Blessing arrows continues to be a huge pain for ranged users not in Voln, and with the introduction of Reim, there's a lot of interest in hunting undead right now. To help out archers, it would be great if there were to be a shop that sold blessed fletchings for use in fletching to make permanently blessed arrows. Archers lose their arrows (especially against non-corporeal undead) all the time, so it's not exactly game-imbalancing. It would also be quite neat if there could be some temporary (or at auction-level permanent) holy fletching razors that would make blessed fletchings. And just to be egalitarian, let's also offer some enhanced pure potions that can do magic-item blesses for use on any weapon.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 02:36 PM CDT
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 02:40 PM CDT
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 02:43 PM CDT
Lets get rid of blessings in general! But seriously, it's one of the main deterrents from me hunting undead outside of REIM(lol); it's just a hassle to maintain a bless as a non-volner (although there are a lot of great helpful clerics out there). More options would be better, and it's not like we're taking away a professions usefulness (we'll always need raises).
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 02:46 PM CDT
Does the ol' Consecrate + Bless work on arrows, too, or just melee weapons?
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 03:50 PM CDT
>>Does the ol' Consecrate + Bless work on arrows, too, or just melee weapons?
Works fine, though since you lose the arrows fairly frequently, the benefit can be slightly less.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Works fine, though since you lose the arrows fairly frequently, the benefit can be slightly less.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/17/2017 04:22 PM CDT
The point being that you get the benefit of double the Holy Juice, you just need to re-stock your barrel of arrows every so often.
Re: Shop offering idea - blessing potions / fletchings / holy fletching razors
03/31/2017 08:27 AM CDT
I actually really dig this idea and it makes sense. Please make it so!