Prayerbeads of Doom? 11/08/2011 06:54 PM CST
Right before EG, Hadya stopped Auragin for an interesting chat and to give her the prayerbeads Ronan had blessed for Hadya. Not trusting them, or Hadya, or Morvule, or... well, she wrapped the beads and carries them on her person, prepared to bring them before Ronan in a Commune to destroy them, or find out their "intent," if any.

This may be simply nothing. It may be they are "blessed" in another, more sinister, manner. Whatever the status, Auragin would like to meet with any folk interested in a Commune after EG. If such a gathering could take place to regroup, refresh and simply see if the Commune/prayerbead idea is one everyone involved agrees with, that would be great.

Auragin is deeply disturbed by these events, for Hadya was there during the Summer when interest in the vigils waned, but Auragin and a few others kept coming to do them. She is as devoted to Ronan as Hadya is to her lord, so this is tremendously personal, both the exchange and the fact that Hadya sought her out to give her the prayerbeads.

*Thank you, Auchand, for bringing this saga back to the fore.

From the EG-battered mind of the chick behind Auragin.