In case anyone is interested, there is a lively discussion currently in progress on the Empath boards regarding the nature of the Undead and the repercussions for Empaths.
As an Empath-primary player, and due to the Empath guild's special relationship to the Undead, I believe that our guild must have a voice in any discussion of defining what undead-ness means. The influence of those decisions on the nature of life energies and life magic will be enormous.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 03:16 PM CST
>>As an Empath-primary player, and due to the Empath guild's special relationship to the Undead, I believe that our guild must have a voice in any discussion of defining what undead-ness means. The influence of those decisions on the nature of life energies and life magic will be enormous.
I'm curious as to Empath's special relationship with the undead. Is there anywhere you can direct me so I can read up on it?
I'm curious as to Empath's special relationship with the undead. Is there anywhere you can direct me so I can read up on it?
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 07:13 PM CST
>>I'm curious as to Empath's special relationship with the undead. Is there anywhere you can direct me so I can read up on it?
I don't believe there is direct in-game documentation (though I might be mistaken). There are only a few facts:
-Empaths have taken a vow not to harm the living. Attacking something directly gives them shock. Given that Undead are, in fact, quite not-the-living by the very nature of their existence, this raises questions as to why Empaths still cannot harm them, even if only with pig-stickers and tert weapon ranks.
-Necromancy involves the manipulation of life mana, or more specifically mixing it with other mana types. Empaths use life mana. Many types of Undead (constructs) are products of Necromancy (the likes of which the Necromancers guild will use if it ever comes out). This process is, simplified, using corrupted life mana to animate the bodies of the dead (note: no souls attached). Empaths = life-mana users who (presumably) love living things since they take their pain. Undead = the bereaved carcasses of once-living things.
And, lest the icon fool you, I'm not Empath-primary.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
I don't believe there is direct in-game documentation (though I might be mistaken). There are only a few facts:
-Empaths have taken a vow not to harm the living. Attacking something directly gives them shock. Given that Undead are, in fact, quite not-the-living by the very nature of their existence, this raises questions as to why Empaths still cannot harm them, even if only with pig-stickers and tert weapon ranks.
-Necromancy involves the manipulation of life mana, or more specifically mixing it with other mana types. Empaths use life mana. Many types of Undead (constructs) are products of Necromancy (the likes of which the Necromancers guild will use if it ever comes out). This process is, simplified, using corrupted life mana to animate the bodies of the dead (note: no souls attached). Empaths = life-mana users who (presumably) love living things since they take their pain. Undead = the bereaved carcasses of once-living things.
And, lest the icon fool you, I'm not Empath-primary.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 08:32 PM CST
My thought was always, currently, that since it is animated by life mana, it has some portion of life essence. Ergo harming it would violate empathic vows. Not saying I think it's right, or whatever. Just mechanics explanation.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 08:55 PM CST
>>My thought was always, currently, that since it is animated by life mana, it has some portion of life essence. Ergo harming it would violate empathic vows. Not saying I think it's right, or whatever. Just mechanics explanation.
But Empaths have taken a vow not to harm the living, not a vow not to harm anything with any life mana inside of it. If anything, I would think the fact that it is corrupted life mana actually makes them more likely to be able to be hurt. Mana corruption and all forms of sorcery (of which necromancy is a branch) are supposed to be frowned upon, so I think the official stance of the guild would be:
Undead = Corrupted Life Mana
Corrupted Life Mana=Bad
Ergo (transitive property),
As to why Empaths cannot harm them right now? I honestly don't think there is a reason related to lore, history, or even a conscious GM decision. I think the reason is, quite simply, that the rules and regulations governing Undead have been working on conflicting levels and this is the first time GMs are bothering to write the 'official' rules for what constitutes undeath vs. life, corporeal undeath vs. noncorporeal undeath, etc etc ect. Some things (like the recent change to intimidation resistance for noncoporeal udnead) indicate they're thinking about these things. I believe, not even being an Empath, that Empaths should have some say in the matter of life mana.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
But Empaths have taken a vow not to harm the living, not a vow not to harm anything with any life mana inside of it. If anything, I would think the fact that it is corrupted life mana actually makes them more likely to be able to be hurt. Mana corruption and all forms of sorcery (of which necromancy is a branch) are supposed to be frowned upon, so I think the official stance of the guild would be:
Undead = Corrupted Life Mana
Corrupted Life Mana=Bad
Ergo (transitive property),
As to why Empaths cannot harm them right now? I honestly don't think there is a reason related to lore, history, or even a conscious GM decision. I think the reason is, quite simply, that the rules and regulations governing Undead have been working on conflicting levels and this is the first time GMs are bothering to write the 'official' rules for what constitutes undeath vs. life, corporeal undeath vs. noncorporeal undeath, etc etc ect. Some things (like the recent change to intimidation resistance for noncoporeal udnead) indicate they're thinking about these things. I believe, not even being an Empath, that Empaths should have some say in the matter of life mana.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 09:00 PM CST
I would like to clarify and say that the Empath vow seems to apply to living beings (whatever that means).
A: Empaths can skin and receive no shock. Mechanically this was probably done to allow Empaths SOME way to make coin by fighting money and box-less critters. The implication seems to be, however, that once the thing stops twitching (e.g., is dead) all bets are off.
B: Empaths cannot fish. This is in accord with Empaths not harming living beings (or multi-celled animals, if you wish to be very specific). They can forage, crush flowers, carve limbs, etc etc etc., and fauna most certainly is imbued with life mana (see: Ranger bonus). Ergo, the implication seems to be differentiating between living animals (which Undead are not) causing shock, and nonliving animals/non-animals (which Undead are) not causing shock. The presence or lack of life mana seems to be, at this point, nonsequitor.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
A: Empaths can skin and receive no shock. Mechanically this was probably done to allow Empaths SOME way to make coin by fighting money and box-less critters. The implication seems to be, however, that once the thing stops twitching (e.g., is dead) all bets are off.
B: Empaths cannot fish. This is in accord with Empaths not harming living beings (or multi-celled animals, if you wish to be very specific). They can forage, crush flowers, carve limbs, etc etc etc., and fauna most certainly is imbued with life mana (see: Ranger bonus). Ergo, the implication seems to be differentiating between living animals (which Undead are not) causing shock, and nonliving animals/non-animals (which Undead are) not causing shock. The presence or lack of life mana seems to be, at this point, nonsequitor.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/10/2006 11:08 PM CST
If I had to stick by my theory, I'd say once it's dead, the life essence leaves it; sure, there's something there, as the compost spell uses dead wood, leaves, etc. to raise life power, but it's not animated any more. Undead are actively animted by some source of life mana.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 07:38 AM CST
>>But Empaths have taken a vow not to harm the living, not a vow not to harm anything with any life mana inside of it.<<
They may take a vow, but shock is just their natural reaction, not anything like guilt.
They may take a vow, but shock is just their natural reaction, not anything like guilt.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 12:24 PM CST
<<They may take a vow, but shock is just their natural reaction, not anything like guilt.>>
I'd say magical affliction if anything, right?. (I cant wait to share the undead hunting grounds with empaths)
Verbal (Cleric)
I'd say magical affliction if anything, right?. (I cant wait to share the undead hunting grounds with empaths)
Verbal (Cleric)
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 01:37 PM CST
nah yer confusing us with doctors again, there wasn't any vow to do no harm, just reprecussion if we do
Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 02:09 PM CST
>>I'd say magical affliction if anything, right?. (I cant wait to share the undead hunting grounds with empaths)<<
If I had to classify it, it'd be more a psychic/physical thing.
Supposedly everyone has the capacity for Empathy and everyone suffers a little psychic harm when they harm a living being.
The effects are unfelt by most people because they go around harming things all the time - bugs, small animals, hordes of monsters, that kind of thing. They still get a shock effect, but they've experienced it so much that they're numb.
Empaths, however, actively develop their capacity for Empathy. It becomes so accute that they use it to take wounds and do other empathy-related things with it. The consequence of highly developed empathy, however, is that they feel the full brunt of that psychic shock when they do harm. They feel it even more accutely, since they've honed the sense that it affects.
If I had to classify it, it'd be more a psychic/physical thing.
Supposedly everyone has the capacity for Empathy and everyone suffers a little psychic harm when they harm a living being.
The effects are unfelt by most people because they go around harming things all the time - bugs, small animals, hordes of monsters, that kind of thing. They still get a shock effect, but they've experienced it so much that they're numb.
Empaths, however, actively develop their capacity for Empathy. It becomes so accute that they use it to take wounds and do other empathy-related things with it. The consequence of highly developed empathy, however, is that they feel the full brunt of that psychic shock when they do harm. They feel it even more accutely, since they've honed the sense that it affects.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 08:06 PM CST
>I'm curious as to Empath's special relationship with the undead. Is there anywhere you can direct me so I can read up on it?
My statement was largely based on existing mechanics. Undead creatures especially hate Empaths and Empath magic. They have almost perfectly opposite reactions to many empath abilities and spells, for example casting innocence will enrage the undead and cause them to attack the empath, as will manipulating friendship on them. Empaths can also directly sense their corrupted life energy via perceive health.
My statement was largely based on existing mechanics. Undead creatures especially hate Empaths and Empath magic. They have almost perfectly opposite reactions to many empath abilities and spells, for example casting innocence will enrage the undead and cause them to attack the empath, as will manipulating friendship on them. Empaths can also directly sense their corrupted life energy via perceive health.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 08:14 PM CST
Julian is 100% right, that is a really nice summation of current empathy theory in DR.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 08:17 PM CST
>>My statement was largely based on existing mechanics. Undead creatures especially hate Empaths and Empath magic. They have almost perfectly opposite reactions to many empath abilities and spells, for example casting innocence will enrage the undead and cause them to attack the empath, as will manipulating friendship on them. Empaths can also directly sense their corrupted life energy via perceive health.
Cool, didn't know that, thanks. As long as your fellow Life mana users the Rangers get some anti-undead loving as well. And no, PLS doesn't count. ;)
Cool, didn't know that, thanks. As long as your fellow Life mana users the Rangers get some anti-undead loving as well. And no, PLS doesn't count. ;)
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/11/2006 10:25 PM CST
>They have almost perfectly opposite reactions to many empath abilities and spells, for example casting innocence will enrage the undead and cause them to attack the empath, as will manipulating friendship on them.
I'm not willing to believe this is a 'special relationship' honestly. Two abilities which do the same thing, and achieve the same result. How novel. Yes, it's an oversimplification.
I can see all the pieces for an argument for empaths having outlets vs. undead, and should they be presented well, I think it should be done. But I do not think this is a valid one. It could be argued that your very nature as a healer infuriates them, and those two actions over amplify the hate. This would in no way extend you the ability to harm them without encurring shock.
I'm not willing to believe this is a 'special relationship' honestly. Two abilities which do the same thing, and achieve the same result. How novel. Yes, it's an oversimplification.
I can see all the pieces for an argument for empaths having outlets vs. undead, and should they be presented well, I think it should be done. But I do not think this is a valid one. It could be argued that your very nature as a healer infuriates them, and those two actions over amplify the hate. This would in no way extend you the ability to harm them without encurring shock.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/12/2006 07:18 PM CST
>I'm not willing to believe this is a 'special relationship' honestly. Two abilities which do the same thing, and achieve the same result. How novel. Yes, it's an oversimplification.
All 'special relationship' means is, the undead react to Empaths in a different way than they do other guilds and Empaths react to the undead in a different way than we do other creatures. Empaths can sense the unique presence of the undead through our ability to perceive life essences. They register on our senses in a special and unique way that other creatures do not. The undead react to our magic in a way that is the opposite of what is intended, and no other kind of creature reacts this way. All of this is supported by the plain facts, and adds up to a special relationship between Empaths and the undead. Obviously there is something going on where each side has a special sensitivity to the other.
And this thread has nothing to do with undead hunting. I did not present this special relationship as a justification for undead hunting, I think you are confusing two different (but admittedly related) threads.
The arguments supporting undead hunting by empaths are based on the logical consequences to the question of whether the undead possess any life essence that would trigger our shock reaction (which occurs when we intentionally harm living things). If the undead are not alive, nor possessed of any splinter or shadow of life energy, then Empaths should be able to attack them directly. If they are in some way possessed of life energy, then I believe Empaths should be able to 'heal' them back to normal death by restoring vitality to their super-corrupted physical bodies.
All 'special relationship' means is, the undead react to Empaths in a different way than they do other guilds and Empaths react to the undead in a different way than we do other creatures. Empaths can sense the unique presence of the undead through our ability to perceive life essences. They register on our senses in a special and unique way that other creatures do not. The undead react to our magic in a way that is the opposite of what is intended, and no other kind of creature reacts this way. All of this is supported by the plain facts, and adds up to a special relationship between Empaths and the undead. Obviously there is something going on where each side has a special sensitivity to the other.
And this thread has nothing to do with undead hunting. I did not present this special relationship as a justification for undead hunting, I think you are confusing two different (but admittedly related) threads.
The arguments supporting undead hunting by empaths are based on the logical consequences to the question of whether the undead possess any life essence that would trigger our shock reaction (which occurs when we intentionally harm living things). If the undead are not alive, nor possessed of any splinter or shadow of life energy, then Empaths should be able to attack them directly. If they are in some way possessed of life energy, then I believe Empaths should be able to 'heal' them back to normal death by restoring vitality to their super-corrupted physical bodies.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/12/2006 11:54 PM CST
>>If they are in some way possessed of life energy, then I believe Empaths should be able to 'heal' them back to normal death by restoring vitality to their super-corrupted physical bodies.
The only problem with this is, mechanics-wise, undead have 'real' vitality just like every other creature. And also, given the way Empathy works (as I have said this before), I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't see establishing a link with a dead creature to be a smart idea.
Requirements for letting Empaths attack undead:
1) Undead check to see if a critter will cause shock
Requirements for 'healing' undead to death:
1) Empathy rewrite to make critters targettable
2) Expansion of empathic theory to incorporate relationship to undead
3) Undead check to make sure there will be vitality loss and not wound transferring like on living creatures
4) Rewrite of all undead critters to make them suseptible to Empathy
This is (I imagine) the amount of work that would be involved. Now, I know in other games healers can damage undead (cast Heal on the Skeleton, etc etc.), but DR's system is completely different given the wounds actually transfer to the healer. It would be fine if you just wanted to make, say, Vitality Heal damage undead... should be simple enough. Beyond that I don't think the amount of labor involved in making Undead 'suseptible' to empathy would be worthwhile given how truly niche the ability would probably be.
It seems (to me) much more sensible to simply allow Empaths to attack undead. It involves much less work and has broader applications, actually giving Empaths access to weapon ranks.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
The only problem with this is, mechanics-wise, undead have 'real' vitality just like every other creature. And also, given the way Empathy works (as I have said this before), I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't see establishing a link with a dead creature to be a smart idea.
Requirements for letting Empaths attack undead:
1) Undead check to see if a critter will cause shock
Requirements for 'healing' undead to death:
1) Empathy rewrite to make critters targettable
2) Expansion of empathic theory to incorporate relationship to undead
3) Undead check to make sure there will be vitality loss and not wound transferring like on living creatures
4) Rewrite of all undead critters to make them suseptible to Empathy
This is (I imagine) the amount of work that would be involved. Now, I know in other games healers can damage undead (cast Heal on the Skeleton, etc etc.), but DR's system is completely different given the wounds actually transfer to the healer. It would be fine if you just wanted to make, say, Vitality Heal damage undead... should be simple enough. Beyond that I don't think the amount of labor involved in making Undead 'suseptible' to empathy would be worthwhile given how truly niche the ability would probably be.
It seems (to me) much more sensible to simply allow Empaths to attack undead. It involves much less work and has broader applications, actually giving Empaths access to weapon ranks.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 11:47 AM CST
>>Bottom line: All new ideas will require, at the very least, SOME coding or SOME change or redefinition of how mechanics work.
Well yes, pointing out they have HP just like anything else is only part of the sum, or a means to the end. I was just thinking aloud that, to use a bad analogy, empathy hurting undead would be like rewiring an entire house whereas allowing Empaths to hit undead would be like installing a new switch. Or so I imagine, O don't have access to the code.
But yes, they would both be cool. So if it is feasible it would be nice to see.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Well yes, pointing out they have HP just like anything else is only part of the sum, or a means to the end. I was just thinking aloud that, to use a bad analogy, empathy hurting undead would be like rewiring an entire house whereas allowing Empaths to hit undead would be like installing a new switch. Or so I imagine, O don't have access to the code.
But yes, they would both be cool. So if it is feasible it would be nice to see.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 11:50 AM CST
>>The only problem with this is, mechanics-wise, undead have 'real' vitality just like every other creature.
There is no point to finding mechanics related issues with an idea. Obviously there will be something in the mechanics contradicts what <proposed idea y> presents. Every single new system or spell or whatever that has been coded, has surely required more coding outside of that idea. Surely you cannot expect that all new ideas fit the requirement that they must fit exactly within how the game is currently setup, it is just unrealistic.
Bottom line: All new ideas will require, at the very least, SOME coding or SOME change or redefinition of how mechanics work.
But in terms of allowing empaths to actually hunt(undead)? Or allowing them to 'heal' undead back to a normal dead state? Sounds pretty flippin' cool to me.
There is no point to finding mechanics related issues with an idea. Obviously there will be something in the mechanics contradicts what <proposed idea y> presents. Every single new system or spell or whatever that has been coded, has surely required more coding outside of that idea. Surely you cannot expect that all new ideas fit the requirement that they must fit exactly within how the game is currently setup, it is just unrealistic.
Bottom line: All new ideas will require, at the very least, SOME coding or SOME change or redefinition of how mechanics work.
But in terms of allowing empaths to actually hunt(undead)? Or allowing them to 'heal' undead back to a normal dead state? Sounds pretty flippin' cool to me.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 11:52 AM CST
Haha. Edited your post?
Reply above.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Reply above.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 12:19 PM CST
There is an idea worth doing for sure, let me edit my freaking posts.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 08:25 PM CST
>The only problem with this is, mechanics-wise, undead have 'real' vitality just like every other creature.
Yes I agree the way undead are currently set up they have positive vitality, like all creatures do. But I see that as an old limitation of ancient mechanics. That's a big part of why I'm chiming in now, since undead creatures are being reviewed and will probably be rewritten in some way ;)
>And also, given the way Empathy works (as I have said this before), I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't see establishing a link with a dead creature to be a smart idea.
I don't see any problem at all with linking with a dead creature since it is currently possible and commonly done with dead adventurers. We can currently link to a dead adventurer, who has negative vitality, and heal it back up to zero. I think most people are glad that Empaths can link with deaders ;) To stretch the analogy, no, raising a deader's vitality back up from the negative to zero does not bring them back to life, but we're talking about bringing something from undeath to normal death which isn't quite the same.
A major missing required element here is critter healing, which would allow us to establish a diagnostic link with non-adventurers. And which has been proposed many times in the past, and unless I'm mistaken is currently on the 'maybe someday' table in terms of development.
>Requirements for letting Empaths attack undead:
>1) Undead check to see if a critter will cause shock
>Requirements for 'healing' undead to death:
>1) Empathy rewrite to make critters targettable
>2) Expansion of empathic theory to incorporate relationship to undead
>3) Undead check to make sure there will be vitality loss and not wound transferring like on living creatures
>4) Rewrite of all undead critters to make them suseptible to Empathy
>This is (I imagine) the amount of work that would be involved. Now, I know in other games healers can damage undead (cast Heal on the Skeleton, etc etc.), but DR's system is completely different given the wounds actually transfer to the healer. It would be fine if you just wanted to make, say, Vitality Heal damage undead... should be simple enough.
Well, you do admit in another post that this list is highly speculative and I agree ;) CHRISTIANSONK3 put it really well, all new systems by definition require writing new code for the game. The way shock works on a mechanical level is much more complex than you make it out to be however; as I understand it, it is essentially verb-based and not so much target-based. So while currently the whole verb is forbidden, and I admit I don't have any idea what the actual code is like, you'd have to rewrite every combat verb to recognize that some targets are acceptible for Empaths to attack and others are not. In any event, Shock is currently in the final stages of a major rewrite, a fact which might argue for it being less likely to be revisited any time soon.
And I'm honestly not considering other games in the slightest. I believe that undead healing is in keeping with the logic and structure of DR. Or it certainly can be if the right decisions are made about the nature of undead beings.
>Beyond that I don't think the amount of labor involved in making Undead 'suseptible' to empathy would be worthwhile given how truly niche the ability would probably be.
I have to take exception to this statement. Undead healing for Empaths would be a niche ability to the precisely same extent that astrological prediction, or making gweths, is a niche ability. Or having a familiar. Or berserking. Or raising dead people. Or waving a glyph over someone. Etc etc etc. We're talking about a guild ability here. If what we are discussing is a 'niche ability' then so to is every other guild ability in the game.
Yes I agree the way undead are currently set up they have positive vitality, like all creatures do. But I see that as an old limitation of ancient mechanics. That's a big part of why I'm chiming in now, since undead creatures are being reviewed and will probably be rewritten in some way ;)
>And also, given the way Empathy works (as I have said this before), I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't see establishing a link with a dead creature to be a smart idea.
I don't see any problem at all with linking with a dead creature since it is currently possible and commonly done with dead adventurers. We can currently link to a dead adventurer, who has negative vitality, and heal it back up to zero. I think most people are glad that Empaths can link with deaders ;) To stretch the analogy, no, raising a deader's vitality back up from the negative to zero does not bring them back to life, but we're talking about bringing something from undeath to normal death which isn't quite the same.
A major missing required element here is critter healing, which would allow us to establish a diagnostic link with non-adventurers. And which has been proposed many times in the past, and unless I'm mistaken is currently on the 'maybe someday' table in terms of development.
>Requirements for letting Empaths attack undead:
>1) Undead check to see if a critter will cause shock
>Requirements for 'healing' undead to death:
>1) Empathy rewrite to make critters targettable
>2) Expansion of empathic theory to incorporate relationship to undead
>3) Undead check to make sure there will be vitality loss and not wound transferring like on living creatures
>4) Rewrite of all undead critters to make them suseptible to Empathy
>This is (I imagine) the amount of work that would be involved. Now, I know in other games healers can damage undead (cast Heal on the Skeleton, etc etc.), but DR's system is completely different given the wounds actually transfer to the healer. It would be fine if you just wanted to make, say, Vitality Heal damage undead... should be simple enough.
Well, you do admit in another post that this list is highly speculative and I agree ;) CHRISTIANSONK3 put it really well, all new systems by definition require writing new code for the game. The way shock works on a mechanical level is much more complex than you make it out to be however; as I understand it, it is essentially verb-based and not so much target-based. So while currently the whole verb is forbidden, and I admit I don't have any idea what the actual code is like, you'd have to rewrite every combat verb to recognize that some targets are acceptible for Empaths to attack and others are not. In any event, Shock is currently in the final stages of a major rewrite, a fact which might argue for it being less likely to be revisited any time soon.
And I'm honestly not considering other games in the slightest. I believe that undead healing is in keeping with the logic and structure of DR. Or it certainly can be if the right decisions are made about the nature of undead beings.
>Beyond that I don't think the amount of labor involved in making Undead 'suseptible' to empathy would be worthwhile given how truly niche the ability would probably be.
I have to take exception to this statement. Undead healing for Empaths would be a niche ability to the precisely same extent that astrological prediction, or making gweths, is a niche ability. Or having a familiar. Or berserking. Or raising dead people. Or waving a glyph over someone. Etc etc etc. We're talking about a guild ability here. If what we are discussing is a 'niche ability' then so to is every other guild ability in the game.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/13/2006 11:29 PM CST
>I don't see any problem at all with linking with a dead creature since it is currently possible and commonly done with dead adventurers.
Unless we are playing a completely seperate game, a dead adventurer is just that. Dead. An undead creature is just that. Undead. As in, dead, then reanimated. Ergo not dead.
Unless we are playing a completely seperate game, a dead adventurer is just that. Dead. An undead creature is just that. Undead. As in, dead, then reanimated. Ergo not dead.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 08:49 AM CST
>>Beyond that I don't think the amount of labor involved in making Undead 'suseptible' to empathy would be worthwhile given how truly niche the ability would probably be.
>>I have to take exception to this statement. Undead healing for Empaths would be a niche ability to the precisely same extent that astrological prediction, or making gweths, is a niche ability. Or having a familiar. Or berserking. Or raising dead people. Or waving a glyph over someone. Etc etc etc. We're talking about a guild ability here. If what we are discussing is a 'niche ability' then so to is every other guild ability in the game.
Umm, no. I honestly think it would be a niche ability. Why? Allow me to explain my mode of thought.
Clerics are supposed to be the best undead killers. Love it or hate it, when determining how powerful Empath undead 'healing' would be the spells would most definitely take other guild niches into consideration when determining their power. I think they would be a lot more watered down then you appear to think they would be.
Secondly, what is DR about? Ranks. DR is about experience, skill, stats, and ranks (in conjunction with roleplay). I imagine many people prefer roleplay to ranks or ranks to roleplay, but given the chance I'm sure almost everyone would want not only to A) have fun roleplaying but B) do it in a way that gives them the skills necessary to circle to get shiny new spells, abilities, etc.
So, from an experience standpoint, what use would 'killing' undead have? Being a magic secondary guild, Empaths probably wouldn't get an undead-killing target magic spell. It would work PM and Harness, of course, but then these can be trained efficiently without the danger of combat. Would killing undead teach Empathy? That would be beat. Perceive Health would probably remain a better way to train though.
So what do you end up with? An ability to kill a creature that, for practical purposes, probably adds nothing new to the Empath guild. No new, better way to train skills, no new way to hunt that would work more effictively (or pay better) then manipulating living critters. I don't envision Empaths ever being able to touch Undead in a way that Clerics can, or Barbarians with blessed weapons. If they can that would be friggin great, but the Clerics would whine.
Now, I'd still love this sort of ability. However, unless it comes in conjunction with another major change (allowing Empaths to hurt undead a la target magic or weapon ranks), I don't see what newness it offers. Familiars carry items, pull you away when stunned, etc. Berserks give you major combat boosts. Raising dead people is... well, raising dead people
If you get to kill undead without actually being able to 'hunt' them, you have at best a new avenue for roleplay that provides no reliable means of ranks, TDPs, advancement, or monetary gain. New abilities to roleplay are not useless, but I didn't call them useless. It would be a 'niche' ability, worthwhile only to a few for the sake of roleplaying, and that's the word I used.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
>>I have to take exception to this statement. Undead healing for Empaths would be a niche ability to the precisely same extent that astrological prediction, or making gweths, is a niche ability. Or having a familiar. Or berserking. Or raising dead people. Or waving a glyph over someone. Etc etc etc. We're talking about a guild ability here. If what we are discussing is a 'niche ability' then so to is every other guild ability in the game.
Umm, no. I honestly think it would be a niche ability. Why? Allow me to explain my mode of thought.
Clerics are supposed to be the best undead killers. Love it or hate it, when determining how powerful Empath undead 'healing' would be the spells would most definitely take other guild niches into consideration when determining their power. I think they would be a lot more watered down then you appear to think they would be.
Secondly, what is DR about? Ranks. DR is about experience, skill, stats, and ranks (in conjunction with roleplay). I imagine many people prefer roleplay to ranks or ranks to roleplay, but given the chance I'm sure almost everyone would want not only to A) have fun roleplaying but B) do it in a way that gives them the skills necessary to circle to get shiny new spells, abilities, etc.
So, from an experience standpoint, what use would 'killing' undead have? Being a magic secondary guild, Empaths probably wouldn't get an undead-killing target magic spell. It would work PM and Harness, of course, but then these can be trained efficiently without the danger of combat. Would killing undead teach Empathy? That would be beat. Perceive Health would probably remain a better way to train though.
So what do you end up with? An ability to kill a creature that, for practical purposes, probably adds nothing new to the Empath guild. No new, better way to train skills, no new way to hunt that would work more effictively (or pay better) then manipulating living critters. I don't envision Empaths ever being able to touch Undead in a way that Clerics can, or Barbarians with blessed weapons. If they can that would be friggin great, but the Clerics would whine.
Now, I'd still love this sort of ability. However, unless it comes in conjunction with another major change (allowing Empaths to hurt undead a la target magic or weapon ranks), I don't see what newness it offers. Familiars carry items, pull you away when stunned, etc. Berserks give you major combat boosts. Raising dead people is... well, raising dead people
If you get to kill undead without actually being able to 'hunt' them, you have at best a new avenue for roleplay that provides no reliable means of ranks, TDPs, advancement, or monetary gain. New abilities to roleplay are not useless, but I didn't call them useless. It would be a 'niche' ability, worthwhile only to a few for the sake of roleplaying, and that's the word I used.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 09:01 AM CST
>>If they can that would be friggin great, but the Clerics would whine.
Do your posts have any purpose other than trying to incite GvG by provoking both sides?
Do your posts have any purpose other than trying to incite GvG by provoking both sides?
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 09:05 AM CST
>>Do your posts have any purpose other than trying to incite GvG by provoking both sides?
The problem is not my post. The problem is that select individuals like yourself ignore entire paragraphs of content and then focus on only one comment that may be construed as slightly GvG when you get your tail-feathers in a ruffle.
This is not meant to be a personal attack, but seriously. Unwind a little and try to see the point I'm making instead of pasting one comment completely out of context.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
The problem is not my post. The problem is that select individuals like yourself ignore entire paragraphs of content and then focus on only one comment that may be construed as slightly GvG when you get your tail-feathers in a ruffle.
This is not meant to be a personal attack, but seriously. Unwind a little and try to see the point I'm making instead of pasting one comment completely out of context.
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 09:44 AM CST
>>The problem is that select individuals like yourself ignore entire paragraphs of content and then focus on only one comment that may be construed as slightly GvG when you get your tail-feathers in a ruffle.
Your entire post seemed to incite GvG debate to me.
Your entire post seemed to incite GvG debate to me.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 09:52 AM CST
>Your entire post seemed to incite GvG debate to me.
Most of them seem to.
What we're seeing is a handful of clerics saying 'ya, it'd be cool, cause we'd have empaths in the hunting grounds'. We are not, however, seeing the other handful (or more) who would be even more vocal whining, screaming, crying, pissing themselves in anguish that 'omg someone else has special abilities vs. undead'.
You know it would happen.
Personally, my thought goes like this: empaths are more than welcome to undead, provided A) it's reasonably well 'excused', and B) the abilities are lower than clerics. Why? Greed. Most cleric hunting areas see no one; I am alone in them 95% or more of the time. Adding empaths would add gen, add company, and add a healer (maybe, to the last two).
I really don't want just a generic 'poof, ok, go kill undead with no reasoning', I want a full blown logical thought process from the GM's, which is going to require the concrete definition of undead.
And the abilities do have to be lesser; clerics are the master. This is not up for debate. They cannot even be equal.
Most of them seem to.
What we're seeing is a handful of clerics saying 'ya, it'd be cool, cause we'd have empaths in the hunting grounds'. We are not, however, seeing the other handful (or more) who would be even more vocal whining, screaming, crying, pissing themselves in anguish that 'omg someone else has special abilities vs. undead'.
You know it would happen.
Personally, my thought goes like this: empaths are more than welcome to undead, provided A) it's reasonably well 'excused', and B) the abilities are lower than clerics. Why? Greed. Most cleric hunting areas see no one; I am alone in them 95% or more of the time. Adding empaths would add gen, add company, and add a healer (maybe, to the last two).
I really don't want just a generic 'poof, ok, go kill undead with no reasoning', I want a full blown logical thought process from the GM's, which is going to require the concrete definition of undead.
And the abilities do have to be lesser; clerics are the master. This is not up for debate. They cannot even be equal.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 11:52 AM CST
My reasoning why the abilities would be lesser aren't mainly just that undead is a clerical niche. It is more about game balance.
Currently Empaths are essentially a non-combat guild. They can learn combats, but cannot hurt any creatures with them. Changing the current system so that they could utilize the skills they already have- weapons and magic- to hurt undead would be a relatively minor change. They would use weapons(tert skill)like anyone else. Magic, they would either have to use devices, some very rare first circle TM scrolls or have a new spell created that would affect only undead. Any undead spell would likely be less effective than a holy magic spell(see rangers spell). But they would be using the same combat skills that everyone else is currently using, just less effectively than many due to their skill set up.
Now, if its changed to undead 'healing' then it changes the situation dramatically. Empaths go from a guild that cannot attack anything to being able to utilize a primary skill- a lore skill at that- to attack creatures. This is a skill that is normally utilized outside of combat, so an empath could go 50 circles without ever stepping into combat and one day step into undead combat and due to heavy empathy training rock undead.
Currently Empaths are essentially a non-combat guild. They can learn combats, but cannot hurt any creatures with them. Changing the current system so that they could utilize the skills they already have- weapons and magic- to hurt undead would be a relatively minor change. They would use weapons(tert skill)like anyone else. Magic, they would either have to use devices, some very rare first circle TM scrolls or have a new spell created that would affect only undead. Any undead spell would likely be less effective than a holy magic spell(see rangers spell). But they would be using the same combat skills that everyone else is currently using, just less effectively than many due to their skill set up.
Now, if its changed to undead 'healing' then it changes the situation dramatically. Empaths go from a guild that cannot attack anything to being able to utilize a primary skill- a lore skill at that- to attack creatures. This is a skill that is normally utilized outside of combat, so an empath could go 50 circles without ever stepping into combat and one day step into undead combat and due to heavy empathy training rock undead.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 12:22 PM CST
>>Changing the current system so that they could utilize the skills they already have- weapons and magic- to hurt undead would be a relatively minor change.
Should we also change it so that NMUs can use runestones and wands again as well? Here I thought that was part of the price to pay for signing up with the Empaths, just like not using magic was part of the price for being a Thief/Trader/Barb.
Should we also change it so that NMUs can use runestones and wands again as well? Here I thought that was part of the price to pay for signing up with the Empaths, just like not using magic was part of the price for being a Thief/Trader/Barb.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 12:32 PM CST
i like the idea of both, empaths hunting undead and having a undead healing.
coming from a cleric.
i think they should be able to rock out with us. i see no real reason to try and horde our niche. i'm happy to know that most guilds arent going to get a spell like harm evil. thats enough of a mastery for a guy like me. i see nothing but benefits from undead hunting/healing.
i'd like to see the scenario of an undead war on empaths. where a group of empath learns how to control the shock, and teaches the guild how to hunt/heal/free the undead. it'd be cool to watch some super commando empaths drop in and kick it up a notch.
for the record i cant stomach a lot of negativity and some of the agressive posting that goes down. so i dont read everything word for word up there. but i like undead and empaths, these are my thoughts, so thats that.
coming from a cleric.
i think they should be able to rock out with us. i see no real reason to try and horde our niche. i'm happy to know that most guilds arent going to get a spell like harm evil. thats enough of a mastery for a guy like me. i see nothing but benefits from undead hunting/healing.
i'd like to see the scenario of an undead war on empaths. where a group of empath learns how to control the shock, and teaches the guild how to hunt/heal/free the undead. it'd be cool to watch some super commando empaths drop in and kick it up a notch.
for the record i cant stomach a lot of negativity and some of the agressive posting that goes down. so i dont read everything word for word up there. but i like undead and empaths, these are my thoughts, so thats that.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 01:28 PM CST
>Umm, no. I honestly think it would be a niche ability. Why? Allow me to explain my mode of thought.
You make some valid points, and I agree with you on some, but not all. We're kind of getting into 'my DR' vs 'your DR', rank-chasing vs. roleplay, etc, but that's another debate, one which has been waged far too many times, to no avail, to get into here ;)
But after your explanation, I think I now actually agree with you that undead healing would indeed be a niche ability, appealing to only a segment of players. Yes, and other existing guild abilities are also in fact niche abilities, since not everyone uses every aspect of the game available to them. What is a niche system to you is someone else's meat and potatoes. That is a big part of what DR is in my opinion--a rich, complex game environment with many fascinating game systems to explore, but which you don't have to use if you don't want to. So the argument that it might not be worth development resources because it is a niche ability doesn't hold water for me.
>So what do you end up with? An ability to kill a creature that, for practical purposes, probably adds nothing new to the Empath guild.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I think it would add a huge element of excitement and opportunity to the Empath guild.
And I don't think anyone here is arguing that Empaths would or should suddenly become masters of the undead or supplant Clerics in any way. Also I don't expect any TM spells of any kind, since it's been stated numerous times by many GM's that TM is an offensive skill primarily for magic primary guilds (or is it exclusively magic-primary? I honestly don't know). There's also nothing inherently wrong with a lore skill having combat applications. All kinds of skills are useful outside their skillset grouping. Dart recently posted in support of that very subject, I believe.
You make some valid points, and I agree with you on some, but not all. We're kind of getting into 'my DR' vs 'your DR', rank-chasing vs. roleplay, etc, but that's another debate, one which has been waged far too many times, to no avail, to get into here ;)
But after your explanation, I think I now actually agree with you that undead healing would indeed be a niche ability, appealing to only a segment of players. Yes, and other existing guild abilities are also in fact niche abilities, since not everyone uses every aspect of the game available to them. What is a niche system to you is someone else's meat and potatoes. That is a big part of what DR is in my opinion--a rich, complex game environment with many fascinating game systems to explore, but which you don't have to use if you don't want to. So the argument that it might not be worth development resources because it is a niche ability doesn't hold water for me.
>So what do you end up with? An ability to kill a creature that, for practical purposes, probably adds nothing new to the Empath guild.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I think it would add a huge element of excitement and opportunity to the Empath guild.
And I don't think anyone here is arguing that Empaths would or should suddenly become masters of the undead or supplant Clerics in any way. Also I don't expect any TM spells of any kind, since it's been stated numerous times by many GM's that TM is an offensive skill primarily for magic primary guilds (or is it exclusively magic-primary? I honestly don't know). There's also nothing inherently wrong with a lore skill having combat applications. All kinds of skills are useful outside their skillset grouping. Dart recently posted in support of that very subject, I believe.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 01:41 PM CST
>>Well, you're entitled to your opinion but I strongly disagree. I think it would add a huge element of excitement and opportunity to the Empath guild.
I agree it would be a very big change. And, like you, I would intrinsically be happy with being able to harm undead. I'm not arguing what you are suggesting shouldn't be feasible.
In my mind, however, it's only utilizing a small portion of the enormous potential between Empaths and undead critters. If we limit ourselves to 'heal-hurting' then Empaths have, in game theory and roleplay aspect, a very important new dynamic. What I am suggesting, however, is that for the amount of work that would ostensibly be involved in these changes, we shouldn't settle for just roleplay value. The excitement of an entire new roleplay idea and an entire new aspect of Empathic role in DR should coincide with exciting ranks, abilities, skills, etc.
I would like Empaths to be able to damage undead. I am simply saying... why focus on just roleplay? Institute 'healing' undead to damage vitality, and then go a step further and let Empaths hit them with weapons too. You have not only roleplay potential now, but an entire segment of the critter ladder for Empaths to climb for their entire careers. The term 'Battle Empath' would be completely redefined.
So I guess I'm just pushing harder and saying 'Give Empaths the exciting new roleplay/niche AND the accompanying ranks, skills, hunting abilities' or 'Don't spend great effort on this exciting new ability without giving us the practical benefits of being specialized hunters as well.'
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
I agree it would be a very big change. And, like you, I would intrinsically be happy with being able to harm undead. I'm not arguing what you are suggesting shouldn't be feasible.
In my mind, however, it's only utilizing a small portion of the enormous potential between Empaths and undead critters. If we limit ourselves to 'heal-hurting' then Empaths have, in game theory and roleplay aspect, a very important new dynamic. What I am suggesting, however, is that for the amount of work that would ostensibly be involved in these changes, we shouldn't settle for just roleplay value. The excitement of an entire new roleplay idea and an entire new aspect of Empathic role in DR should coincide with exciting ranks, abilities, skills, etc.
I would like Empaths to be able to damage undead. I am simply saying... why focus on just roleplay? Institute 'healing' undead to damage vitality, and then go a step further and let Empaths hit them with weapons too. You have not only roleplay potential now, but an entire segment of the critter ladder for Empaths to climb for their entire careers. The term 'Battle Empath' would be completely redefined.
So I guess I'm just pushing harder and saying 'Give Empaths the exciting new roleplay/niche AND the accompanying ranks, skills, hunting abilities' or 'Don't spend great effort on this exciting new ability without giving us the practical benefits of being specialized hunters as well.'
Wish List: Weapon enchanting, Empath romancing, Bardic Screams, and Barb love-beams.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 01:50 PM CST
Thilan- you trying to wreck the thread? Of course runes for NMU's is a volatile subject- and deserves it own thread if you wish to pursue it- and for the record I think that was a bad change.
Point being though- things change. NMU's were able to use runes once and can't now. Empath's can't currently hurt empaths, but pretty much everyone here is advocating empaths being able to attack undead, the only discussion is how this would be best accomplished.
Point being though- things change. NMU's were able to use runes once and can't now. Empath's can't currently hurt empaths, but pretty much everyone here is advocating empaths being able to attack undead, the only discussion is how this would be best accomplished.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 02:49 PM CST
>>Thilan- you trying to wreck the thread?
Since when is posting a dissenting opinion "wrecking a thread"? Where's Sylvado when you need him?
Again, should anyone who gains a skill be allowed to utilize it? By your logic Emapths have weapon skills learned from parrying; therefore, they should be allowed to use them offensively as well -- nevermind that they are already being utilized via parrying, giving them the same three layers of defenses as everyone else. It stands to reason then that since NMUs could gain magic ranks they should be allowed to use those as well. They do not learn spells from guildleaders, so they cannot utilize them that way; therefore, the only way they can utilize them is via magical devices. Do you follow?
I have no problems if Empaths can fight undead using manipulation/link/shift/brand spanking new ability/whatever. I just think they need to have something to distinguish them from Clerics and Paladins (and to a lesser extent JoeBarb with a blessed sword) when it comes to fighting undead, rather than just "forget about the whole non-attacking guild thing, go have fun kids!"
You write, "Empaths go from a guild that cannot attack anything to being able to utilize a primary skill- a lore skill at that- to attack creatures." I say, why not? Every other skill set has a combat skill -- why not Lore? Your concern about using a skill that hasn't yet been learned in combat for combat is valid, but it's not like it's impossible to learn a weapon/armor/defense skill outside of combat, it's just not as efficient.
Hope that clears it up and that we can have a civilized discussion without everyone getting defensive.
Since when is posting a dissenting opinion "wrecking a thread"? Where's Sylvado when you need him?
Again, should anyone who gains a skill be allowed to utilize it? By your logic Emapths have weapon skills learned from parrying; therefore, they should be allowed to use them offensively as well -- nevermind that they are already being utilized via parrying, giving them the same three layers of defenses as everyone else. It stands to reason then that since NMUs could gain magic ranks they should be allowed to use those as well. They do not learn spells from guildleaders, so they cannot utilize them that way; therefore, the only way they can utilize them is via magical devices. Do you follow?
I have no problems if Empaths can fight undead using manipulation/link/shift/brand spanking new ability/whatever. I just think they need to have something to distinguish them from Clerics and Paladins (and to a lesser extent JoeBarb with a blessed sword) when it comes to fighting undead, rather than just "forget about the whole non-attacking guild thing, go have fun kids!"
You write, "Empaths go from a guild that cannot attack anything to being able to utilize a primary skill- a lore skill at that- to attack creatures." I say, why not? Every other skill set has a combat skill -- why not Lore? Your concern about using a skill that hasn't yet been learned in combat for combat is valid, but it's not like it's impossible to learn a weapon/armor/defense skill outside of combat, it's just not as efficient.
Hope that clears it up and that we can have a civilized discussion without everyone getting defensive.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 06:32 PM CST
>Since when is posting a dissenting opinion "wrecking a thread"? Where's Sylvado when you need him?
We're discussing apples. You suddenly start discussing Volvos. This is not even remotely tangental to the current conversation. You have an axe to grind, and are simply injecting your vitrol wherever you find an opening, and then lashing out at people who say 'Hey, our fruit conversation doesn't have anything to do with cars!'.
Thanks for playing.
We're discussing apples. You suddenly start discussing Volvos. This is not even remotely tangental to the current conversation. You have an axe to grind, and are simply injecting your vitrol wherever you find an opening, and then lashing out at people who say 'Hey, our fruit conversation doesn't have anything to do with cars!'.
Thanks for playing.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/14/2006 09:55 PM CST
>>We're discussing apples. You suddenly start discussing Volvos. This is not even remotely tangental to the current conversation. You have an axe to grind, and are simply injecting your vitrol wherever you find an opening, and then lashing out at people who say 'Hey, our fruit conversation doesn't have anything to do with cars!'.
Cute analogy, and congrats on learning $5 words. That college education is really paying off! (You might want to learn how to spell them first, though, before spouting them off -- tangential and vitriol.)
Now go back and take a look at the original post, ok? Phii said:
>In case anyone is interested, there is a lively discussion currently in progress on the Empath boards regarding the nature of the Undead and the repercussions for Empaths. As an Empath-primary player, and due to the Empath guild's special relationship to the Undead, I believe that our guild must have a voice in any discussion of defining what undead-ness means. The influence of those decisions on the nature of life energies and life magic will be enormous.
So after asking about a special relationship with undead that I didn't know existed (I thought it was only Clerics and Paladins) and was then told about, I added my opinion to the discussion -- if, by the person I was quoting's logic, Empaths should be allowed to use weapons to hunt undead simply because they have the ranks, then why shouldn't NMUs be allowed to use runestones if they have the ranks as well? Because there is IG reasoning is why. So make there be IG reasoning why Empaths should be allowed to hunt undead.
In fact, I find it quite ironic that you're trying to argue with me since I am agreeing with the same stance that you laid out in your last post: "I really don't want just a generic 'poof, ok, go kill undead with no reasoning', I want a full blown logical thought process from the GM's, which is going to require the concrete definition of undead."
Cf. my post:
>I have no problems if Empaths can fight undead using manipulation/link/shift/brand spanking new ability/whatever. I just think they need to have something to distinguish them from Clerics and Paladins (and to a lesser extent JoeBarb with a blessed sword) when it comes to fighting undead, rather than just "forget about the whole non-attacking guild thing, go have fun kids!"
>>Thanks for playing.
Did you have anything relevant to add to the conversation? It seems you're the one with the axe to grind. Perhaps you should read an entire post before replying in an attempt to pick a fight.
Cute analogy, and congrats on learning $5 words. That college education is really paying off! (You might want to learn how to spell them first, though, before spouting them off -- tangential and vitriol.)
Now go back and take a look at the original post, ok? Phii said:
>In case anyone is interested, there is a lively discussion currently in progress on the Empath boards regarding the nature of the Undead and the repercussions for Empaths. As an Empath-primary player, and due to the Empath guild's special relationship to the Undead, I believe that our guild must have a voice in any discussion of defining what undead-ness means. The influence of those decisions on the nature of life energies and life magic will be enormous.
So after asking about a special relationship with undead that I didn't know existed (I thought it was only Clerics and Paladins) and was then told about, I added my opinion to the discussion -- if, by the person I was quoting's logic, Empaths should be allowed to use weapons to hunt undead simply because they have the ranks, then why shouldn't NMUs be allowed to use runestones if they have the ranks as well? Because there is IG reasoning is why. So make there be IG reasoning why Empaths should be allowed to hunt undead.
In fact, I find it quite ironic that you're trying to argue with me since I am agreeing with the same stance that you laid out in your last post: "I really don't want just a generic 'poof, ok, go kill undead with no reasoning', I want a full blown logical thought process from the GM's, which is going to require the concrete definition of undead."
Cf. my post:
>I have no problems if Empaths can fight undead using manipulation/link/shift/brand spanking new ability/whatever. I just think they need to have something to distinguish them from Clerics and Paladins (and to a lesser extent JoeBarb with a blessed sword) when it comes to fighting undead, rather than just "forget about the whole non-attacking guild thing, go have fun kids!"
>>Thanks for playing.
Did you have anything relevant to add to the conversation? It seems you're the one with the axe to grind. Perhaps you should read an entire post before replying in an attempt to pick a fight.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/15/2006 12:35 PM CST
Thilan, if then intent of your post was not to derail the thread then my apologies for the misundertanding. However, even if that wasn't intent, it came off that way to me. Why? The whole MD issues with NMU's has been contentious since it was implemented and usually sparks of storm of posts by thieves(traders never seem to care) about how they were victimized. And I read your post as advocating MD use for NMU's, not as a commentary on why Empaths should or should not be able to fight undead.
An IC logic of why undead combat should be allowed has been outlined already- it would just take an event to explain why empaths suddently realize that hitting non-living/undead with a sword doesn't cause shock now.
An IC logic of why undead combat should be allowed has been outlined already- it would just take an event to explain why empaths suddently realize that hitting non-living/undead with a sword doesn't cause shock now.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/16/2006 03:34 PM CST
Nice post, DiminishedAngel. If I understand you correctly, you're saying that 'magical' undead hunting by empaths have RP value only, and I don't agree with that--it would naturally train whatever skills are involved, and would result in greater access to the treasure system.
But I have to agree with you that it would be fabulous if we could fully participate in combat with all the skill-learning that goes with it. And that's really what my point was in starting this thread, it all comes down to how the undead are defined. Whether or not Empaths can attack undead creatures directly will depend on whether or not undead creatures are determined to have any active life energy that would cause shock. I think there is enough precedent in terms of in-game evidence for that decision to go either way, so it all boils down to how the GM's feel about it.
But I have to agree with you that it would be fabulous if we could fully participate in combat with all the skill-learning that goes with it. And that's really what my point was in starting this thread, it all comes down to how the undead are defined. Whether or not Empaths can attack undead creatures directly will depend on whether or not undead creatures are determined to have any active life energy that would cause shock. I think there is enough precedent in terms of in-game evidence for that decision to go either way, so it all boils down to how the GM's feel about it.
Re: Undead and Empaths (was: Undead and Fear)
12/17/2006 07:10 PM CST
It doesn't really sound like anyone thinks empaths shouldn't be able to kill undead.
Am I missing something?
Ok, we all agree that empaths should be able to kill undead as fast as clerics.
We all agree that the 'definition' of what it is to be undead needs to be formalized.
We all agree that this would be a really cool thing for empaths to have.
What more do you people want? Seems like a lot of nitpicking and complaining about percieved problems.
Am I missing something?
Ok, we all agree that empaths should be able to kill undead as fast as clerics.
We all agree that the 'definition' of what it is to be undead needs to be formalized.
We all agree that this would be a really cool thing for empaths to have.
What more do you people want? Seems like a lot of nitpicking and complaining about percieved problems.