Making Friendly Fire Friendlier
07/26/2015 11:03 AM CDT
After my group got decimated by running into a friendly, mass destructive fire, last night I began thinking of tactics to reduce the occurrence.
1. When a group is under intense assault and needs reinforcement, the reinforcement group should announce they are going to reinforce that particular group.
2. Use the thought net, as it is more scroll friendly, and repeat often.
3. When the group leader of said assaulted group requests reinforcement, that said leader should remind all to halt massive destructive spells, if feasible, until the reinforcing group arrives. Or at the least communicate to the reinforcing group of said massive destructive spells.
4. When the reinforcing group arrives one league <room> away to the assaulted group, use the thought net and yell of your intent to join the assaulted group. Halt massive destructive spells, if feasible again.
Re: Making Friendly Fire Friendlier
02/22/2016 03:34 AM CST
Bro this is been a problem probably since the game was invented you've got the herd mentality I told people the other night many times to join the group I was in after having knocked people over countless times with elemental wave and tremors only to be told point blank by one arrogant person to stop using the spell I swear to God I could have dropped them right there but then I would be the bad guy don't think I don't appreciate what you're trying to accomplish I'm pretty much guilty of all of this I'm trying to get better we had all of these drills with militia and other town defenders in the first fight we had everything went right out the window it's kind of ridiculous! I'm not one of those guys who uses Mass Effect spells liberally but I know those invasion creatures can kill everybody in the room if you let them cast and I am NOT going to do that
Re: Making Friendly Fire Friendlier
02/22/2016 04:12 AM CST
I'm going to add a number 5 to this list anybody who has group teleportation abilities do not be afraid to use them if things are not going great example: where bumbling around the tunnels below the landing last night and that's it turned out we were running from orbs that we're getting rolled into every room we were running into that's what I said get us out of here fog!! And the consensus was with some people I'm pretty sure why didn't I think of that?
Re: Making Friendly Fire Friendlier
02/23/2016 05:17 PM CST
>When the reinforcing group arrives one league <room> away
Just FYI, a league is multiple miles. There's probably a better IC analogy for a room than a league.
Just FYI, a league is multiple miles. There's probably a better IC analogy for a room than a league.
Re: Making Friendly Fire Friendlier
02/24/2016 08:22 PM CST
You know it's very weird I didn't realize I just bumped a year old thread it was showing up as a new post but it's very relevant especially after nature's fury killed me twice