just out of curiosity, what is the reasoning behind raffles only being for people that are IN game? There has been many many raffles I don't even try to do because I know I'm going to be at work and unable to be logged in when the drawing occurs. I was wondering if there was anyway to change this policy.
I propose that when a raffle is drawn, it draws three people, one is the winner, and give them until midnight to claim the prize, if they do not it goes to the next person, and if not the third person.
I'm not sure if that's a good answer to the problem, but I do feel that the current setup stops people from even entering because of real life things like work.
Re: Raffles
06/19/2017 01:30 PM CDT
Sounds like a need for an SMS (to cell phone) message and response required by deadline type application.
Welcome to the 20th century!
Welcome to the 20th century!
Re: Raffles
06/19/2017 01:33 PM CDT
Not policy, the mechanic of the main raffle system.
Also, depending on the service/item being raffled and/or the GM running it you may not need to be present, just in game. In which case, sitting at a table or somewhere secluded and control R before you go so as to be in game at the time of drawing.
There is a newer raffle system sometimes used:
But for most services and items it is easiest for the GM to deliver than have a to-do list, along with 1M other things to do, in the hopes sometimes sporadically appearing players log in to redeem.
Also, depending on the service/item being raffled and/or the GM running it you may not need to be present, just in game. In which case, sitting at a table or somewhere secluded and control R before you go so as to be in game at the time of drawing.
There is a newer raffle system sometimes used:
But for most services and items it is easiest for the GM to deliver than have a to-do list, along with 1M other things to do, in the hopes sometimes sporadically appearing players log in to redeem.
Re: Raffles
06/19/2017 01:34 PM CDT
For what it's worth, they have had some done at different times during the day (I've noticed a couple over the last few months, some times I don't even click on the Raffle announcement so I can't speak to all of them) to share the love around a bit.
To some extent, I agree with the "be in-game" stance, because that way it limits the purchases to one-per-account (and then you just login that one character with the ticket) rather than Premium folks buying up 15 tickets with each account to pad the odds.
Drumpel was just saying something about possibilities for silver drain....
To some extent, I agree with the "be in-game" stance, because that way it limits the purchases to one-per-account (and then you just login that one character with the ticket) rather than Premium folks buying up 15 tickets with each account to pad the odds.
Drumpel was just saying something about possibilities for silver drain....
Re: Raffles
06/19/2017 01:38 PM CDT
wyrom HAS written a very special raffle code for very special raffles that you can be offline, but it sounds like its only used rarely (makes me think its more work)
Re: Raffles
06/19/2017 01:50 PM CDT
ok that clears it up a little, I do think they could probably code things so that it is account wide and eliminated things like 15 characters logging in to draw.
It's just one of those things you think about and wonder what other possibilities there are. Gemstone seems to be going a little more casual friendly, which is good because most of us, probably including the gms can't lead the hardcore gaming life we did when this game first came out. There's always a happy medium between the hardcore players and the casuals, or those of us that used to be hardcore but can't anymore so we have to just play casually.
I long for my college days when I could spend days in front of the screen playing gemstone til all hours, never missing anything. nowadays I find I miss things a lot.
The new system looks great, hopefully it's utilized a bit more
It's just one of those things you think about and wonder what other possibilities there are. Gemstone seems to be going a little more casual friendly, which is good because most of us, probably including the gms can't lead the hardcore gaming life we did when this game first came out. There's always a happy medium between the hardcore players and the casuals, or those of us that used to be hardcore but can't anymore so we have to just play casually.
I long for my college days when I could spend days in front of the screen playing gemstone til all hours, never missing anything. nowadays I find I miss things a lot.
The new system looks great, hopefully it's utilized a bit more