Divination Raffles 02/07/2010 04:44 PM CST

I've handed out several of the divination baskets already, but I'll be around more over the next two days to hand out the rest.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/07/2010 05:26 PM CST
Can you pop by the Platinum instance and hand them out as well? I have not left the side of the raffle since it was drawn, so I don't know how I was missed.


"Seriously, when I see "Uninvited" cartoon hearts flutter around my head."
Re: Divination Raffles 02/07/2010 10:05 PM CST

Best part is they're accurate! Even the three stone baskets of divining!
Fantastic job on these baskets! And I wish the best of luck to those divining six or even nine stones!

Trallihn and the man behind the dwarf (And maybe even a certain long lashed giant!)
Re: Divination Raffles 02/09/2010 09:46 PM CST
I have been trying to hang out at the festival as much as possible, but I guess I have terrible timing, I was wondering what would happen if I didnt manage to catch you before the fest ends?
Re: Divination Raffles 02/10/2010 08:33 AM CST
I have a list of all the people that won, and I'll be tracking them down as I find them. Don't worry, if you won you will get your prize. You are also welcome to IM me to let me know when you will be around so that I can meet up with you.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 09:26 AM CST

If you won a divination raffle and have yet to receive your basket of runes, please feel free to REPORT today (Thursday, February 11, 2010) between the hours of 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM EDT as I will be around and happy to deliver.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 09:51 AM CST
Anyone want to give the hot dope on what these divination baskets do?
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 10:02 AM CST
>Anyone want to give the hot dope on what these divination baskets do?


Slipping her hands into her tundra grass basket, Brunhilde pulls forth three smooth stones. She slowly opens her hand and arranges the runestones in her palm. After a moment's study, Brunhilde tilts her hand to display an inverted line beneath a circle rune, an inverted harvest rune, and an inverted boulder rune.


Slipping her hands into her ebon seagrass basket, Brunhilde pulls forth nine smooth stones. She slowly opens her hand and arranges the runestones in her palm. After a moment's study, Brunhilde tilts her hand to display a journey rune, a boulder rune, an inverted acorn rune, an inverted setting sun rune, an ox horn rune, a seedling rune, a waterskin rune, an acorn cap rune, and an inverted pair of ice disks rune.


"Seriously, when I see "Uninvited" cartoon hearts flutter around my head."
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 11:44 AM CST
Is it possible to "set" the bigger baskets to some smaller number of runes (like if you only want to draw three)?
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 11:49 AM CST
Probably not how they were designed but another neat thing would be if you could draw nine but reveal them one at a time, like a tarot reading.

Or alternately just draw them one at a time.


"Seriously, when I see "Uninvited" cartoon hearts flutter around my head."
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 12:02 PM CST
That's the way I use the "wooden slat (different types of woods) with iconic markings (different markings)" case, and also the "bag with gemstones (different stones of different cuts)": draw one or however many I need, weave the story around the result.


We should totally organize a random-chance storytelling night, Jay! Everybody brings their fortunetelling devices, and must draw <some number of items> and build the tale using them, in order.
(Obviously, anyone present with one of these rune-baskets sets the minimum number of "things to draw" for the whole crowd...)
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 12:11 PM CST
I like it! I shall now have to plot!

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 12:24 PM CST
The storytelling event--which I was totally thinking "player-run, someone gets a bug up and declares this date to be it, and someone chips in some prize money", kind of like how we did some Siegery action a few years ago (only without the prize money...)--or the "able to set the big baskets to a smaller number"?
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 12:27 PM CST
The story telling. Unfortunately, the baskets are exactly as I intended them to be and I don't see them changing anytime soon.

Sorry, guys! :(

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 12:38 PM CST
I suppose I would probably be more interested in a three-rune basket (I can always draw multiple times if I need more runes, after all, and this way it's less "clutter" to read through a great big long laundry list of runestones) than one of the bigger ones.

UNLESS any or all of the following are implemented with them:
- bigger baskets have more runes;
- bigger baskets have rarer runes (for the CCG players out there, 3-rune have only Common & Uncommon; 6-rune have Common/Uncommon and Rare; 9-rune have C/UC/R and ultra-rare (or "foil" or "boxfinder" or whatever your system calls them));
- training in Mental Lore: Divination (well, duh :) makes it more likely that you will hit some of those less common results.
Re: Divination Raffles 02/11/2010 06:48 PM CST
I heard story telling!

And I approve!

Trallihn, and the man behind the dwarf.
Re: Divination Raffles 02/12/2010 06:00 AM CST
You are making this very complex.

Divination of any kind draws from a pool. That pool is (mostly) the same on a universal scale. Think Tarot Cards. Everyone has the same major & minor arcana in their deck. Fate determines what is drawn, skill only comes into play in the memorization and translating of the fortune.

As you grow in skill, you grow in knowledge and ability to do larger and more complex spreads. The key in all divination methods, though, is memorization. Remember what (and I'll use Tarot again) card goes in what position, what the card means in that position, what that card means if its inverted, etc.

The device is just as useful as a sword. Anyone can wield it, but only those skilled in it can get anything useful out of it.

When you talk about common, uncommon, and rare pieces in a divination deck then the reason you even acknowledge that they are rare is because Fate makes them that way. It isn't a booster pack of Yugiho, Magic the Gathering, or other similar card game cards. This is divination. You don't need to collect to get the best cards, you are given them and fate determines their popularity.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/12/2010 06:00 AM CST
Incidently, this type of divination basket (the ones released during the Highman games & CCF) were restricted in use by the script mechanics to giantmen only.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Re: Divination Raffles 02/13/2010 03:40 AM CST
>It isn't a booster pack of Yugiho, Magic the Gathering, or other similar card game cards.

This made me roffle.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Divination Raffles 02/14/2010 10:17 PM CST
Am i the only one not smart enough to figure out how to use em?
Re: Divination Raffles 02/15/2010 12:37 PM CST
Open basket.

Rummage basket.

Close basket.

There ya go! Everything else is interpretation... or is it?

Trallihn, and the man behind the dwarf.