PC! PC! PC! 09/25/2020 04:29 AM CDT
Why on earth is there only one MOD who can implement this on their whim and fancy. Let alone remove all aspects from the game on a whim. You moved the date of prime PC to (nowhere) yet rescheduled the date of PLATNIUM after canceling that too. What are we supposed to expect after this? "Just join platinum" or will we never see a PC on prime or premium ever again.

Re: PC! PC! PC! 10/05/2020 11:54 AM CDT
Well, given that Modrian has been doing this forever, I assume he's the only one with the applicable experience. Which leads me to my point...

I like Pennant Chase, but what is frustrating we can only play it once a month, which makes it hard to practice.

Start training GameHosts to run it weekly and give old Modrian a break :)