with inviso. Tev even pointed out that this was quite plainly a power grab for PvP purposes. It's not difficult to grasp, but it's not what's being said. Furthermore, the argument that the inviso is part of the predator path is a tenuous argument; as mentioned, SoI is a thing now, and guilds have buffs outside their SoI. That doesn't mean they all get inviso. Unless you feel any guild with a stealth buff should get inviso?

I had a counter-post written, but I closed the window by accident, and unfortunately M&M6 was just more appealing to me than arguing with you.

My stance on inviso is that 'powerful' and 'utility' are two distinct and separate classes of invisibility. I made this point in reference to the ridiculous assertion that 'it was a clear power grab' and that you wouldn't let it go even though I took care in separating the terms and advocated the much less powerful 'utility' inviso in all of my arguments.

Apparently, neither you nor Tev know the difference between the two in PvP. Ok, whatever.

Two points, firstly that 'utility' inviso would be better under a proposed 'general survival feat' system. The survival skill-set is the only one that has no feat system. It seems kinda odd to me that it doesn't, considering that there's all this room for expansion on it. So I thought it would be nice if it had one, and that utility inviso would be a good fit there, since we've established that it's not strictly a magical ability.

Second, assuming that that idea fell through, Predator specialization is still an ideal place for 'utility' inviso to happen. It can be reasoned that the refresh rate of inviso has everything to do with how powerful it is. So just apply the necessary discretion with that as your baseline.

My post on thieves being able to buff all weapons was a dismantling of your assertion that 'it's out of guild's range of proficiency'. The post about not receiving magic buffs was a sarcastic rebuttal to your assertion that 'barbs do it better so it doesn't count'. If you couldn't figure that out, I've got a bridge to sell you.

It's not even really about that this metaphorical 'range' you speak of is highly volatile, has been subject to change on a regular basis, and can be dismantled six ways to Sunday just by looking at what abilities guilds currently have, barbs included. It's that you're both arguing it like it's a code of law, handed down by Moses written in stone, when it's most definitely not. More than anything here, you two acting like surrogate GMs declaring the "is and aint's" of what the GMs will and will not allow is... insulting. We come to discuss and neither of you contribute anything to the discussion - you just railroad it with mindless hyperbole. Shoot first, ask questions later amirite?

You want my honest opinion about my character? I'm bored with PvP in 3.0. I haven't lost a fight in almost a year, and I've fought every person who would go a round with me, including people who are higher circle. Making barbs more powerful is not my intention.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 10:38 PM CDT

<<You want my honest opinion about my character? I'm bored with PvP in 3.0. I haven't lost a fight in almost a year, and I've fought every person who would go a round with me, including people who are higher circle. Making barbs more powerful is not my intention.>>

To be fair this isn't a barbarians are strong example. You are quite over trained.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/29/2013 11:55 PM CDT
>Poking around EPedia, it seems wotp does buff locksmithing. Mea culpa. That evidently invalidates everything else.

The main problem being that you do it frequently. You fail to read entire threads before commenting on them and you post inaccurate information in an attempt to back up your stance.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 06:47 AM CDT
>>You are quite over trained.

I LOLed. Is that actually possible?
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 06:52 AM CDT
>My stance on inviso is that 'powerful' and 'utility' are two distinct and separate classes of invisibility. I made this point in reference to the ridiculous assertion that 'it was a clear power grab' and that you wouldn't let it go even though I took care in separating the terms and advocated the much less powerful 'utility' inviso in all of my arguments.

This was by no means made clear by anything you stated in the discussion yesterday. Which is why I quoted you saying 'Blinking inviso is a huge advantage in PvP'. Basic inviso is not such a huge advantage.'. If I was interpreting this statement inaccurately, you should have addressed that the first time I quoted it back to you. But you didn't; this is the first time you've tried to draw a distinction between 'powerful' and 'utility'. This is actually the first time you've used the word 'utility' to describe inviso's place or function or form or theme.

>My post on thieves being able to buff all weapons was a dismantling of your assertion that 'it's out of guild's range of proficiency'. The post about not receiving magic buffs was a sarcastic rebuttal to your assertion that 'barbs do it better so it doesn't count'. If you couldn't figure that out, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Which is why I brought up SoI's and why buffing was mentioned. Mentioning that thieves can buff weapons isn't a dismantling of a 'proficiency' argument, it's just mentioning another set of buffs that some has. Incidentally, isn't the khri system still on 2.0 mechanics? Also,I notice you didn't respond to the point that Bards and Warmies both have a stealth buff; should they get inviso? The point that's being made here is that 'ability to buff stealth' doesn't mean 'guild should get inviso', just like 'ability to buff weapons' doesn't mean guild should get dual load, multi-toss or whirlwind.

>The main problem being that you do it frequently. You fail to read entire threads before commenting on them and you post inaccurate information in an attempt to back up your stance.

And you only post these childish quote snips and insults against posters you have a vendetta against. Hurray, we've both established that we dislike the others posting habits! Tell ya what, I'll go back to ignoring the non-contributions you have to threads, and you can continue being convinced I only post inaccurate information after I 'fail to read entire threads'. We both win! To be frank, I admitted where I made an incorrect assertion. Rather than discard the entirety of my argument, and rather than dispute the singular point that included my incorrect assertion, you could try discussing this matter in good faith. Your ability to go from 0 to ad hominems in a single post is rather uncanny, and if you look back at the discussion, you'll see you're a significant contributor to dragging it into infantile unreasonableness.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 07:06 AM CDT
Quit mucking up this thread with stupid squabbles. The point isn't to see who can piss the farthest. The proposed concept was based upon a thematic path that is focused on being stealthy like a predator. It's not simply a stealth buff. It's an actual regimented focus. It's extremely obvious to anyone who knows anything about barbarians that there are three paths. One focusing on being a beast of a warrior, one focused on crushing magic, and one focused on being like an undetected predator. Predators are known to stalk and then destroy their prey. It's like... they're invisible!

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 08:57 AM CDT
Squanto +1

I also don't think it's reasonable to justify anything by what someone else doesn't have like the following...

>> but Traders and Empaths don't have a Crafting buff despite being Lore prime, Thieves don't have a skinning buff, Rangers don't get a locksmithing buff

Chances are Traders and Empaths will get a crafting buff, crafting just came out and the game hasn't caught up yet. As for Thieves and Rangers, that's up to them to discuss what they want in their own folders. None of this has any meaning here.

Also it doesn't even matter "why" one particular person wants invisibility, it's useful to a lot of different scenarios - we need to stop arguing about nothing and move on.

I think the greatest PvP ability is locate!

Invisibility sounds like a mediation in the barb world? Or would it be a form, as if you are continuously moving to remain hidden.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 09:33 AM CDT
>I also don't think it's reasonable to justify anything by what someone else doesn't have like the following...

Except a GM weighed in saying 'inviso is something that belongs to survival primes + moonies'. If you want to ignore that part of the discussion and focus only on Barbs, that's fine, but don't do so under the auspices of me being the one raising irrelevancies. Also;

>None of this has any meaning here.

It's in response to the point that Thieves can buff weapons. If you want to dismiss other guilds buffing/SoI/themes in this discussion, I think that's valid, but recognize that I'm not the only one making the argument.

>Also it doesn't even matter "why" one particular person wants invisibility, it's useful to a lot of different scenarios

I disagree, but am hesitant to cite reasoning couched in GvG comparisons, so will have to leave it at that.
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 10:32 AM CDT
>>It's in response to the point that Thieves can buff weapons. If you want to dismiss other guilds buffing/SoI/themes in this discussion, I think that's valid, but recognize that I'm not the only one making the argument.

That's comparing to what someone DOES have, not to what someone Doesn't Have which is what you compared to. If you go by what people don't have then no one gets anything new ever. I guess you could argue that things get taken away from time to time which is true, but that's much less common.


>>I disagree

If believe it's relevant to discuss what particular reason someone wants invisibility, than you would have to also discuss why YOU don't want others to have it.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 11:54 AM CDT
This is not the I AM GOD guild. If you really want invisibility that bad, Raesh gave options. checkinrerollmoonmage/suvivalprimary.

What has made this game great is the diversity between guilds, yes some guilds may share some abilities with others, but on the whole each guild is rather different from the next. If every guild was able to obtain every ability in some way/shape/form, it would be pointless to have different guilds.

If invisibility was to be given away so easily, why shouldn't someone be able to snipe with 1500 stealth, and 1500 bow no matter what guild? Why? Because it's a guild specific ability. If snipe were that important to me, I'd reroll thief or ranger. If invisibility were that important, I'd reroll ranger or MM.

As is, the abilities that have been release for Barbarians are rather staggering, especially when using multiple forms/meditations/berserks, or any combo of such.

Kudos for Kodius (and any other nameless dev people as well that have worked hard on getting our abilities up and running).
Re: Panther or Whatever 10/30/2013 12:57 PM CDT
>So, sure, you get to use invisibility, but you may not be the world's greatest magic-crusher or weapon-master.

I've always loved the idea of specialization within guilds, so I found barb paths in 3.0 to be really interesting.

Using other abilities across all guilds as a gauge, I don't think adding reforming invis at the end of a specialization tree would be uniquely overpowered in PvP if that's a concern. The only thing that might be over the top is dual load with reforming invis, but that has more to do with dual load already being pretty damn mean right now.

Out of curiosity, if reforming invis is off the table for barbs, would reforming stealth be considered or even desired by barbs?