I've gone back and forth with people regarding whether or not this could put even should happen. There are so many cool items out there that are considered worthless because they have things like temp resistance or temp padding/weighting. What would we need to do to get this type of thing permanized? Maybe make it a DR or RtCF type certificate release. Limit the amount going out, and make it scale depending on the item/properties.
Re: Permifying of temp item properties
05/12/2017 01:32 PM CDT
I would really love to see this, though the variability in ability does seem like it would make it hard to figure out. I would love to see it as a scaling cost service for sure.
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Wyrom gestures at you, causing you to explode.
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Wyrom gestures at you, causing you to explode.
Re: Permifying of temp item properties
05/12/2017 02:24 PM CDT
This would be incredibly difficult (bordering on impossible) due to the wide range of stuff the Random Object Generator can make. It can go up to a A LOT of weighting or padding, specifically because it's temporary and won't be in the game forever. If we're altering that fundamental premise, we would have to reevaluate what can show up as random gear. While we're not in the market of saying never, this one would be very, very hard to balance your expectations against what we could actually do.
Re: Permifying of temp item properties
05/12/2017 06:40 PM CDT
You could just make a top end, like no padding/weighting can be kept past heavy (10). So those temp masterfully padding items would turn into permanent heavy padded.