I already assisted and bugitemed it a week or two ago, but figured I'd toss a note out here since I believe the GM who created this is on LOA.
I had the unique feature line on my character removed for a premium contest win specifically so that the amount of text before the disk would be reduced to better emphasize how awesome it is. The unfortunate result is that there is now a quadruple space between my character's distinguishing mark and the text indicating that the disk is worn. Based on what a GM who helped troubleshoot the oddity said, it sounds like the disk itself includes a double space before its worn line, likely to account for characters with a unique feature line (as mine previously had) but not taking into account characters without one (as my character is now). I'm now really kicking myself for not asking for that feature line back because my character looks so odd as a result. C'est la vie. It could be worse.
But I'm now in the awkward position of wanting to continue to wear my disk because 1) it's awesome, 2) it looks cool, and 3) I like having perpetual night surrounding my character in game, and also having really weird looking features as a result. I hope that this is a relatively simple fix since other feature-modifying items, like the EG demon pets, don't have that issue. I also really hope that another GM can take a look at it to resolve this (or the script owner if she's back from LOA).
For reference, the item in question is 'a slim silver disk', worn and registered by Alisaire.
Thank you in advance!
- Overlord EK
>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.