I'm not sure how often this is offered anymore, not that I ever specifically ask for this type of thing, but what about getting more merchants who focus on altering things with a racial/cultural theme to them... For instance, what many would view as an Elven style blade might very well be too small and ornate for a Giantkin, likewise a Dwarven styled maul might be too clunky for a Gnome. What about taking it a step further? I know in the past there have been Faendryl alters versus Dhe'nari, but what about Vaalorian versus Nalfein? They would still maintain an Elven style to the shape of the blade but the design might be more spartan in design theme than a Nalfein blade would be. Maybe we should get a document to supplement these varying weapon/armor/shield design styles for those who really want to take their ideas a step further.
Re: Racial/Cultural alterations
03/31/2017 09:15 AM CDT
> an Elven style blade might very well be too small and ornate for a Giantkin #bardlife
This has always gotten me regarding instruments. The piccolo a gnome twitters away on is like a toothpick to a giantman. How does that work? Yeehaw, suspension of disbelief. I'd like to see some instruments that are big enough only a larger race can manage effectively: drums made of hollowed-out tree trunks. Ten-foot alpenhorns? Or even a gigantic brass warhorn affixed to the side of a rocky pass that will cause some area effect....etc.
This has always gotten me regarding instruments. The piccolo a gnome twitters away on is like a toothpick to a giantman. How does that work? Yeehaw, suspension of disbelief. I'd like to see some instruments that are big enough only a larger race can manage effectively: drums made of hollowed-out tree trunks. Ten-foot alpenhorns? Or even a gigantic brass warhorn affixed to the side of a rocky pass that will cause some area effect....etc.
Re: Racial/Cultural alterations
03/31/2017 09:26 AM CDT
"a gigantic brass warhorn affixed to the side of a rocky pass that will cause some area effect." -- Naamit
Am I the only one who gets an image of Gimli at the Battle of Helm's Deep, in "The Two Towers" movie?
Am I the only one who gets an image of Gimli at the Battle of Helm's Deep, in "The Two Towers" movie?
Re: Racial/Cultural alterations
03/31/2017 10:42 AM CDT
> Am I the only one who gets an image of Gimli at the Battle of Helm's Deep, in "The Two Towers" movie? ~Robert
Truth be told, what I had in my mind was the opening of the first few MN Vikings football games in their [ahem, our?] new stadium. Each game is opened with the call of a gigantic horn suspended from the girders at the top of the stands. You can hear it a few miles away. The first guy gave it his all and a droning "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" could be heard a few miles away. At another game, the guy just didn't have the lung capacity and it just let a raspy little "fehh!"
I think they installed a recording to save face. :P
Truth be told, what I had in my mind was the opening of the first few MN Vikings football games in their [ahem, our?] new stadium. Each game is opened with the call of a gigantic horn suspended from the girders at the top of the stands. You can hear it a few miles away. The first guy gave it his all and a droning "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" could be heard a few miles away. At another game, the guy just didn't have the lung capacity and it just let a raspy little "fehh!"
I think they installed a recording to save face. :P