Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 02:14 AM CDT
>>>> If you're role-playing someone who doesn't hunt, craft, or trade, then you have chosen to role-play a character who has no source of income. Your character is a bum.<<

I've largely stepped back from this debate after the initial day or two, because I do accept that my role-playing choices have consiquences and that this is one of them. And, as others have said, I doubt hordes of folks will be rushing to snag those last names I love. Though... when I think back on how many names I used to have to try before I found one I liked that wasn't already taken with the old system, I remain slightly (SLIGHTLY) worried about this aspect. That being said, in economic terms of DR, I've always considered a bronze coin to be the 'dollar' of Dragonrealms - this is based on the price of common, day to day items (food for example). You can also make a good argument for the silver coin of course, particularly based on the price of clothes. Note that this DOES NOT take into account various pricing on what are largely 'adventurer only' items like expensive forged weapons. These are luxtury items in every sense of the word and aren't a good messure of the economy as a whole, even without the price inflation brought on by the various super-wealthy individuals out there. Which brings me to my main point - I've never objected to there being a fee (though I'm not gonna complain if it gets dropped) only the amount. If a bronze is a dollar, that means we are being charged the equivelent of $10,000 for this service. Even if you use a silver standard, its still $1,000. That seems very high for what is basicly a fairly simple, administrative task. And I wouldn't consider a person a bum just because they didn't have $10,000 to spend on something that is basicly fluff. There is quite a large gap there. I would have been quite happy with a gold fee or even a plat fee, but I feel (and will likely continue to do so) that 10 plat is too much.

That being said (tossing this out as a bone for our poor GMs who have to listen to someone bitch EVERY TIME they release something, which is a shame) I am VERY happy to see last names back and I definately thank you for you work. I like the system, I'm glad to see it, and I'm glad its been released. Honestly, even if I never do register one of my character's last names, I'm happy the option exists for others. There is only one aspect of this matter which conerns me at all and its a fairly minor bit at that. So keep up the good work.
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 03:34 AM CDT
>> If you're role-playing someone who doesn't hunt, craft, or trade, then you have chosen to role-play a character who has no source of income. Your character is a bum. This is a choice which you, as the player, have made for your character. <<

Bum is a valid roleplaying choice!

Hah. Lorzelophia is arguably the most bum-like of all the myriad characters populating our dear Elanthia and even she managed to scrounge up 10 platinums. I must admit it seemed a little steep, though. If they hit us with a festival immediately following this I'll be irritated.

-- the Player of Storyteller Lorzelophia Elberethia, sticking with the good ol' vaguely OOC surname for the sake of continuity.
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 04:12 AM CDT
<<And the system is back in place, just like it was before except that if no one registers and restricts the name in question, anyone can use it>>

I was under the impression it also cost to choose a last name if you don't have one. This is also a blaring difference from before.

<<The Character Manager

So last names will be available for free in the character manager? I asked and nobody was certain if they'd be available in the CM. So was I told correctly, it will cost me a plat to get one at the office? I don't care about registering it just now, but choosing one?

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 12:39 PM CDT
>>I've always considered a bronze coin to be the 'dollar' of Dragonrealms . . . You can also make a good argument for the silver coin

I'd say that the silver coin is probably a reasonable standard unit of currency to use when making comparisons with real-world money. Silver dollar, bronze is worth about a dime (IRL we use a much smaller piece of 'silver'), and copper is a penny. Got it.

>>Note that this DOES NOT take into account various pricing on what are largely 'adventurer only' items like expensive forged weapons. These are luxtury items in every sense of the word

I agree. I should like to point out, however, that registering your name cannot possibly be considered anything other than a luxury service. Let's keep that in mind as we proceed.

>>if you use a silver standard, its still $1,000. That seems very high for what is basicly a fairly simple, administrative task.

I'm going to object to calling this a "fairly simple administrative task." Let us imagine that someone in the United States wishes to have their last name registered and restricted to their use. After this proceeding, no one will be able to legally change their name to be the same as his, and people whose names happen to already be the same will not be allowed to put that name on their children's birth certificates. Frankly $1,000.00 sounds remarkably modest for buying those rights. For reference, registering a trademark costs upwards of $375.00, not including the lawyer's fees and other associated costs (IRL lawyers don't work for tips).

Now of course, DR is not the real world, and you would not be wrong to object to the way I have characterized the name registration system. But there is another way to compare the value of currency in DR to the value of currency in real life, one which is more explicitly suited to measuring the actual value of coin in the Player-Character adventuringg community. Currently, a platinum Kronar is worth somewhere between $0.10 and $0.15 on the open market.

This means that in terms of RL currency, registering your last name is not the aforementioned $10,000.00, or even $1,000.00, but rather somewhere between $1.00 and $1.50. And if a character cannot afford that fee, then in terms of the DragonRealms Player-Character adventuring community, they are extremely, desperately poor.

Of course, in reality, a DragonRealms plat in DragonRealms is worth a plat. It is neither $0.15 nor $100.00, but simply 1 PK. A 10 plat fee is alomost certainly more than many characters can afford, especially people's lower-level alternate characters. There is a trade-off between the cost of registering the name and the expected benefits from doing so; this is a value judgement which you make for your character. However, the 10 plat cost, in terms of the overall DR economy, is not so great as to prevent someone who, despite their modest income, feels a need to have strict legalistic control over the particular spelling of their surname from doing so.

Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 12:41 PM CDT
<< So last names will be available for free in the character manager? I asked and nobody was certain if they'd be available in the CM. So was I told correctly, it will cost me a plat to get one at the office? I don't care about registering it just now, but choosing one?

I know of no plans to return last names to the character manager. I'm not going into the multiple reasons for this as they should be obvious and have been discussed before. I do believe that to choose a new last name the price will be 1 plat kronar, when that service becomes available.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 02:16 PM CDT
<<I know of no plans to return last names to the character manager. I'm not going into the multiple reasons for this as they should be obvious and have been discussed before. I do believe that to choose a new last name the price will be 1 plat kronar, when that service becomes available.>>

What he said. I mis-spoke, however the rest of what I said remains correct.


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 03:57 PM CDT
Comparing how much DR coins is to RL money and using that as a base to your argument is silly. What about the 1800's? How much was a dollar worth then? Which time period in RL is equivalent to that of DR? I've always thought about how much DR coin may be worth in comparison to RL money... I'm sure others have as well. But to draw out specific numbers and try to make your point across by using those is not really smart.


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

- Sima Yi
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 04:04 PM CDT
You're all wrong.

The current currency exchange is 8-10 cents per platinum kronar. Duh. Just read DRSales.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 04:30 PM CDT
>The current currency exchange is 8-10 cents per platinum kronar. Duh. Just read DRSales.

Wow, plats have devaluated a lot more than I expected (last I checked they were 15-10 cents).
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 04:41 PM CDT
They held at .10/plat for a long time, probably because the math was so easy.

Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 04:53 PM CDT
Still are .10/plat if you're buying/selling privately. Trust is worth an extra penny apparently.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 08:36 PM CDT
>>Comparing how much DR coins is to RL money and using that as a base to your argument is silly.<<

Not really what I was going for - I was using RL money to give a sense of scale, not attempting any direct comparision. What I was really driving at is that characters are almost all very rich compaired to an 'average' (read non-player) citizen of the realms and that within the realms own terms, 10 plat was a lot for your average man on the street.

>>Let us imagine that someone in the United States wishes to have their last name registered and restricted to their use. After this proceeding, no one will be able to legally change their name to be the same as his, and people whose names happen to already be the same will not be allowed to put that name on their children's birth certificates. Frankly $1,000.00 sounds remarkably modest for buying those rights. For reference, registering a trademark costs upwards of $375.00, not including the lawyer's fees and other associated costs (IRL lawyers don't work for tips). <<

Honestly though, the trademark costs are probably a lot closer to reflecting this cost then trying to register a last name in the real world - after all many folks in DR don't currently HAVE last names (just like many bussinesses don't have trademarks) and so wouldn't be an issue in the administative sense. So I'll settle for seeing the cost lowered to 3.75 plat... :D

As for the various pricing on DR plats - yeah, I know they are out there, yeah I know I could take advantage of them, not really the point here.
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 10:37 PM CDT
<<I do believe that to choose a new last name the price will be 1 plat kronar, when that service becomes available.

Could you tell us why? It seems like a simple role-playing thing. If you don't own the rights to the name, you don't care if the government restricts the name... You can call yourself whatever you want. I've never registered my first name with any Elanthian government telling them it was my name, why do I now have to pay them to have a last name? Also, new characters coming out of the CM won't have access to a plat for some time. So you're basically telling new players that IG money is required to RP.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 10:51 PM CDT
>You can call yourself whatever you want. I've never registered my first name with any Elanthian government telling them it was my name, why do I now have to pay them to have a last name?

In your raging against the machine, you've made the best point for the system that has yet been made. You can call yourself whatever you want. The platinum fee is there in order to have your name legally registered and recognized as such by the governments of the realms. Just because it says nothing behind your first name when someone looks at you doesn't mean that you can't introduce yourself with a last name.

Like I said before regarding this hysteria: it's really not that deep. If you want to have the name there for all to see, pay the plat. If it means that much, a single platinum kronar isn't hard to make, even for a single-digit circled character.

Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 10:57 PM CDT
>>If it means that much, a single platinum kronar isn't hard to make, even for a single-digit circled character.<<

No, its not. Even as someone who is arguing this on the the 'I don't like the fee' side of the line, I have to agree with this. Heck, I can make a plat with a first circle PC within a day (two at most, depending on my free time) of rolling up. Of course, this depends on skipping out on some of the other usual early purchases, but the means are there. Heck, Mags will give you 5 gold for stick/branches and you generally start with close to a gold - your already 60% of the way there. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a fee and while I think a 10 plat for registering is far to high and 1 plat for a name is a bit high, it really isn't THAT hard to earn.
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 10:58 PM CDT
I also said, I never registered my first name with any Elanthian government, but the bank still calls me by that and other players see it... So why do I have to pay to have a last name?

Can I suggest that you be able to add the one plat fee to your debt after you make a new character? Some characters don't have the same money making opportunities, for instance, empaths don't make a great deal of money at lower levels.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 11:00 PM CDT
>Can I suggest that you be able to add the one plat fee to your debt after you make a new character?

This, I would find reasonable, but only for the choosing of a name. I wouldn't want it to be so easy to purchase rights to a name (aka the 10 plat charge).

Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 11:01 PM CDT
Although, do be aware that if you have a plat or more worth of debt, any money you try to withdraw from the bank will be confiscated.

Re: Last Names 03/19/2007 08:41 AM CDT
<< So you're basically telling new players that IG money is required to RP.

<< Can I suggest that you be able to add the one plat fee to your debt after you make a new character? Some characters don't have the same money making opportunities, for instance, empaths don't make a great deal of money at lower levels.

A last name is not required, not has it ever been to roleplay. While an empath may find it hard to make 1 plat from healing at first level, there are other ways to earn this coin in just 1-2 days if the empath finds a last name interesting enough to be chosen. Other posts have already touched on how to get over half of this amount and there are other ways as well.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names 03/19/2007 05:21 PM CDT
<<Other posts have already touched on how to get over half of this amount and there are other ways as well.

How to get the coin has never been the issue. We are talking about suspending play style to gather coin for a system that we have been using for years. I am not concerned about someone else using the name but the risk of me be denied the right to use it is an issue, although not a major one. It is disheartening to have that issue not considered in some sort of grandfather clause. If the last name was a new system or had been this way from the start it would not be an issue.


Where would we be?

Jack: Bobby, I've had enough of Nikita, I'm ignoring him from now on!
Re: Last Names 03/19/2007 05:33 PM CDT
<<Some characters don't have the same money making opportunities, for instance, empaths don't make a great deal of money at lower levels.>>

Slightly off-topic, but Empaths make better money at low circles than characters who generate money through the combat system. Even if the young Empath is only tipped a gem or two each heal (which is hopefully lower than average), that's better than most combat characters getting perhaps coppers and skins.

It's higher-circle Empaths that earn significantly less than their combative similar-level peers.

Re: Last Names 03/19/2007 09:47 PM CDT
<< How to get the coin has never been the issue. We are talking about suspending play style to gather coin for a system that we have been using for years. I am not concerned about someone else using the name but the risk of me be denied the right to use it is an issue, although not a major one. It is disheartening to have that issue not considered in some sort of grandfather clause. If the last name was a new system or had been this way from the start it would not be an issue.

If the coin isn't the issue, then I'm not sure why you're complaining. Play style has to sometimes adjust to the elements around us. If the normal guild that you circle at is suddenly taken out by a volcanic eruption or war, you have to go to another to circle. Likewise, if last names have never officially been recorded in documents by the Elanthian governments but they are now, you have a choice to make - register or not register.

You are not being denied the right to use your last name, it will remain on you unless you clear it, you simply cannot distribute it, which you couldn't do before this system was rewritten. This IS a new system - it allows you many options that weren't available from the start.

Grandfathering last names was considered but simply isn't feasible as most everyone would do so and we'd be back where we were at before the name purge. Many systems have changed over the years and aren't the way they were in the beginning, this is one of them.

I'm sorry you're not happy with the system but it is within your ability to register the name if you really want to do so. Since you have stated your views and I have done the same, I think we're simply going to have to agree to disagree here.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 12:54 AM CDT
Having a last name is not a new system. As anybody who currently has a last name could tell you. Adopting people, registering your name, and such... those are a new system.

<<You are not being denied the right to use your last name, it will remain on you unless you clear it

Or unless you're unfortunate enough to get walked during an invasion after they removed last names. Or if you start a new character. Having a last name is the same as having a first name, why should I pay someone to use my last name? It's mine, not theirs. The issue isn't registering last names, it's that I now have to pay to have a last name when for years they were given out for free.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 03:20 AM CDT
All of the detractors are correct. It was better the way it was before this system was implemented. Please remove the option to have a last name entirely.

Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 03:22 AM CDT
>> Please remove the option to have a last name entirely.

I must concur, this is clearly the best and most fair option for everyone involved. Those with a last name should have it automatically cleared by the system as well, just to make sure it's fair.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 03:55 AM CDT
Sarcasm, in general, is not an effective arguement. The fair option would be to make the CHOOSEing of a name free. It'd be like going in to an official office and saying, "Hey, for some reason you don't have my last name on file. It's XXX."

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 03:56 AM CDT
>It'd be like going in to an official office and saying, "Hey, for some reason you don't have my last name on file. It's XXX."

And then the clerk would say, "That'll be $100 for processing."

Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 09:55 AM CDT
governments always come up with new ways to bring in money. its like the 100 bucks i pay for my liscene plates, i keep the same plates but for some reason i gotta give the man a hundo every year. if i dont give him the hundo i still get to keep my plates. :)

Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 09:57 AM CDT
>>It'd be like going in to an official office and saying, "Hey, for some reason you don't have my last name on file. It's XXX."

>And then the clerk would say, "That'll be $100 for processing."

Think of it as: "I was dumb enough to lose my birth certificate"... just be grateful the clerk doesn't want two other forms of ID along with the money to get your last name registered.

>I've always found it irritatingly interesting that so many (of every single race) claim to be orphans in Elanthia. ~ Bambina
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 03:41 PM CDT
>>Or unless you're unfortunate enough to get walked during an invasion after they removed last names. Or if you start a new character.

I'm not sure it's even possible now given the length of time involved, but if a player were able to get a restoral back to a character state with a last name would the restoral take priority over current situation or vice versa (assuming the name were registered to someone else)?

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 04:25 PM CDT
<< I'm not sure it's even possible now given the length of time involved, but if a player were able to get a restoral back to a character state with a last name would the restoral take priority over current situation or vice versa (assuming the name were registered to someone else)?

I'm not sure I really understand your question here. You used 'current situation' and I'm not 100% sure what you mean. 'Someone else' can't currently choose a last name for sometime now so I also have to assume you mean during Phase 2. So this is what I think your question was...

Question: If we were in Phase 2 and Player A chose a last name of 'Smith' and registered it, could Player B then get a restoral of a character that had the last name of 'Smith' and how would that affect things?

Answer: If Player B could get such a restoral, he/she would likely have the last name of 'Smith'. However, the person that registers the last name first will have rights to distribute it. I would really be surprised if we ever encountered this situation though.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 09:00 PM CDT

<<just be grateful the clerk doesn't want two other forms of ID along with the money to get your last name registered.>>

considering what guild i'm in, i'm sure we could... print somethin up in no time... dat'll be a few plat... payable in advance...and if ya don't pay, we break yer kneecaps..

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 09:33 PM CDT
>I know of no plans to return last names to the character manager. I'm not going into the multiple reasons for this as they should be obvious and have been discussed before. I do believe that to choose a new last name the price will be 1 plat kronar, when that service becomes available.

>Best Regards,
>~GM Arnimas

Could you share with us those reasons again? I honestly can't recall them having been discussed recently, and while I can see why making last names non-exclusive is good for the game, I'm not understanding why people can't have a last name out of the char manager.
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 10:44 PM CDT
>>Could you share with us those reasons again?

They can chime in with the more-detailed (and real) reasons, but it all boils down to the fact that the CM is exceptionally old, rather fragile, generally too-forgotten, and largely unknown why it's still working. Until they decide to slay this venerable beast, they are content to let it sleep beyond small forays such as Aurdun's gor'tog stat fixes. :)

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Last Names 03/20/2007 11:58 PM CDT
<<J'Lo's post

This doesn't address the reason last names are not available to everybody, whether it be in the CM or free at the clerk. I believe those are the reasons being asked for.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
Re: Last Names 03/21/2007 12:54 AM CDT
<<J'Lo's post

Again completely misses the point.

If they rereleased the abilty for last names in the CM then we'd be at the same point we were before this all started, with a large glut of last names already used. The whole point of this was to free up the names database. Any names taken in the CM as a last name would also be unavailable to be chosen as a first name.

So, we don't get last names anymore so that the name database has a lot more longevity because new characters only reserve 1 name and not 2.

We must also remember in this setting last names were not common among most people. If things got confusing, people would append signifiers... "Oh.. John, the smith" "No, not him, the other Bob, William's son." Therefore, over time we get John Smith and Bob Williamson.

Player of a few too many

Pol-i-tics (pol-i-tiks) n. 1. "Poli" meaning many. 2. "Tics" meaning blood-sucking insects.
Last Names 04/11/2007 09:06 PM CDT
I hadn't even heard about that in Prime. Is that true? If so, how can I get a last name?
Re: Last Names 04/11/2007 09:40 PM CDT
>>I hadn't even heard about that in Prime. Is that true? If so, how can I get a last name?

Currently, you can't. The Last Name system is in the process of coming out of rehab and is only on step 1 of a 2-step program. Those who already had last names can currently pay 10 plat to lock off their last name from everyone else (except by properly notarized invitation). It's not mandatory to do this, but the staff wanted to let those old last-namers who were actually proud of their last name to be given the chance to obtain control of the last name.

Step 2 will consist of the being able to get a last name at all, even if you have a stupid/embarassing last name now and want to change it.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Re: Last Names 04/11/2007 09:48 PM CDT
Gotcha. Thanks for the information.
Re: Last Names 04/11/2007 11:45 PM CDT
It's been a month, can we get phase 2 now, please?

Your mind hears Tucktayuctuc thinking, "Battle Puff Powers...ACTIVATE!"