Re: Idle drain 03/28/2013 02:22 PM CDT
>...a trigger in an idle drain script that logs me out upon death...

>...If its a case of combat logging - then maybe...

He would be dead already, so there wouldn't be combat logging. Or are you saying that if someone logs out immediately after death that is considered combat logging?
Re: Idle drain 03/28/2013 02:25 PM CDT
>Or are you saying that if someone logs out immediately after death that is considered combat logging?

I'm saying there isn't a simple answer, and it would depend upon the circumstances. Logging out during a conflict CAN be considered abuse.

~ L
Re: Idle drain 03/28/2013 06:44 PM CDT
Between buying houses and renting inns there really is never a need to drain outside of a safe location.

On my Necro I've had to move my home a couple of times as I've progressed but even in that situation I've never had to travel far to be safe.
Re: Idle drain 03/29/2013 09:25 AM CDT
IMO, if you have to have the conversation "is it within policy to do X" you're probably on the same page as the GMs are sometimes and it's your best bet to just avoid doing it.

Just save yourself the trouble and log off.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 03/29/2013 09:54 AM CDT
>>Just save yourself the trouble and log off.<<



Re: Idle drain 03/29/2013 01:06 PM CDT

Obligatory 'Stormfront has 'Rest Mode''. Dont need to worry about triggers and events and timed scripts when the FE designed, implemented, and hosted by the game does what you want for you.

Re: Idle drain 03/29/2013 01:20 PM CDT
>> Obligatory 'Stormfront has 'Rest Mode''. Dont need to worry about triggers and events and timed scripts when the FE designed, implemented, and hosted by the game does what you want for you.

Rest mode. LOL.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Idle drain 03/29/2013 02:00 PM CDT
>>Obligatory 'Stormfront has 'Rest Mode''. Dont need to worry about triggers and events and timed scripts when the FE designed, implemented, and hosted by the game does what you want for you.

It's possible that Stormfront's rest mode is more robust than the other default front end rest modes, but this generally just has you ping the server every X amount of time to avoid being logged out. It's not really "safe".

Seriously, just let the out of game exp drain do its thing. There comes a point where you just need to not squeeze that last drip of exp from the stone. If I'm playing and go out for an hour to take care of some chores, I just log out. Would I get more exp if I created a robust in game exp drain? Yes. But it's just not something that will make or break the game for me. I just log out and move on.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 03/30/2013 06:49 PM CDT
>If I'm playing and go out for an hour to take care of some chores, I just log out. Would I get more exp if I created a robust in game exp drain?

Super robust for you.

Pause 200
Put exp
Match exit Yada Yada ghost message
Match Label EXP

Put quit

Having to quit for an hour is actually prime reason to just drain for a bit instead of logging out. You're draining majority of your exp as opposed to the few % for logoff exp. Go hide in a safe room with sleep mode. No worry about death.
Re: Idle drain 03/30/2013 07:11 PM CDT
>Pause 200
>Put exp
>Match exit Yada Yada ghost message
>Match Label EXP

PAUSE will disable the MATCH check until it expires. So it'll only check for ghost when you EXP.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Idle drain 03/30/2013 07:39 PM CDT
Idle drain helps the casual gamer in a lot of ways.

Lets say you have about 1-2 hours you can play a day.

You can train for about 20 minutes lock everything, drain it. Rinse repeat a few times a day. I love idle drain for this very reason. Obviously a hard core gamer who can sit in front of his computer 12 hours a day is going to train harder than me, but idle drain allows me to be somewhat competitive. If I had to "log out" and drain it would take 8 hours to log back in and drain 100%. That is only three full drains a day if I'm optimal. If I can lock and drain more than three times in a 10-12 hour period, while I'm awake, I'm way ahead. Then I can use my log out drain for my last training session.

- Buuwl
Re: Idle drain 03/30/2013 08:29 PM CDT
Pauses at the start of a label before the input do not disable anything, the input is after the pause so it will catch.
Re: Idle drain 03/30/2013 11:49 PM CDT
What he was saying if the "ghost" message happend during the pause. But EXPing while dead will do a ghost message, so yes, this script will work. Its if you put a pause then put something like a match for the "YOU'VE BEEN QUIET" or whatever message, then you might miss it.

-Crystal Soul Killashandrea

Don't mess with a "killa".
Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 02:05 AM CDT
This is the worst thread ever.
Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 05:46 AM CDT
>This is the worst thread ever.

Really? Are you reading the same forums as I am? I've seen far far far worse. :/

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 06:25 AM CDT
<<Really? Are you reading the same forums as I am? I've seen far far far worse. :/


True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 02:14 PM CDT

Just so I am clear, you can spend x number of minutes atk filling your exp pools, then go afk in a quiet location to let it drain? And that is perfectly acceptable?
Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 02:16 PM CDT
>>Just so I am clear, you can spend x number of minutes atk filling your exp pools, then go afk in a quiet location to let it drain? And that is perfectly acceptable?

Re: Idle drain 03/31/2013 03:30 PM CDT
>Just so I am clear, you can spend x number of minutes atk filling your exp pools, then go afk in a quiet location to let it drain? And that is perfectly acceptable?

So long as you are gaining no other benefit aside from draining shock/outrage/experience, it is not against the rules.

Whether it's a good idea or not would depending on where you are draining.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Idle drain 04/01/2013 07:41 AM CDT
I've been doing it for 10 years and never had a problem. Although, people apparently go to out of the way places to make out as well. Sometimes you come back to something really funny.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Idle drain 04/01/2013 03:17 PM CDT
>>Having to quit for an hour is actually prime reason to just drain for a bit instead of logging out. You're draining majority of your exp as opposed to the few % for logoff exp. Go hide in a safe room with sleep mode. No worry about death.

My point is that I don't try to min/max everything to the point where I need to bother dealing with this silliness.

If I'm going out for a few minutes to get groceries or run another errand, I just turn the game off. It's a game. It won't be the end of the world to just not maximize my pool draining during that time.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 04/01/2013 07:53 PM CDT
<<My point is that I don't try to min/max everything to the point where I need to bother dealing with this silliness.

If I'm going out for a few minutes to get groceries or run another errand, I just turn the game off. It's a game. It won't be the end of the world to just not maximize my pool draining during that time.>>

Cool, my point is the opposite. I'd like to maximize what little playing time I have, with a wife and three boys. To each his own.

- Buuwl
Re: Idle drain 04/02/2013 11:06 AM CDT
>>Cool, my point is the opposite. I'd like to maximize what little playing time I have, with a wife and three boys. To each his own.

Yeah, my point is that people shouldn't stress about staying competitive in a game environment. While it may not be the case, a lot of people who are asking about how to idle drain without violating policy are getting needlessly stressed about finding ways to stay competitive while only being able to play for a limited amount of time.

The better option, in my mind, is to just not stress out over that stuff.

If you want to think about this stuff and figure out a methodology to how to drain experience while idling in game while also not risking any policy issues while also making sure your character doesn't die due to not being able to pay attention while hoping no one tries to interact with you because you're not there while etc etc etc, more power to you.

The alternate is what I'm suggesting. Just play the game for fun, don't stress out over that stuff, and don't bother trying to maximize your experience gain.

I've been busy, so I've taken time off from playing the game. Could I have just set up a system to lock my experience each day to keep growing in the meantime? Probably! It's just not really the way to enjoy a game in my eyes. So my suggestion is that instead of stressing over what is and isn't policy, just come to terms with the fact that if you're unsure if something is violating policy, it's probably better to just avoid doing it, since GMs might be as unsure as you, and it's not like Simu policy is written in stone and always applied in the same manner.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 04/02/2013 12:55 PM CDT
>Yeah, my point is that people shouldn't stress about staying competitive in a game environment. While it may not be the case, a lot of people who are asking about how to idle drain without violating policy are getting needlessly stressed about finding ways to stay competitive while only being able to play for a limited amount of time.

>If you want to think about this stuff and figure out a methodology to how to drain experience while idling in game while also not risking any policy issues while also making sure your character doesn't die due to not being able to pay attention while hoping no one tries to interact with you because you're not there while etc etc etc, more power to you.

I guess I just don't understand what's so stressful about finding an inactive area and running .drain. Sleep covers the unattended EXP gain, an out of the way area usually covers interaction and death. Finding a room once, and then just hiding and idling there doesn't strike me as overly (if at all) stressful.

>The alternate is what I'm suggesting. Just play the game for fun, don't stress out over that stuff, and don't bother trying to maximize your experience gain.

>I've been busy, so I've taken time off from playing the game. Could I have just set up a system to lock my experience each day to keep growing in the meantime? Probably! It's just not really the way to enjoy a game in my eyes. So my suggestion is that instead of stressing over what is and isn't policy, just come to terms with the fact that if you're unsure if something is violating policy, it's probably better to just avoid doing it, since GMs might be as unsure as you, and it's not like Simu policy is written in stone and always applied in the same manner.

Everybody plays this game differently (just ask Ucu and buffing to hunt), some people would rather play for an hour to get some experience in than when they have to do something idle drain so they absorb it quicker than logout drain. Some people play for numbers, some people play for RP, some people play to PvP. Some people want to idle drain to stay as competitive as their play time allows. Some people don't care and just logout.

My point which you responded to is that it's perfectly acceptable to do that and some people want to Min/Max their experience drains. Just because you don't doesn't make it any less valid for someone to go idle drain. For people wanting to maximize their experience based on their time frames, idling in game for an hour is the optimal way to go. Based on the original post, I'm venturing to say he cares about this.
Re: Idle drain 04/02/2013 01:32 PM CDT
>>I guess I just don't understand what's so stressful about finding an inactive area and running .drain.

I don't either, but it seems people need to really look into the deep nuances of policy to figure out what is what.

It seems easier to just not worry about it. If you think something is that grey area, just don't do it. It's not going to make or break your gameplay experience.

>>My point which you responded to is that it's perfectly acceptable to do that and some people want to Min/Max their experience drains. Just because you don't doesn't make it any less valid for someone to go idle drain. For people wanting to maximize their experience based on their time frames, idling in game for an hour is the optimal way to go. Based on the original post, I'm venturing to say he cares about this.

Yeah, it's a valid way to play.

At the same time, if you think it's a huge policy concern, just don't do it.

Or have massive threads discussing the deeper philosophical nuances of policy, I guess.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 04/02/2013 03:48 PM CDT
My guess as to why this thread is so massive is due to people imparting suggestions on the way they play and why it's a valid alternative when the OP obviously wants to idle drain and is looking for an acceptable way to do it, which was given...this is just a hunch though.
Re: Idle drain 04/02/2013 09:51 PM CDT
>>Just play the game for fun, don't stress out over that stuff, and don't bother trying to maximize your experience gain.

For some people (MOST people probably), maximizing experience gain is what makes the game fun, and your suggestion is completely worthless. That's great if you enjoy the game without caring about succeeding in pvp or invasions or just plain old watching the numbers grow, but don't expect everyone else to enjoy the same things as you. Personally I'd rather quit the game than follow your suggestions for what makes the game "fun", but that's just my opinion of I find fun in a game

Respect. Integrity. World Domination.
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 12:14 AM CDT
>>For some people (MOST people probably), maximizing experience gain is what makes the game fun, and your suggestion is completely worthless. That's great if you enjoy the game without caring about succeeding in pvp or invasions or just plain old watching the numbers grow

Who said I didn't like watching numbers grow? Numbers growing is awesome.

I just don't care about it to the point where I'm trying to figure out the deeper nuances of how to idle drain while not breaking game policy.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 12:53 AM CDT
How anybody feels about idle drain isn't terribly important.

But idle characters are incapable of contributing anything -- except the who list -- at best, and an annoyance at worst.

I'd be nice if the offline drain actually eliminated any reason to do it.
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 01:10 AM CDT
>>But idle characters are incapable of contributing anything -- except the who list -- at best, and an annoyance at worst. It'd be nice if the offline drain actually eliminated any reason to do it.


It irks me that I could try to reach someone, but really they're just sitting around idle draining. And it doesn't give as clear a picture of how many people are actively playing with WHO.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 10:11 AM CDT
IIRC, a big (only?) reason why offline drain is set up at the rate its set up is to make it so people can't just log in, lock a character, log out, lock another, etc etc etc effectively training a bigger horde of characters at the same time.

Would be cool if offline drain only worked for one character at a time on an account, or the last logged out character, or something.

Having offline drain be the same as idle drain would be pretty awesome.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 12:30 PM CDT
<<<IIRC, a big (only?) reason why offline drain is set up at the rate its set up is to make it so people can't just log in, lock a character, log out, lock another, etc etc etc effectively training a bigger horde of characters at the same time.>>>

I was going to say exactly this. Simu makes more money on two accounts than a single with a bunch of alts.

Honestly I like the idle drain/log out drain as its currently constituted.

- Buuwl
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 03:25 PM CDT
>>But idle characters are incapable of contributing anything -- except the who list -- at best, and an annoyance at worst.

Came to say this. I understand why people do it, but the game's nature means it already suffers heavily from players barely paying attention while they run their combat or magic scripts (something I often do myself sometimes). Would be nice if they set idle drain equal to normal drain so there was no incentive to stay logged in the game knowing you're not attentive.
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 08:11 PM CDT

Sounds like a good idea for a microstrans item, rub it and absorb all of your field exp, $.99.
Re: Idle drain 04/03/2013 08:54 PM CDT
>Sounds like a good idea for a microstrans item, rub it and absorb all of your field exp, $.99.

That is not nearly expensive enough. The outcry of this being for sale would be bad enough, but I just foresee people using five or ten per day to insta-drain and keep training skills.

Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Idle drain 04/04/2013 01:18 AM CDT
>>Sounds like a good idea for a microstrans item, rub it and absorb all of your field exp, $.99.

Lock all combats, drain, repeat. Congrats. You just won DR in one week. It cost you a heckuva a lot of money, but you made level 200 in one week and you're rich, so who cares?
Re: Idle drain 04/04/2013 06:49 AM CDT
>>Sounds like a good idea for a microstrans item, rub it and absorb all of your field exp, $.99.

Add a restriction, can only be used within 60 seconds of logging in, after being logged out for an hour. (I have no idea if this is even possible)

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Idle drain 04/06/2013 10:27 AM CDT

make offline drain = online drain a premium benefit, or 5 bucks a month (all characters on that account) from the Scion store
Re: Idle drain 04/06/2013 01:07 PM CDT
>>make offline drain = online drain a premium benefit, or 5 bucks a month (all characters on that account) from the Scion store

Monetizing poor game design, like offering incentives for players to stay logged in when they are inactive, would be a pretty crappy thing to do IMO. Just fix it.
Re: Idle drain 04/06/2013 10:04 PM CDT
No, these are all terrible ideas. I still like you all, but wow... Lots of bad.

- Buuwl