Thank you~ 11/17/2019 08:12 PM CST
As another Festival of the Fallen winds down, it's time to recognize the hard work that goes into making such an event possible. Months of preparation, planning, and testing make for a seamless event with few to no issues. This festival would not have been possible without the hard work of GM Zoelle and GM Kynlee in prime and GM Annanasi in Plat. Each of you went above and beyond, sacrificing personal time to make certain players had a good time. From Zoelle as Rikelle, and her licking eyeballs, or as hardnosed Jaranzair defending his King, to Kynlee's hard work on Grobey and tweaking the arenas to be as fair as possible, you two really went above and beyond and I could not thank you enough. Annanasi, you pretty much ran Plat for me as it was not feasible for me to be in two instances at once. Thank you so much for taking charge and running with things.

A huge thank you to SGM Galene for approving the festival once again, and ASGM Tamuz for getting me all of those lovely services to raffle off. Thank you to GM Elysani, Vanah, Valyrka, Lydil, Elidi, Mikos, and Jainna for bringing back shops from previous years. Thank you to any of the GMs I missed that showed up randomly over the weekend to RP with festival-goers. Thank you all so much.

Finally, the players. You all never cease to amaze me with your creativity, dedication, and role play. This year was probably the easiest and smoothest festival I've ever done. You all certainly made it a joy to work. The tournament was just as exciting as ever with well-planned strategies contributing to some surprising matches. Congratulations to Melivn for winning and earning the title of Champion of the Fallen, and to Anarquendi for taking second place and earning the title of Defender of the Fallen. I certainly hope to see you all again in two years.


"Mother, should I trust the Government?"
Re: Thank you~ 11/18/2019 06:51 PM CST
I know I had loads of fun. To be honest, I've been waiting for this festival for the last two years. I'm looking forward to the next one in 2021.
Re: Thank you~ 11/18/2019 10:03 PM CST
It was so, so fun to have a festival around the Fortress, especially one so unique. Watching the fights and the ball afterward are some of the most fun I've had in GS in ages, and it was wonderful to see so many people around roleplaying and having fun. Thank you Maz, and the rest of the GMs. I'll second in saying that I very much look forward to being around for 2021 ... maybe I'll even compete!