Oh. My. God. I assume you've all seen the 3 minute trailer for Return of the King? I saw it on AOL and I got goosebumps. I quiver with anticipation....
I wish November would just...disappear.
Terra Meigus
~ "The song that is irresistable.."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/14/2003 05:29 PM CDT
Revolutions > Return of the King
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/15/2003 06:23 PM CDT
>>I wish November would just...disappear.
What?! And miss The Matrix: Revolutions? Forget that!
I'll wait an extra month for LOTRs. tease
Zulkirs, the LOTR and Matrix fan-
Not all those who wander are lost.
What?! And miss The Matrix: Revolutions? Forget that!
I'll wait an extra month for LOTRs. tease
Zulkirs, the LOTR and Matrix fan-
Not all those who wander are lost.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/15/2003 09:13 PM CDT
But if November disappeared, then on Oct 31 instead of Revolutions being 5 days away, it's open the next day and already on Week 4 so no crowds.
Right? oh, wait ... uh ...
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
Right? oh, wait ... uh ...
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/15/2003 10:35 PM CDT
>>But if November disappeared, then on Oct 31 instead of Revolutions being 5 days away, it's open the next day and already on Week 4 so no crowds.
You are the biggest nerd in the world. :)
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
You are the biggest nerd in the world. :)
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/16/2003 02:27 AM CDT
>>Teeklin>>You are the biggest nerd in the world. :)
And ...?
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
And ...?
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/17/2003 11:22 PM CDT
<<Revolutions > Return of the King>>
That's why they lock people up, for trains of thought so off-track as this.
Just kidding actually, but I was SO disappointed with Matrix: Reloaded that I will probably wait at least 2 weeks before I see Revolutions..
*goes back into the woods looking for Legolas*
"Here, elfy elfy elfy elfy...mommy's not going to hurt you...come on"
Terra Meigus
~ "The song that is irresistable.."
That's why they lock people up, for trains of thought so off-track as this.
Just kidding actually, but I was SO disappointed with Matrix: Reloaded that I will probably wait at least 2 weeks before I see Revolutions..
*goes back into the woods looking for Legolas*
"Here, elfy elfy elfy elfy...mommy's not going to hurt you...come on"
Terra Meigus
~ "The song that is irresistable.."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 03:12 AM CDT
>>I was SO disappointed with Matrix: Reloaded that I will probably wait at least 2 weeks before I see Revolutions
WHY! What is wrong with you! Reloaded was possibly the best sequel that has ever been done in the history of movies ever. It is also one of the best action movies that has ever been made ever. It also has one of the best plots of any movies ever done ever.
If you didn't like it the first time, go see it again!
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
WHY! What is wrong with you! Reloaded was possibly the best sequel that has ever been done in the history of movies ever. It is also one of the best action movies that has ever been made ever. It also has one of the best plots of any movies ever done ever.
If you didn't like it the first time, go see it again!
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 03:18 AM CDT
>Reloaded was possibly the best sequel that has ever been done in the history of movies ever.
That's like saying the sewer water here tastes better than the sewer water in Mexico.
>It also has one of the best plots of any movies ever done ever.
This is where you utterly lose me.
No matter where light goes...it will find darkness has been there first.
That's like saying the sewer water here tastes better than the sewer water in Mexico.
>It also has one of the best plots of any movies ever done ever.
This is where you utterly lose me.
No matter where light goes...it will find darkness has been there first.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 04:26 AM CDT
>>That's like saying the sewer water here tastes better than the sewer water in Mexico.
Take it that way, sure, but it doesn't make it any less true. Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded. The Matrix series is going to be the best trilogy ever released. The only one that could come close is Star Wars, and the only reason that will be more popular is because nothing like that was ever done before and it was such a sensation seeing something new like that for the first time.
Nothing like the Matrix was ever done before either, but most people don't notice the kind of audio/visual quirks that make the Matrix amazing to me...they just look at it as another special effects movie. However, I'd say that the Matrix/Reloaded probably did about 200 things that have never been done before for any motion picture ever...that's saying something.
>>This is where you utterly lose me.
The Matrix trilogy has one of the greater plots of any set of movies ever.
I actually just tried to outline the plot, but I got to about the ninth paragraph and the 6th page of typing and wasn't even through the first Matrix movie, so I decided to quit. Just suffice it to say that if you step back and look at the whole picture for the series you will see one of the most complex and involving plots that the motion picture industry has ever seen. The Matrix (1, 2, 3) is a set of movies that encompasses EVERY single movie genre out there, even throwing in some good one liners at key points to fulfill the comedy requirement.
I think that Reloaded is probably my favorite movie ever, just barely topping out the Matrix. But we'll have to wait to see how Revolutions finishes it up before I decide what order they go in for favorites. Seeing Neo standing in the middle of thousands of Agent Smiths sent chills up my spine with how excellent Revolutions might be. And thus far, the Wachowski brothers haven't disappointed me yet.
Anyhow, all this Matrix talk has gotten me excited again. Off to watch Reloaded for the 11th time before bed!
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Take it that way, sure, but it doesn't make it any less true. Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded. The Matrix series is going to be the best trilogy ever released. The only one that could come close is Star Wars, and the only reason that will be more popular is because nothing like that was ever done before and it was such a sensation seeing something new like that for the first time.
Nothing like the Matrix was ever done before either, but most people don't notice the kind of audio/visual quirks that make the Matrix amazing to me...they just look at it as another special effects movie. However, I'd say that the Matrix/Reloaded probably did about 200 things that have never been done before for any motion picture ever...that's saying something.
>>This is where you utterly lose me.
The Matrix trilogy has one of the greater plots of any set of movies ever.
I actually just tried to outline the plot, but I got to about the ninth paragraph and the 6th page of typing and wasn't even through the first Matrix movie, so I decided to quit. Just suffice it to say that if you step back and look at the whole picture for the series you will see one of the most complex and involving plots that the motion picture industry has ever seen. The Matrix (1, 2, 3) is a set of movies that encompasses EVERY single movie genre out there, even throwing in some good one liners at key points to fulfill the comedy requirement.
I think that Reloaded is probably my favorite movie ever, just barely topping out the Matrix. But we'll have to wait to see how Revolutions finishes it up before I decide what order they go in for favorites. Seeing Neo standing in the middle of thousands of Agent Smiths sent chills up my spine with how excellent Revolutions might be. And thus far, the Wachowski brothers haven't disappointed me yet.
Anyhow, all this Matrix talk has gotten me excited again. Off to watch Reloaded for the 11th time before bed!
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 08:25 AM CDT
<<Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia>>
And I thought I had issues? :-P Anywho, Matrix wasn't my favorite movie plot-wise. Sure, it was unique and I give them major kudos for that. I actually give everyone involved so much credit for originality and the fan base that they've gotten. So I'm not bashing the Matrix and it didn't suck, it's just not as good as I want it to be. I also hated the way that Keanu Reeves (be still my heart) turned into a computer generated image when he was battling all of those clones near the beginning.
But Lord of the Rings is more my type of movie. I am the biggest sucker for fantasy movies and I overwatch them. It's sick. You name it, I love it.
We need more movies.. Anyone know of some goodies? I can think of..
Legend (young Tom Cruise, ::fan self::)
Record of Lodoss War (anime)
Dark Crystal
Conan the Destroyer (Barbarian sucked, Arnold's weird, also happy don't live in Cali)
Red Sonja
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship and Two Towers
Ever After (sue me)
Harry Potter: Sorceror's Stone and Chamber of Secrets
Anyway the rest in my collection elude me at the moment.
Terra Meigus
~ "The song that is irresistable.."
And I thought I had issues? :-P Anywho, Matrix wasn't my favorite movie plot-wise. Sure, it was unique and I give them major kudos for that. I actually give everyone involved so much credit for originality and the fan base that they've gotten. So I'm not bashing the Matrix and it didn't suck, it's just not as good as I want it to be. I also hated the way that Keanu Reeves (be still my heart) turned into a computer generated image when he was battling all of those clones near the beginning.
But Lord of the Rings is more my type of movie. I am the biggest sucker for fantasy movies and I overwatch them. It's sick. You name it, I love it.
We need more movies.. Anyone know of some goodies? I can think of..
Legend (young Tom Cruise, ::fan self::)
Record of Lodoss War (anime)
Dark Crystal
Conan the Destroyer (Barbarian sucked, Arnold's weird, also happy don't live in Cali)
Red Sonja
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship and Two Towers
Ever After (sue me)
Harry Potter: Sorceror's Stone and Chamber of Secrets
Anyway the rest in my collection elude me at the moment.
Terra Meigus
~ "The song that is irresistable.."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 09:04 AM CDT
<<Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded.>>
Godfather Part II. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Empire Strikes Back (although you've already mentioned this). The Two Towers.
<<However, I'd say that the Matrix/Reloaded probably did about 200 things that have never been done before for any motion picture ever...that's saying something.>>
Yep, they made a fight scene so darned boring that I nearly fell asleep. I mean, come on, spending ten minutes fighting a bazillion Agent Smiths didn't exactly do anything for me.
<<The Matrix trilogy has one of the greater plots of any set of movies ever.>>
Taken almost directly from the old "brain in a jar" theory. However, if you want to call digital characters shooting at eachother (not to mention watching the same boring scene three times in one movie) a good plot, suit yourself.
<<Seeing Neo standing in the middle of thousands of Agent Smiths sent chills up my spine with how excellent Revolutions might be.>>
Why? You knew he could kick their butts, HE knew he could kick their butts, everyone knew he could, and would kick their butts. It was just an issue of "how long do we have to sit through this drivel?"
And let's not forget, having a rave is one of the best ways to tick those darned robots off.
Drongol's Player
Godfather Part II. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Empire Strikes Back (although you've already mentioned this). The Two Towers.
<<However, I'd say that the Matrix/Reloaded probably did about 200 things that have never been done before for any motion picture ever...that's saying something.>>
Yep, they made a fight scene so darned boring that I nearly fell asleep. I mean, come on, spending ten minutes fighting a bazillion Agent Smiths didn't exactly do anything for me.
<<The Matrix trilogy has one of the greater plots of any set of movies ever.>>
Taken almost directly from the old "brain in a jar" theory. However, if you want to call digital characters shooting at eachother (not to mention watching the same boring scene three times in one movie) a good plot, suit yourself.
<<Seeing Neo standing in the middle of thousands of Agent Smiths sent chills up my spine with how excellent Revolutions might be.>>
Why? You knew he could kick their butts, HE knew he could kick their butts, everyone knew he could, and would kick their butts. It was just an issue of "how long do we have to sit through this drivel?"
And let's not forget, having a rave is one of the best ways to tick those darned robots off.
Drongol's Player
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 09:23 AM CDT
<<And let's not forget, having a rave is one of the best ways to tick those darned robots off.>>
::cackles wildly::
Praise Drongol!
~Player of Terra
::cackles wildly::
Praise Drongol!
~Player of Terra
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 09:23 AM CDT
No Dungeons&Dragons, Terra? ::grins::
No matter where light goes...it will find darkness has been there first.
No Dungeons&Dragons, Terra? ::grins::
No matter where light goes...it will find darkness has been there first.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 09:34 AM CDT
Oooh, add Dungeons & Dragons.
Although I've, shockingly enough, never played the games, I did enjoy the movie. Most people hated it for some reason, but I liked it. So here's some list additions:
Dungeons & Dragons
Kull (I know, I'm a dork)
Interview with a Vampire
Practical Magic
not to mention I religiously watch Charmed
~Player of Terra
Although I've, shockingly enough, never played the games, I did enjoy the movie. Most people hated it for some reason, but I liked it. So here's some list additions:
Dungeons & Dragons
Kull (I know, I'm a dork)
Interview with a Vampire
Practical Magic
not to mention I religiously watch Charmed
~Player of Terra
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 10:57 AM CDT
Here's some more sequels that either better or equal the first....
Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Khan (one of the best trek movies ever)
Terminator 2
And other great movies (fantasy and whatnot)
The Princess Bride
American Pie (so sue me, I laughed through the whole thing)
South Park, The Movie (see note above)
Galaxy Quest
Chicken Run
"I used to be Snow White...... but I drifted." - Mae West
Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Khan (one of the best trek movies ever)
Terminator 2
And other great movies (fantasy and whatnot)
The Princess Bride
American Pie (so sue me, I laughed through the whole thing)
South Park, The Movie (see note above)
Galaxy Quest
Chicken Run
"I used to be Snow White...... but I drifted." - Mae West
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 11:03 AM CDT
I hated D and D. It just seemed too B level and it couldn't figure out whether it was serious or comedic.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 02:55 PM CDT
I'm gonna have to agree with Teeklin on this.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 05:34 PM CDT
>>Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded.
My favorites would be:
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Empire Strikes Back
Godfather part 2
X-men 2
But I don't want to try and change anyone's opinion. I just want to point out that how "great" a movie is is subjective to the viewer. But I wouldn't go as far as Teeklin did and throw out the words "best" and "great" when, in my opinion, no one movie is greater than any other because there will always be someone who likes another more. I personally liked the Matrix reloaded a lil bit, but it seemed to give me more of a headache at times than be entertaining. But that's just me and I don't expect the box office to back me up anytime soon. I just know what I like. :)
But not to take anything away from Teeklin as I'm sure the movie does do a lotta things never done before in movies, but I'm not very good at noticing those things I suppose. I guess you could say it's an acquired taste. :)
My favorites would be:
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Empire Strikes Back
Godfather part 2
X-men 2
But I don't want to try and change anyone's opinion. I just want to point out that how "great" a movie is is subjective to the viewer. But I wouldn't go as far as Teeklin did and throw out the words "best" and "great" when, in my opinion, no one movie is greater than any other because there will always be someone who likes another more. I personally liked the Matrix reloaded a lil bit, but it seemed to give me more of a headache at times than be entertaining. But that's just me and I don't expect the box office to back me up anytime soon. I just know what I like. :)
But not to take anything away from Teeklin as I'm sure the movie does do a lotta things never done before in movies, but I'm not very good at noticing those things I suppose. I guess you could say it's an acquired taste. :)
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 08:10 PM CDT
Oooh Ranik, thank you for the X-Men 2 reminder. I've always been a huge X-Men fan and the second movie was just even better than the first. Ultra excited me!
~Player of Terra
~Player of Terra
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/18/2003 08:55 PM CDT
<<Oooh Ranik, thank you for the X-Men 2 reminder. I've always been a huge X-Men fan and the second movie was just even better than the first. Ultra excited me!>>
Eh, I didn't much care for either one of them, as a comic book geek. Way too much deviation from th comics. That said, they were both enjoyable, and 2 was superior to 1, if for no other reason than Nightcrawler.
Drongol's Player
Eh, I didn't much care for either one of them, as a comic book geek. Way too much deviation from th comics. That said, they were both enjoyable, and 2 was superior to 1, if for no other reason than Nightcrawler.
Drongol's Player
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 12:16 AM CDT
<<Eh, I didn't much care for either one of them, as a comic book geek. Way too much deviation from th comics. That said, they were both enjoyable, and 2 was superior to 1, if for no other reason than Nightcrawler.
When watching a movie you always have to remember that it will never go the same way as the written version. Its just not possible in Hollywood. So I always try to just enjoy the movie and not to think about what things are different.
When watching a movie you always have to remember that it will never go the same way as the written version. Its just not possible in Hollywood. So I always try to just enjoy the movie and not to think about what things are different.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 02:23 AM CDT
<<Oooh, add Dungeons & Dragons.
Although I've, shockingly enough, never played the games, I did enjoy the movie. Most people hated it for some reason, but I liked it. So here's some list additions:
Dungeons & Dragons
Kull (I know, I'm a dork)
Interview with a Vampire
Practical Magic
not to mention I religiously watch Charmed
~Player of Terra>>
Ooooh, I think I'm in love! Now if she watches Buffy too I may have to show up with a ring.
-Chakram, behind-the-scenes dork, geek and general nerd.
PS Not already being taken is always a big plus!
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
Although I've, shockingly enough, never played the games, I did enjoy the movie. Most people hated it for some reason, but I liked it. So here's some list additions:
Dungeons & Dragons
Kull (I know, I'm a dork)
Interview with a Vampire
Practical Magic
not to mention I religiously watch Charmed
~Player of Terra>>
Ooooh, I think I'm in love! Now if she watches Buffy too I may have to show up with a ring.
-Chakram, behind-the-scenes dork, geek and general nerd.
PS Not already being taken is always a big plus!
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 02:24 AM CDT
<<When watching a movie you always have to remember that it will never go the same way as the written version. Its just not possible in Hollywood. So I always try to just enjoy the movie and not to think about what things are different.>>
And this is why they always add the Based upon/on disclaimer.
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
And this is why they always add the Based upon/on disclaimer.
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 12:00 PM CDT
>>Chakram>>Now if she watches Buffy too I may have to show up with a ring.
Just as long as it's not the One Ring, them wimmin get bossy enough as it is when they realize you aren;t dating anymore.
~~~Krin, who would run but knows a wife's nagging can reach light-years away
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
Just as long as it's not the One Ring, them wimmin get bossy enough as it is when they realize you aren;t dating anymore.
~~~Krin, who would run but knows a wife's nagging can reach light-years away
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 04:30 PM CDT
<<Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded.>>
Ghostbusters II. Remember you never said what it was supposed to be better at.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Ghostbusters II. Remember you never said what it was supposed to be better at.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 04:39 PM CDT
>>Remember you never said what it was supposed to be better at.
Yes I did, I said a better movie. Thus far, not a single movie anyone has listed is better than Reloaded.
Reloaded wins. At least until Revolutions, which I just downloaded the trailer for and is absolutely amazing also.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Yes I did, I said a better movie. Thus far, not a single movie anyone has listed is better than Reloaded.
Reloaded wins. At least until Revolutions, which I just downloaded the trailer for and is absolutely amazing also.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 04:56 PM CDT
>Yes I did, I said a better movie. Thus far, not a single movie anyone has listed is better than Reloaded.
Opinion, and I was making a joke. I think as far as action goes the Battle of Helms Deep kicks the entire Matrix series' ass.
To tell the truth, I thought the original Matrix was better. Reloaded's kung fu scenes were so drawn out without anyone getting hurt, that it got to the point where I wasn't even paying attention anymore and was waiting for someone to die. They could easily have cut the kung fu scenes in half, cut out the sex scene entirely (I went and made popcorn and they were still going at it when I got back), and it would've made for a much smoother movie. Or maybe I just got burned out on paused action effects after seeing House of the Dead. Though I gotta admit they had the best car chase I've ever seen.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Opinion, and I was making a joke. I think as far as action goes the Battle of Helms Deep kicks the entire Matrix series' ass.
To tell the truth, I thought the original Matrix was better. Reloaded's kung fu scenes were so drawn out without anyone getting hurt, that it got to the point where I wasn't even paying attention anymore and was waiting for someone to die. They could easily have cut the kung fu scenes in half, cut out the sex scene entirely (I went and made popcorn and they were still going at it when I got back), and it would've made for a much smoother movie. Or maybe I just got burned out on paused action effects after seeing House of the Dead. Though I gotta admit they had the best car chase I've ever seen.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 04:59 PM CDT
Oh yeah. Personally, I don't plan to watch Reloaded again, and rarely watch LOTR. However I will always watch Ghostbusters or Evil Dead: Army of Darkness when it's on. Makes you wonder what makes a movie "good".
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 05:20 PM CDT
<<Ooooh, I think I'm in love! Now if she watches Buffy too I may have to show up with a ring.>>
<<-Chakram, behind-the-scenes dork, geek and general nerd.>>
<<PS Not already being taken is always a big plus!>>
I'd like to bring to your attention that I am a decent person, I do eat, drink and breathe in order to function on a daily basis, thus I also watch Buffy on a near daily basis. I mean..what kind of person doesn't watch Buffy? It's so...good. Charmed still wins though..
Yep, color me single. The one ring would be a nice little present. Although, I'd settle for a modest diamond or two.
To add to my supreme dorkiness, I must also add that I'm a devout Anne Rice follower. She has a gift with words that few can master. And Harry Potter..I am obsessed with it, it's sick really. I'm praying at night for a DR-style Harry Potter game. I'm sick, I know. But a girl can dream, can't she?
~Player of Terra
<<-Chakram, behind-the-scenes dork, geek and general nerd.>>
<<PS Not already being taken is always a big plus!>>
I'd like to bring to your attention that I am a decent person, I do eat, drink and breathe in order to function on a daily basis, thus I also watch Buffy on a near daily basis. I mean..what kind of person doesn't watch Buffy? It's so...good. Charmed still wins though..
Yep, color me single. The one ring would be a nice little present. Although, I'd settle for a modest diamond or two.
To add to my supreme dorkiness, I must also add that I'm a devout Anne Rice follower. She has a gift with words that few can master. And Harry Potter..I am obsessed with it, it's sick really. I'm praying at night for a DR-style Harry Potter game. I'm sick, I know. But a girl can dream, can't she?
~Player of Terra
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 05:22 PM CDT
<<Eh, I didn't much care for either one of them, as a comic book geek. Way too much deviation from th comics. That said, they were both enjoyable, and 2 was superior to 1, if for no other reason than Nightcrawler.>>
Huge bonus points for Nightcrawler and while I did not like the deviation from the Comic Books, I still thought the movies were well done. You can't really cram all those years of comics into one movie. But they did their best and I think they did a great job of incorporating characters. I actually like their Rogue adaptation, although it's a near polar opposite from the comic books.
The Phoenix references in X-Men 2 were great. Made my day..
~Player of Terra
Huge bonus points for Nightcrawler and while I did not like the deviation from the Comic Books, I still thought the movies were well done. You can't really cram all those years of comics into one movie. But they did their best and I think they did a great job of incorporating characters. I actually like their Rogue adaptation, although it's a near polar opposite from the comic books.
The Phoenix references in X-Men 2 were great. Made my day..
~Player of Terra
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 06:36 PM CDT
<<However I will always watch Ghostbusters or Evil Dead: Army of Darkness when it's on.
Ohh, don't forget about Big Trouble in Little China.
Ohh, don't forget about Big Trouble in Little China.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 06:41 PM CDT
Heh, there are some movies that you don't know why, but that you'll watch about 1000 times and they never get old. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Shrek...
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 07:50 PM CDT
Oh yeah! Now that was a great movie.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Oh yeah! Now that was a great movie.
YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!
It has a dragonrealms section so I can spam it! Go me!
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/19/2003 08:39 PM CDT
>>Yes I did, I said a better movie. Thus far, not a single movie anyone has listed is better than Reloaded.
Actually... didn't you ask us to identify sequels that were better than the first in the same series?
And many movies are way better than Reloaded. I liked it but liked the original better.
Another of my all time favorites: Goldfinger
"I used to be Snow White...... but I drifted." - Mae West
Actually... didn't you ask us to identify sequels that were better than the first in the same series?
And many movies are way better than Reloaded. I liked it but liked the original better.
Another of my all time favorites: Goldfinger
"I used to be Snow White...... but I drifted." - Mae West
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/20/2003 01:59 AM CDT
>>Actually... didn't you ask us to identify sequels that were better than the first in the same series?
Negative. There are a lot of those.
>>And many movies are way better than Reloaded.
You, sir, are a heretic and must be burned alive.
>>Another of my all time favorites: Goldfinger
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Negative. There are a lot of those.
>>And many movies are way better than Reloaded.
You, sir, are a heretic and must be burned alive.
>>Another of my all time favorites: Goldfinger
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/20/2003 02:28 AM CDT
<< Give me a single movie with a 2, II, or :nextchapter in it's title and tell me that it was better than Reloaded. >>
Well, about 3/4 of the world liked Back To The Future II better than Back To The Future I...
I won't go into my personal list of good movies because it's too long. However, I will suggest that you find "Cube 2: Hypercube" and watch it.
~ Player of Ahkshan
Primary Magic: 5 31.91% clear
You say, "Sweet! Spell slots here I come!"
Well, about 3/4 of the world liked Back To The Future II better than Back To The Future I...
I won't go into my personal list of good movies because it's too long. However, I will suggest that you find "Cube 2: Hypercube" and watch it.
~ Player of Ahkshan
Primary Magic: 5 31.91% clear
You say, "Sweet! Spell slots here I come!"
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/20/2003 03:04 AM CDT
<<You, sir, are a heretic and must be burned alive.>>
All I can say is that if you're gonna burn all the heretics for this statement. Yer gonna need a bigger fire. While the Matrix was a good movie, Reloaded definitely wasn't on par with the original. I think what made the Matrix was so good was it's originality, and as many have already pointed out, Reloaded definitely lacked this.
<<Negative. There are a lot of those.>>
There's a few, but I wouldn't necessarily say a lot. <points out the many inferior Disney sequels, well except Toy Story 2, but really, that's just Pixar> With the great number of sequels out there, it's hard to find a movie that equals the quality of the original, let alone exceeds it. And here I'm speaking of quality movies, not those B-movie slasher horror flick types.
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
All I can say is that if you're gonna burn all the heretics for this statement. Yer gonna need a bigger fire. While the Matrix was a good movie, Reloaded definitely wasn't on par with the original. I think what made the Matrix was so good was it's originality, and as many have already pointed out, Reloaded definitely lacked this.
<<Negative. There are a lot of those.>>
There's a few, but I wouldn't necessarily say a lot. <points out the many inferior Disney sequels, well except Toy Story 2, but really, that's just Pixar> With the great number of sequels out there, it's hard to find a movie that equals the quality of the original, let alone exceeds it. And here I'm speaking of quality movies, not those B-movie slasher horror flick types.
"It's a shame they let the old punishments die out....God I miss the screaming."
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/20/2003 03:10 AM CDT
>>I think what made the Matrix was so good was it's originality, and as many have already pointed out, Reloaded definitely lacked this.
I guess I just lack the brainpower to comprehend how someone can say this. Give me one movie EVER who did even half the new things that Reloaded did. As if the story wasn't original enough (the entire concept and plot from the first movie are still entwined in Reloaded), they advanced the story IMMENSELY in Reloaded in a 100% original way.
Take away the Matrix and show just Reloaded, you still have the awesome overwhelming philosophical originality that made the Matrix great, only this time with a deeper storyline behind it.
Not to mention, as I've said, the hundreds and hundreds of original things that Reloaded did with visual and audio that have NEVER been done before, and that most have never even dreamed of doing before.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
I guess I just lack the brainpower to comprehend how someone can say this. Give me one movie EVER who did even half the new things that Reloaded did. As if the story wasn't original enough (the entire concept and plot from the first movie are still entwined in Reloaded), they advanced the story IMMENSELY in Reloaded in a 100% original way.
Take away the Matrix and show just Reloaded, you still have the awesome overwhelming philosophical originality that made the Matrix great, only this time with a deeper storyline behind it.
Not to mention, as I've said, the hundreds and hundreds of original things that Reloaded did with visual and audio that have NEVER been done before, and that most have never even dreamed of doing before.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
Re: Return of the King Trailer...
10/20/2003 03:26 AM CDT
Teeklin... I gotta agree with the crowd here. Reloaded was a good movie... with about half an hour of extra material that should been cut (The black people dancing = white people sex scence for example. It ran what 5 minutes? I woulda settled for... 5 minutes less.) as well as some of the situations being simply far too forced (The instant kissing of Neo and Trinity in the elevator) or just really inherantly silly (the entire thing with the cake for example, and kiss me for the keymaker...). Also the cheesy pan up and "Dundundah!" at the end... just silly. They shoulda ended the movie at "Just one survivor" line, and it woulda been much stronger. Now there were certainly some good plot points, and it had some quite nice interwoven bits, though it did get a bit out there (On the coherance level... honestly it did). It is a testment of the special effects, including the incredible car chase scene and the fight right before it that the movie manages to be as good and enjoyable as it is despite the flaws. Am I looking forward to Relelations? Very much so. But I'm certainly looking forward to ROTK more... Though I'll almost certainly go to midnight showings of both.
For the record I'm not just bashing the Matrix here, as the first was incredible (though I still have to argue unless in Revelations they give a MUCH better reason for keeping humans around, that's a giant plot hole as the humans would never be an efficent energy source, returning far less then would have to be invested to maintain then, and being FAR less efficent then the fusion power they admit they have as well). I'm just saying Reloaded had a number of flaws, and was far from the best movie ever made. TTT for example is an incredible movie and I very eagerly await the extended edition, despite it's several flaws (for a full listing of those... see the hundreds of posts after it was released on these boards directed mostly at the flaws with Faramir's role in the story, the fake death of Aragorn, and a number of other points.) All things said I have to say that TTT is simply better then Reloaded, and would not count Reloaded as the best movie ever, though it was groundbreaking, it wasn't nearly as groundbreaking as the first (which also had the advantage of almost no hype, great hype has slain many a movie), and though it did different things it really wasn't any more groundbreaking the say the LOTRs movies in it's special effects and so forth.
Alright I've reached that incoherant babbling point (Probley did awhile ago...) so I'll stop now. Summary: Reloaded - Very cool movie though deeply flawed. (For the record I saw it twice within 24 hours of it's release and a third time within the week. The TTT for comparison I saw three times in theatures as well, though not quite as tightly spaced).
Talian says, "Looks like I'm a... gypsy at the moment I think."
Talian whispers, "Because gypsies really are the best."
For the record I'm not just bashing the Matrix here, as the first was incredible (though I still have to argue unless in Revelations they give a MUCH better reason for keeping humans around, that's a giant plot hole as the humans would never be an efficent energy source, returning far less then would have to be invested to maintain then, and being FAR less efficent then the fusion power they admit they have as well). I'm just saying Reloaded had a number of flaws, and was far from the best movie ever made. TTT for example is an incredible movie and I very eagerly await the extended edition, despite it's several flaws (for a full listing of those... see the hundreds of posts after it was released on these boards directed mostly at the flaws with Faramir's role in the story, the fake death of Aragorn, and a number of other points.) All things said I have to say that TTT is simply better then Reloaded, and would not count Reloaded as the best movie ever, though it was groundbreaking, it wasn't nearly as groundbreaking as the first (which also had the advantage of almost no hype, great hype has slain many a movie), and though it did different things it really wasn't any more groundbreaking the say the LOTRs movies in it's special effects and so forth.
Alright I've reached that incoherant babbling point (Probley did awhile ago...) so I'll stop now. Summary: Reloaded - Very cool movie though deeply flawed. (For the record I saw it twice within 24 hours of it's release and a third time within the week. The TTT for comparison I saw three times in theatures as well, though not quite as tightly spaced).
Talian says, "Looks like I'm a... gypsy at the moment I think."
Talian whispers, "Because gypsies really are the best."