Seeking the Last Dreamwalker - Longish post 3/30/2012 03/31/2012 01:33 AM CDT
*In discussion with Kilthal, Metadi, Kippe, and a few others, it was suggested Auragin hold a Commune to seek Chaeye, for she has shown herself in Commune during this saga. As we are all exhausted, I have posted the edited conversation. Mohrgan was also in agreement of this decision. So, Commune at the Shore of Dreams (we will leave from Solhaven), after the Duskborn is dealt with, and pray Ronan and/or Chaeye hears us and honors us with his/her presence* - sleepy player of Auragin

*Kilthal was reviewing events of the last week*

Kilthal softly says, "His final sacrifice to try to hold back the Dreamer just a little longer, and protect his sister."
Kilthal softly says, "He told us Chaeye would explain what had happened, and then he faded."
Kilthal softly says, "It was then that visions we had seen as a rush of colors earlier began to make sense."
Kilthal softly says, "And we saw what happened from Tseleth attacking the Temple, to Llumen sacrificing himself to contain the Dreamer."
Kilthal softly says, "Chaeye is all that remains of the Dreamwalkers now."
You close your eyes for a moment.
Kilthal softly says, "I do not believe any have seen her since that night. Actually, I do not know if any of us actually saw her then."
Kilthal softly says, "She is not an easy one to find."
Speaking softly to you, Kilthal says, "But perhaps someone such as yerself could."
Speaking quietly to Kilthal, you say, "I would seek her, aye."
You stare at Kilthal.

*(a brief discussion about Chaeye's sanity at present)*

Kilthal softly says, "It does not matter if she is or if she is not. So long as she is with us."
You curiously ask, "A Commune, then?"
Speaking softly to you, Kilthal says, "It has worked in the past. And ye are of the faith."
Speaking softly to you, Kilthal says, "But here we stand now. The Temple in ruins, and Yaolara safe for a few more weeks."
Kilthal softly says, "A plan in motion to deal with the Duskborn as a threat."
You nod at Kilthal.
Kilthal softly says, "And if that works, then to create the Seal as a means to stop the Dreamer."
Speaking quietly to Kilthal, you ask, "What of bringing to the fore seeking Chaeye?"
You glance at Metadi.
You glance at Chivalrous.
Kilthal softly says, "Of course Tseleth is still out there as a problem."
You glance at Kippe.
Chivalrous slowly empties his lungs.
Metadi glances southeast.
You flatly say, "Probably hidden in a sewer as last time."
Speaking to you, Kippe says, "Doesn't she usually find those she needs."
Kilthal softly says, "Calling her would be done to see if she is alright."
Kilthal softly says, "And also to communicate."
Kilthal softly says, "As it has been some time since there has been any real communication between the Dreamwalkers and us."
Speaking quietly to Kippe, you say, "Aye, she can... there was a time I called upon Ronan during the beginning of this, and she came to us."
You nod at Kilthal.
Kilthal softly says, "Given everything that happened, it might be good to do so again."
Kippe nods to you.
Kilthal softly says, "With Llumen dead, and everything else, it may also change the...tone of the conversation."
Speaking quietly to Kilthal, you say, "I only need know when."
Speaking softly to you, Kilthal says, "That would be up to ye. I would offer two suggestions."
Speaking quietly to Kilthal, you say, "Tis usually better to do things such as this in numbers."
You listen carefully to Kilthal.
Kilthal softly says, "At midnight, as it is the Hour of Ronan."
Kilthal softly says, "Or wait until the morrow."
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Metadi says, "I think tomorrow, with more warning, may be better."
Kilthal softly says, "As it will be quite a day."
You nod at Metadi.
You quietly say, "I agree upon the morrow."
Kilthal softly says, "And ye could either commune before or after the Duskborn."
Kilthal softly says, "Or perhaps at the hour of Ronan tomorrow."
You nod.
