Re: Bad Names 01/20/2004 01:14 AM CST
What's wrong with Pinocchio? It's still a name right?

Re: Bad Names 01/20/2004 01:29 AM CST
It's probably Italian for 'pants', most likely. Kids are messed up these days.

Dove e il fuoco, jose? In miei pinocchio.

Missing In Action,
Commander Fragonrok LMerzson
Soldier of The Tribunal Dragoons

In war, we must make sacrifices:

Tsem's monkey scampers in and gives Jarle a wedgie!

Grave sacrifices indeed.
Re: Names 02/18/2004 11:06 AM CST
Phew, that was a long folder to read! Recently I've come back after taking a few years absence. I've been trying to catch up on the boards and this is a subject that interested me because I still hate my last name (even more so now).

From what I've read, as of 8/7/03 there was a name purge and new characters are not 'born' with a last name. They are however able to use any existing last name as their first name.

Has there been any more changes to the following last name plans and have any of these been implemented yet?

Allow all characters on your account to have the same last name
Allow you to actually "adopt" your in-game families so you all share a common last name
Allow you to free up your last name so that anyone can use it if they want (and no one else will be able to later lock it in)
Allow you to marry someone and have them actually take your last name, instead of our having to "cheat" and tie the name mechanics into the wedding rings
Allow you to completely lock your last name so that no one else can use it
Allow you to hide your current last name if you hate it and never want to see it again
Allow you to change your last name, provided someone marries, adopts, or otherwise allows you to use their last name (ie you choose a name that someone's made "open")

Thanks in advance
Re: Names 02/18/2004 11:12 AM CST
I believe they're waiting for DR2 to implement these changes.

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Names 03/22/2004 01:09 PM CST
You see Goddess of Elanthia, an Elothean Moon Mage.

Thought that was a no-no.
Re: Names 03/22/2004 01:36 PM CST
Uh, yeah... I think that one would be a no-no. I wasn't allowed to make AlmyteeKing for my character...

>He who angers you conquers you.
Elizabeth Kenny

>A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Bill Cosby

~The mind behind Raydell and many~
Re: Names 03/24/2004 09:54 PM CST
>You see Goddess of Elanthia, an Elothean Moon Mage.

The name is fine. The mage is obviously a megalomaniacal narcissist and should be treated as such.

I mean, who else would refer to themselves as a God/Goddess/Queen/King/Prince when they're clearly not.

~King Mek

Evil, plotting clouds...

Cloud One: So Bill...we attack tomorrow.
Cloud Two: Yes...tomorrow.
Cloud One: ...I mean it this time.
Cloud Two: I do too!
Last Names 11/08/2004 04:24 AM CST
Okay, after all the debate on sodas and stuff. (we call them soft drinks on this side of the pacific)

What is happening with last-nameless characters?
I currently have a few characters who do not have a surname. I would like them to all be sisters. There big sister is getting married and will take her husbands last name.

But I would really like to have a last name again.

This has been over 12 months now....I know Simusoon is a lot different to what normal people call soon. But truly, DR2 has been out for awhile now. Let us have last names.........please.please.please.please.please.

Just an update would be nice from a GM.

Tiggra D'Thantalon
Re: Last Names 11/20/2004 02:34 PM CST
I just wanna put my little post up to make sure that the GM crew realizes that Tiggra and Viraka aren't the only ones who've been thinking and wanting the last name registry reinstated. I've felt really limited in developing my character's history, since I can't choose her last name for fear of it already being taken or unavailable when it's time to actually get the name. Also, she has two sisters and a brother (other players who've joined me to create a mutual history) and a husband plus a child... not to mention the imaginary characters we as a group have developed 'in memory' of our relatives who were lost in the migration. She's Prydaen and as a race they trace lineage through their mothers, so... for her, picking the last name is feeling rather critical. It's been frustrating for all of our family members not to be able to develop that aspect of our characters because we still haven't got a last name option.

And, as Tiggra pointed out, we've had DR2 for a while now, and a name is a very basic and fundamental part of creating a character. So, it's something some of us feel should have been dealt with fairly soon.

That's not to say all the hard work on DR2 isn't greatly and fully appreciated. I just wanna say that last names are important too, and if you could please, please, please get that up and running, many of your players would be highly appreciative of having this roleplaying tool returned to us.

With respect,
~ Fayeza.
Re: Last Names 11/29/2004 10:21 PM CST
I've come to believe last names aren't a priority. Frankly, I wouldn't be suprised if they disappear. I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything anytime soon.
Re: Last Names 11/29/2004 11:40 PM CST
If this isn't a concern...Why?

Last names add a little depth to a character.

Peon Crayton-- (insert something here)

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Last Names and Spellbooks 03/04/2007 01:11 PM CST
With last names finally approaching full release, it seems like a good time to revive this board.

Several of my oldest (coming on ten RL years) characters have last names that, if I knew then what I know now about the DR world, I'd have chosen differently. In other words, they're a bit OOC--not too much, but more than I'd make it if I were naming them today. I intend to rename them once that ability is available.

My question (for a red name, please), is what effect will changing a character's last name have on bonded items such as Spellbooks? A spellbook, as we all know, shows the full name of the character who designed and purchased it. Will the name on the spellbook update automatically when the character gets a new name? If not, will it be possible to get the name on the spellbook changed to reflect the new name?
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/04/2007 06:51 PM CST
>>My question (for a red name, please), is what effect will changing a character's last name have on bonded items such as Spellbooks? A spellbook, as we all know, shows the full name of the character who designed and purchased it. Will the name on the spellbook update automatically when the character gets a new name? If not, will it be possible to get the name on the spellbook changed to reflect the new name

Excellent question.

Player of a few too many

Pol-i-tics (pol-i-tiks) n. 1. "Poli" meaning many. 2. "Tics" meaning blood-sucking insects.
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/04/2007 08:56 PM CST
I'm guessing that it's currently pointing to your last name, but since your last name is "" it is correctly formatting away that extra space. In other words, you are seeing this:

>This spellbook belongs to Symphaena.

rather than this:

>This spellbook belongs to Symphaena .

The exact messaging might be different, but you get the idea.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/05/2007 04:57 PM CST
My character already has a last name, but I will be changing it, thus my question.
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/12/2007 10:21 AM CDT
<< My question (for a red name, please), is what effect will changing a character's last name have on bonded items such as Spellbooks? A spellbook, as we all know, shows the full name of the character who designed and purchased it. Will the name on the spellbook update automatically when the character gets a new name? If not, will it be possible to get the name on the spellbook changed to reflect the new name?

The name on the spellbook will not update automatically. However it will update eventually. I'll try to give more details on this in the next week or so.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/12/2007 04:59 PM CDT
>The name on the spellbook will not update automatically. However it will update eventually. I'll try to give more details on this in the next week or so.

Thanks, Arnimas. By 'automatically' I didn't necessarily mean 'immediately', just that the name would update through in-game mechanics rather than requiring action on the part of the player, and it sounds like that's what you mean. Good news!

My larger question was also really about the effect of name change on bonded items during this transition period. I know you guys routinely think of everything, so forgive me for seeking reassurance on this point. Safe to say our bonded items will remain firmly bonded at all times if you clear your last name or choose another?
Re: Last Names and Spellbooks 03/12/2007 06:08 PM CDT
<< My larger question was also really about the effect of name change on bonded items during this transition period. I know you guys routinely think of everything, so forgive me for seeking reassurance on this point. Safe to say our bonded items will remain firmly bonded at all times if you clear your last name or choose another?

I can't go into the exact mechanics of how they are linked to your character but bonded items should not be linked via last name. In addition, those with wedding bands that allow you to swap around your last names should find them adjusting properly to any change of name once your spouse is online.

Now if you have an item that was altered to have your name on it (via EXAM , READ, etc.), THAT will not automatically change. I hope that answers your questions. :)

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Last Names and Bonded wedding bands 03/12/2007 07:48 PM CDT
>In addition, those with wedding bands that allow you to swap around your last names should find them adjusting properly to any change of name once your spouse is online.

Ooooh, I was going to ask about this. So if you currently have a bonded wedding band, but neither you or your bonded partner currently has a last names, the rings will work to toggle a last name that one of you registers and licenses?

~ Gwynfydedig

You say, "I didn't do it!"
A blinding fork of lightning blasts out of the cloud above and strikes you down!
You feel like you're dying!
You are stunned!
Re: Last Names and Bonded wedding bands 03/12/2007 07:51 PM CDT
So if you currently have a bonded wedding band, but neither you or your bonded partner currently has a last names, the rings will work to toggle a last name that one of you registers and licenses?

Well, neither of you has a last name from my understanding. So when one or both of you CHOOSE a last name, it will then toggle between the names. It will adjust again if the second person chooses a different last name and again if either of you clear the last name.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Last Names and spellbooks 03/15/2007 01:40 PM CDT
I mentioned in a previous post that spellbooks would update eventually. The mechanics that update spellbooks are a manual process that has to be initiated by a GM. This will only be performed at times in which it won't affect game speed. Please do not request this to be done as we'll do it when we feel it appropriate to do so. The change could happen minutes after you make a name change or it may be several weeks. However, a name change will eventually result in an update to the spellbook.

Note: If the spellbook you have isn't yours, it will not update to your name but rather to the name of the original owner.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/15/2007 07:04 PM CDT
I have a question with last names that i haven't seen anything about yet. The guild register scrolls. If we change our last name and our name is on the plaque, will it list us twice?

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/15/2007 07:52 PM CDT
<< I have a question with last names that i haven't seen anything about yet. The guild register scrolls. If we change our last name and our name is on the plaque, will it list us twice?

I think that all the register scrolls use the same mechanics. When I tested a name change on one, it updates properly and you should only appear on it once. If you find that you are on a register scroll that lists you twice, please let me know where it is, so I can look into it. :)

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/15/2007 08:25 PM CDT
Not sure about the others, but the Crossing Empath Guild Register is quite buggy in how it displays last names, and has been for quite a while. The bug is that you may not be listed with the correct last name, and your actual last name might appear incorrectly on one or more other people.
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/16/2007 05:15 AM CDT
once you roll the name thing into TF, i will be able to test same, i'm on more of the guildscrolls there. :-)

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/16/2007 12:50 PM CDT
Register scrolls (at least the Empath scroll) are quite messed up.

The new register system is still in QC, had some setbacks, but should be ready at some point.

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/16/2007 01:32 PM CDT
Are any other scrolls equally messed up? I'm just curious.

"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/16/2007 03:11 PM CDT
The Cleric one certainly is.

Cleric of Ushnish
<Conskill> You're like an Empath, but with a drug dependancy.
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 08:19 AM CDT
>>I don't play to gather treasure

>>Then based on your playing style, you also dont play to own the rights to your last name.

I don't really see your logic here. The player who would want his or her character to own the rights to his or her last name is probably a strong roleplayer. While roleplaying and training/earning are of course not mutually exclusive, a lot of players do focus predominantly on one over the other. I would say that a player who focuses largely on roleplaying would be among the most interested in the new last name registry, but at the same time would be less likely to have significant funds.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
Re: Last Names and spellbooks 03/17/2007 08:39 AM CDT
As is the WM one, has been for a while.


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Lybadel has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 01:54 PM CDT
>> I would say that a player who focuses largely on roleplaying would be among the most interested in the new last name registry, but at the same time would be less likely to have significant funds.

I always have to laugh when I read things like this.

"I'm a roleplayer, therefore I don't train/earn as much money/participate in invasions/engage in PvP as much as the powertrainers do! That's unfair!" is an incredibly weak argument and always has been. If I can manage to roleplay my butt off with a wide variety of people pretty much every single day, earn several thousand plats, participate in almost every single invasion I can and hold my own in tournaments, anyone can. It's just a matter of how much effort you are willing to put forth.

The further insistence that gathering wealth goes against how you roleplay your character isn't anyone's problem but your own. Sometimes our roleplay choices restrict us from doing things we would like to do. Sometimes it costs us things that we want or negatively impacts our character somehow. That's just how roleplay is. Accept it or change it, but stop whining about it.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 02:18 PM CDT
<<Accept it or change it, but stop whining about it.

I'll change it.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. M.T.
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 02:50 PM CDT
>>I'll keep whining about it.

Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 03:02 PM CDT
I'm a fixer.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. M.T.
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 05:14 PM CDT
If you're role-playing someone who doesn't hunt, craft, or trade, then you have chosen to role-play a character who has no source of income. Your character is a bum. This is a choice which you, as the player, have made for your character.

Claiming that you or your character don't enjoy the activities involved in making money and then complaining that you don't get to participate in systems which require money is absurd. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Either your character cares enough about the legal rights to his name to scrape together the money, or s/he doesn't. If it's really not possible to get the money, and your character really cares about it, you could try <gasp> role-playing a character who wants to file the required paperwork but can't afford the associated fees. I know, it's tragic. Run with it.

And lastly, what I've been thinking since this thread's inception is this:

I seriously doubt that any of your twenty-six sub-20th circle characters' last names are so unbelievably desirable that hordes of people with their bought plats are going to be clamoring over them anyway.

That is all.

Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 06:48 PM CDT
<<Claiming that you or your character don't enjoy the activities involved in making money and then complaining that you don't get to participate in systems which require money is absurd. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

The difference is the system has been in place for years without the need for money.


Where would we be?

Jack: Bobby, I've had enough of Nikita, I'm ignoring him from now on!
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 06:56 PM CDT
>> If you're role-playing someone who doesn't hunt, craft, or trade, then you have chosen to role-play a character who has no source of income. Your character is a bum.

If I was into using quotes for signatures that would be one...

Moon mage Daellid
Re: Last Names 03/17/2007 06:56 PM CDT
<The difference is the system has been in place for years without the need for money.>

so, you're in the need for money for that purpose eh? where's your tin beggar's cup?

Druid Wheller Herbmaster, Con Artist of Elanthia
click YASSE.dmg

P.S. no good deed goes un-punished!

When in doubt, reinvent the wheel!
Last Names - moved here. 03/17/2007 10:32 PM CDT

Kindly continue the last names discussion here.

Senior Board Monitor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor, or Message Board Supervisor
Re: Last Names 03/18/2007 01:22 AM CDT
<<The difference is the system has been in place for years without the need for money.>>

And the system is back in place, just like it was before except that if no one registers and restricts the name in question, anyone can use it. If someone does, then the system that was in place long before is BACK in place. The Character Manager will tell you the name is taken and unavailable, just like it would when someone chose a name someone else wanted before.

Honestly, if you hadn't been making such a big deal out of this, I doubt very seriously anyone would have ever taken your name in the first place. The thought of "Oh man...I can't wait to get ahold of Sylvado's last name! Woo hoo!" would have NEVER crossed anyone's mind at all.

Now, given the past couple of days, I'd expect there are a good dozen people who are waiting to roll up someone with your name (and probably a few choice other names) and register it/them just to get under your/their skin(s).

This is the precise reason we're staying at Phase 1 for so long (unlike J'Lo "guesstimated"). We're giving everyone plenty of time to register the names they want to register. For some folks, 10 plats is a lot (or they're making it into a lot) and we understand that, so you are all getting a more than reasonable amount of time in which to gather it.

If we were giving everyone a week or even a month to "give us the money (Lebowski)" then I'd understand the attitude that some folks are displaying, but have plenty of time.


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!