Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 11/14/2011 07:51 PM CST
Just wanted to say thanks!
Re: Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 11/14/2011 08:07 PM CST
I've been playing GS for ages, but this was my first time in PC.. it was really fun. Thanks.
Re: Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 11/14/2011 09:09 PM CST

Thanks Modrian.

Always fun.

What are the chances we could get a) rule changes, or b) alternate rules, and c) some new levels?

It would be nice to see a couple of rule tweaks to cut down on the button-mashey-ness of it all. But I am guessing PC is some scary old code that wouldn't be fun to play with.

I know we've seen at least one new level in the last few years so it must be possible.

Re: Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 11/15/2011 08:27 AM CST

Not a fan of Pennant Chase.

Huge fan of Modrian! :) He's the man!

Re: Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 11/16/2011 12:22 PM CST
I missed PC again? I need to start looking at the calendar more often. But yeah, Modrian is the man and PC is awesome. Would be even more awesome if we can get more than one section filled. I tend to feel like I'm beating players into the ground when I play and that can't be fun for other people.
Re: Thanks for continuing to run Pennant Chase every month Modrian 03/03/2012 11:59 AM CST

Loved PC since the mid 90s. Refuse to script it. Lose. Don't play as much as I used to, sadly.

Modrian, however, rocks!
Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 04:40 PM CDT

Since people seem to like to complain that I ruin their day, let me propose some things to make it run better.

1. Make missed waves (person not in the room) cause RT.
2. Remove the pennant colors. Years ago they just used to all be "pennants" then you made them colors to stop macro users. But then you make a whole front end with point and click, which ignores the need for colors. As such, stormfront users dominate PC and the only way a wizard user can compete is scripting. Any user who doesn't script or doesn't use stormfront P&C has no chance. If you remove the colors you make it much easier for manual typers or macro users to compete, effectively getting rid of the competitive advantage scripters & P&C-ers enjoy.
3. If you wanted to get really communist with it, you could make pennants heavy, the more your hold, the higher your RTs. Like a handicap.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 05:20 PM CDT
Or, you know, you could just consider PC scripting to be in the "disruptive scripting" category and against the rules. I don't understand how designing a script to win in a vs. contest could be considered anything but disruptive. Seems to me that's pretty much the definition of disruptive.

Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 06:15 PM CDT
I am a pretty big PC fan, always played as a player. I never used third-party software, I was a host during the psinet days, and lich wasn't out when I started hosting (and GameHosts aren't allowed to use third-party software). Anyway... I have never run a script for PC, pure typing and macros here, and my macros are very primitive for PC. All I have is WAVE MY BATON AT @ and POINT MY BATON AT @ PENNANT. And I've dominated PC. Just ask GM Modrian! While scripting PC sure does knock the wind out of the game, it doesn't make the game impossible to win. The WAVE incurring RT is a good idea though. I'm not sure how point and click makes anything superior either. Easier to type than try to point and click on the links as fast as I can type.

And just to make it clear, these are my opinions as a player of the game. I'm not in charge of the system.

~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Honorary QC Lackey
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 07:19 PM CDT
I'm not sure how a wave incuring RT helps anything. That only hurts people who wave at nothing. Who is that going to be?

Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 07:25 PM CDT

>Or, you know, you could just consider PC scripting to be in the "disruptive scripting" category and against the rules. I don't understand how designing a script to win in a vs. contest could be considered anything but disruptive. Seems to me that's pretty much the definition of disruptive.

Someone being better than you is always going to be disruptive to you.

Years ago wizards were best at PC because of the spells they could use, namely invisibility. People complained it wasn't fair. Then they turned off spells inside the arena.

Then rogues were the best, people complained it wasn't fair, then they turned off hiding. (they may have actually done hiding & spells at the same time, I don't remember exactly).

Then rogues were still the best, because, believe it or not, success was based on stat bonuses and agility + dexterity (though, wasn't agility called something else?...) the two rogue prime requisites, were used. All you needed was a really high bonus in both and you could hardly ever be hit by a baton, you'd dodge them all. The right profession + the right race and you were a ringer. People complained it wasn't fair, and they turned off the modifier.

Then they got rid of stat bonuses, then macro users were the best. Of course, it isn't as if macros are some high end technology, but believe it or not some people had no clue, and quite frankly had no idea that there was any strategy involved in the game either. But, anyways, people complained, so they adopted the pennant random color system to get rid of pennant macros.

But sometime they added stormfront and allowed you to use point&click with PC, and stormfront users got a huge advantage. Specifically because clicking at the word pennant on your screen is easier than typing "point my baton at peacock-green pennant" You cannot macro every color possibility. So it is scripting, to use a regular expression to parse, or P&Cing, that have the advantage.

For waving... waving is still competitive for macro users vs scripters or P&Cers, because rounds are so small it is easy to make macros for all the players and you can just hammer them. But pennants provide so much points that for actually winning rounds it is very hard.

Of course there is strategy too that can give you a big lead early in the rounds that it is hard to be pulled down.

Now considering there is no actual way to police scripting without just penalizing anyone who is better or faster, and that it isn't really that much stronger than P&Cing, I don't think that is an option. There are however options you could do it make it more even, like I suggested. Until then, hate the game, don't hate the player.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 07:41 PM CDT
>>I'm not sure how a wave incuring RT helps anything. That only hurts people who wave at nothing. Who is that going to be?

People who pound the keypad return to recall last command input to wave at a specific person. If you don't think that happens, trust me, it does. Also, some people wave really basic scripts that they enter in all players who are playing, and each time they move, they run the script to attempt to wave at every person playing.

Obviously none of this combats the effectiveness of third-party software.

~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Honorary QC Lackey
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 08:14 PM CDT

>People who pound the keypad return to recall last command input to wave at a specific person. If you don't think that happens, trust me, it does. Also, some people wave really basic scripts that they enter in all players who are playing, and each time they move, they run the script to attempt to wave at every person playing.

That is the other thing, I'm certainly not the only one with a PC script, mine might be better than most, but many many people have them, and others who just are good and know what they're doing can beat me without using a script (or, at least they say they aren't, can't really prove that though - I'll admit it). I've lost regularly in the past to people who know what they're doing. Just off the top of my head I believe Rimalon and Raelee are both quite good, though I usually only play a couple times a year because I'm usually busy sunday afternoons so it has been awhile. Many times my victories have more to do with strategy than scripting anyways. I was still good and regularly won before lich ever existed. I've never seen a PC match, in fact, in the last 15 years or whatever, that wasn't uncompetitive from top to bottom. There are always people who are better, and always people who don't know which end of the baton is what.

So suppose Kerl you just got rid of evil me, the best scripters, what happens? Now the second best scripters who use the simpler scripts or wizard scripts, basic stuff, win. Or maybe the macro people do, or the P&Cers. I personally think a P&Cer getting pennants while running a basic wave script or macro set would do the best. In anycase, it'll just be someone else, possibly still me, winning every round just with different tools. I did place third with an alt in the last (afaik) major tournament they ran for PC, out of hundreds of contests (sometime in the 90s). The one where we got droughtman style prizes (mine was an acid flaring morphing weapon). Didn't script at all then as I recall.

But anyways, even my script will try to wave at people who have left the room. If someone moves quickly there is no way to avoid it. Of course, that'll happen to manual typers too, but it'd slow everyone down, which seems to be what people want. So a wave miss penalty would deal with that.

You could also put up dreaded move RT, people hate that, but it would slow things down.

I think handicapping the players with the most pennants would be best, if not more RT, perhaps a lower free time counter after being bubbled?

The point is, if you're going to try to make the game more balanced, don't target a specific technology, then you end up with things like the colored pennants which actually gives scripters a larger advantage. Target the game itself. If you handicap people who are in the lead, you're not caring how they got in the lead, you're just making sure people behind have a chance. It is sorta socialist, but if that is what people want, that is a way.

Of course... everyone does sort of win. Assuming you're not a newbie, and you know what you're doing, if the round is big enough (round size affects overall point totals) you can reliably get a few hundred xp + treasure per round. Not as much as the winner, sure, but more than you could get hunting. Of course, no matter what, there will only ever be 1 winner per round. If you require being #1 to be happy you're likely never to be so unless you play a round of 1.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 09:04 PM CDT
While I understand third-party software is a boon to the game (I've heard quotes such as, "I would quit without it."), it's also a large obstacle for staff when it comes to creating a new game or system. Trying to create something fun and exciting, with a little bit of difficulty, is a little tough when we know a script can be created to allow people who do later runs of said "fun thing" to let them breeze through it. Take DMC as an example. There were epic threads of people disliking the scripts, but we know people will use them and create them, and it's out of our control. Same goes for any "puzzle" that can have the "answers" solved and used for later use. We can't police it thoroughly. And even if it's ruled as disruptive, one GM can really only test one person at a time, and contrary to popular belief, script checks are very quick and simple. They take a good amount of time and effort if done properly. So people would slip through the cracks. Do players REALLY want to be policed doing something they feel is fun? Absolutely not.

Anyway, not even entirely sure why I'm jumping in here. Haha. I'm just sort of playing devil's advocate that there isn't much we can do about how players play the game. We can add more tedium to try to slow people down. But that's not helping anyone. Just making those who are already frustrated, even more frustrated. I did like the idea of WAVE producing RT, just to stop people blinding waving to catch a single person though.

Outside disruptive scripting violations, what else would you all like to see? Not saying anything is possible, but constructive feedback can be helpful.

~Wyrom, ASGM
Host Manager
GameMaster Trainer
Honorary QC Lackey
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 09:15 PM CDT
<<So suppose Kerl you just got rid of evil me, the best scripters, what happens? Now the second best scripters who use the simpler scripts or wizard scripts, basic stuff, win. Or maybe the macro people do, or the P&Cers... -Aspen>>

Cry me a river. I wasn't aware I had such power, but thank you for the compliment. I mentioned no names whatsoever to anyone, though I did suggest that perhaps scripting such an event should be considered disruptive. Sounds to me like I wasn't the only one who didn't care for it. Sorry you feel so oppressed.

Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/08/2012 09:49 PM CDT

>Cry me a river. I wasn't aware I had such power, but thank you for the compliment. I mentioned no names whatsoever to anyone, though I did suggest that perhaps scripting such an event should be considered disruptive. Sounds to me like I wasn't the only one who didn't care for it. Sorry you feel so oppressed.

I don't feel oppressed Kerl, I'm just trying to be constructive. I'm not going to apologize for doing as best as I can within the rules. I actually enjoy problem solving, which is what programming is. Figuring out a script for something is a challenge and I have enjoyment trying to meet that challenge. Plus, I have some RSI hand problems and would just assume type less. PC is not easy to script, it is old code with invalid or unstandard xml so all the lich shortcuts people use don't work, you have to do it all the long way. It was a challenge I enjoyed doing. Nevermind of course all the testing and tweaking, one opportunity a month to do that. It may be hard to understand for someone who doesn't code, but it is actually possible to enjoy scripting a competition, because I'm, in the end, not using anything no one else can use (and in fact hundreds use the exact same scripting platform). Like car racers tweaking their car instead of their driver, sometimes the technical stuff can be fun. So no, I don't feel oppressed.

But I do want to constructively put forward ideas to balance it, even if it might make myself personally less successful... because believe it or not I'm not entirely selfish.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/09/2012 03:38 AM CDT
Script hunting is tolerated because it doesn't impact other players' gaming experience. That's fine. Scripting a competitive, zero-sum game like pennant chase is another matter. Your automation of the system makes the game less fun and less rewarding for other players. You know why there are only 5 or 6 people that show up for PC these days? Scripters. You're just trying to maximize your own profit at the expense of other people's fun.

Congratulations. You've killed the game.


Speaking to you, Ceyrin asks, "Do you spontaneously come back to life when you die?"
Speaking to you, Ceyrin says, "Because I do."
You say, "Yes. I have a condition called Annoraxia.""
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/09/2012 07:46 AM CDT

>Script hunting is tolerated because it doesn't impact other players' gaming experience. That's fine. Scripting a competitive, zero-sum game like pennant chase is another matter. Your automation of the system makes the game less fun and less rewarding for other players. You know why there are only 5 or 6 people that show up for PC these days? Scripters. You're just trying to maximize your own profit at the expense of other people's fun.

Like I said droit, there have always been people using something to get ahead in PC. I could take your post and substitute "macroing" for scripting, or "P&Cing" or "rolling up a specific class/profession" or "using stealth" or "using spells" and all of those things would be true or would have been true at one point in time. I could just replace it with "playing really well" or "being better" actually. It isn't fully a zero sum game, the number of pennants increases with the players, as do opportunities to be colored and to color, all of which increase points & rewards, but it is close. Anyone who wins, by definition, is winning at the expense of others. Is it using an unfair advantage to use software 90% of the players use? What about the value of having played probably over a thousand rounds of it over the years? Isn't that unfair vs a new player? The new player can at least download lich and buy a book on Ruby, but he can't replace that experience.

There has always been people who have had an "unfair" advantage and have used it. You know, even in rounds like King of the Hill which, because of the unique rules and move rt, has almost no benefit for scripters vs macros, I still usually win, the worst I've ever gotten in that round was 2nd. If you somehow (which I don't think is possible) stopped scripting, you'd still have a huge disparity from the top to the bottom. Perhaps you personally or your friends wouldn't be so low and that would be a difference for you, but it wouldn't actually solve anything for the game as a whole. The people on the bottom aren't going to feel better if they're trounced by macros they do not know how to effectively use, or P&C they don't know how to effectively use, vs scripting they don't know how to effectively use. They'll still end up discouraged.

Which is why I posted ideas constructively on making the game more equitable no matter how the leader got to where he is. Rather than targeting a technology, like was done with the colored pennants that actually help scripters & P&Cers, you just make the system around sort of an inverse relationship between success and speed.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/09/2012 04:49 PM CDT

~ Two silvers worth.

I like PC, have liked it for years, and I do try to play when I am available and it opens up. I usually do pretty well at it too. Yesterday's was the first game I have left before the end. I am not certain of being back for a while either. Sad day.

From behind the cell door, a giantman's gruff voice shouts, "You should have killed me when you could have!"
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 07/13/2012 01:07 AM CDT
Haven't played PC in awhile, but when I used to I was constantly able to get in the first three spots without major (third party utility) scripts. What I end up doing is:

have wave my baton at in my clipboard.. then I can just hit ctrl-v then first 2 letters of someones name

have a simple wizard script .g that does

put point my baton at %1 pennant

you only need to put in the first two letters of the color.. so an azure pennant would be .g az

Of course, stormfront does give a bit of an advantage in certain situations.. For instance you can keep the room window up and at the start of the round you can use it to click grab pennants. .g [letters] generally is faster for a single pennant, but clicking is faster when theres multiple ones in the room.

Mostly I enjoy PC now because of the ability to gain a ton of experience quickly when you constantly come in first place. The game isn't that fun anymore due to the lack of people playing. 5-6 people playing makes for a poor PC game. It's a shame not many people care about the game these days.
Re: Pennant Chase Changes 03/14/2013 11:36 AM CDT
Old subject...old topic... but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

Some people script. Some people don't. Some people are just awesome at typing and are super competitive, others just want to relax with friends. So? Separate them.

Providing you get enough people, you could use a ranking/tier system. Start new players in a random room, or a "New Player" room. At the end of the first round, folks are redistributed to new rooms based on the kind of score you got.
Did really well? You get bumped into a room with more veteran players or scripters. Just want to stroll about and click? You get put in a room with similar minded folks based on how you are performing.

That way, you have tiered rooms based on how competent/aggressive the players are.

As the games progress in the new format, your ranking (saved between PC dates) determines which room you get put in automatically when you walk into the tent for each new PC game.

Re: Pennant Chase Changes 03/14/2013 02:44 PM CDT

I have never used a script in Pennant Chase, but I've been accused of it. In everyday gameplay, Lich removes a lot of tedium in terms of movement and repetitive tasks, but in the context of Pennant Chase, it will never be as fast as an experienced player who has the right macros set up and knows how / when to mash them.

That being said, I wish we could tweak the rules to PC a bit to make macro-mashing less useful.

Re: Pennant Chase Changes 09/25/2020 03:49 AM CDT

Sometimes people can just type fast. Deal with it and put the game back on.