A Viridian Wool Blanket Patterned With Infinity Knotwork 09/04/2010 03:14 AM CDT
If you have one of these items and, when it's inside a container, it shows as "a thick red woolen blanket", you should ASSIST and ask for a typo fix. Though this is a scripted item, how it looks isn't determined by the script.

For the record, it's not my item... I'm just looking at a few bug reports on it that can be handled ingame.

As a reminder, if a typo is in a LOOK or SHOW description, that's generally fixed via this method (any exceptions, and there are a few, can be explained by the Host/GM and then a BUG report can be sent in). If it's in some sort of verb-related action with an item, that's normally an automatic BUG report. See NEWS 5 24 for more info.

GM Emeradan
"If you love, love without reservation. If you fight, fight without fear."