First off, this might be more of a suggestion as an occupation/skill, but since it would certainly involve some merchanting I'll bring it up here: Have we ever considering having brewing/winemaking as a player skill? One of the things I've always enjoyed about GS has been the rich variety and detail that have been used for events, shops and towns for their drinks and snacks and so on, and thought it would be really interesting to see what people could come up with if they were given some way to individualize it. It wouldn't necessarily have to have any mechanical advantage to it, AKA alchemy, but it could, if that was important to folks.
Second, I wanted to mention Naamit's suggestion from another thread- I would LOVE to see perfume/oil creation as a character skill or merchant generator, too. Perhaps something akin to the old coinmaker from previous Ebon Gates, where you could choose a few descriptors to go in as the primary scent, secondary, and then a hint? Or, have rangers be able to make them from foragables (or skins/bones for the darker-themed options) or merchant purchases- there was at least one merchant selling flowers at the Midsummer's Night Festival last year that would be perfect for this sort of thing. Perfume/scents are something that are very popular with decent percentage of the players, and I think it would be intriguing to see what people would come up with!
Lastly, considering how the general level range of the characters is greater than it was, and how many monsters in the older grounds disarm, do you think you might consider adding some sort of feature/ability to DR, EG prize lists, or whatever, that would give you a chance to hold on to your weapon if you fail a disarm attempt? Admitted it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the parasitic weapons, hah! There could be a penalty to it, if you think that would balance it- if you succeed in triggering it, it could send spikes from your hilt into your hands, leaving a wound or sucking up health or whatever. Maybe it would even save the GMs a little time in having to find out what happened to someone's uberspoon of doom in OTF all the time, right? :)
Thanks for listening/reading!
Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."