Drotta hires sturdy backs to transport the Horn and Bell Pub! 03/23/2013 02:25 PM CDT

The Horn and Bell Pub has been dismantled and is in transport to the Rock!

Drotta wishes to pass along her assurances that the bar should be stocked and ready to go by the time the Highman Games are set to begin, so be sure to remember the Horn and Bell for your entertainment needs after a long day of competition!

The Horn and Bell Drinking Wheel has undergone a slight upgrade based on prior patrons' suggestions, and she hopes you all come and spend lots of coin- er, have a great time!

She was overheard informing her brewmasters while passing through Zul Logoth, "Ya batch up plenny of ta ale, now! Ya know tha' we're ter be caterin' ter giantkin an' dwarves, not like las' year wit' t'em elfs! And dun let ta still go dry wit' ta strong stuff, neither!"

OOC- While I'm unsure whether or not Drotta will be able to make an appearance, I hope all of you who attend the Highman Games enjoy the atmosphere of the Pub. Good luck, competitors!
Re: Drotta hires sturdy backs to transport the Horn and Bell Pub! 03/23/2013 03:08 PM CDT
<She was overheard informing her brewmasters while passing through Zul Logoth, "Ya batch up plenny of ta ale, now! Ya know tha' we're ter be caterin' ter giantkin an' dwarves, not like las' year wit' t'em elfs! And dun let ta still go dry wit' ta strong stuff, neither!"

Drotta be praised I say! Can't wait!

OOC| Thanks Sherlise. Hope Drotta can show but if not, the ale is most welcome!

Bremerial - Chair of the 'Bring the Highman Games to Kharam-Dzu' Committee


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