Important question.
03/29/2021 02:04 PM CDT
I understand no wyromania at dm. However what I don't understand is limits to bag deepens, no extra wyrom alts for fun stuff. Who is it that decides these types of things. Is it really game breaking
To have extra stuff at a silver event draining 100s of millions of silvers from people?
Obviously nothing has to be done. However with really no other use for general tickets it seems silly not to have more extra things.
And yes I know about the permifier.
To put an event out where you know people with the itch will use hundreds of millions of silvers with non real way to spend seems like bad business practice.
Not saying you have to sell us all unlocked hearts or upgrade all our weapons, but whoever is limiting wyrom from doing stuff really isn't understanding bow this game should work.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 02:28 PM CDT
The event was explicitly billed upfront as a pure fluff event and to only run tickets for what you want to buy with the items available.
It's a bonus event for silvers. Not everything has to be a relentless mechanical grindathon every month.
If someone has issues stopping, then their gambling problem is on them, not anything wrong with the event.
It's a bonus event for silvers. Not everything has to be a relentless mechanical grindathon every month.
If someone has issues stopping, then their gambling problem is on them, not anything wrong with the event.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 03:15 PM CDT
Why would anyone spend millions of silver at an event when there's nothing they want at it?
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 03:37 PM CDT
Wyrom was pretty up front about this being a fluff event. It's the fourth time this is being run I think so plenty of players to ask on the forums or discord if you're unsure about spending a ton of silvers on it. If you were actually trying to find a core to complete a doll I feel for you though.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 04:22 PM CDT
Maybe they should have said the question was directed towards wyrom, so the information you 3 provided wasn't really helpful.
As someone who spends a lot at these stupid things, the question was more about why there is a limit to the unlocks. I mean you could really add that to any part of the game. How many things are stuck at 1/2 1/3 1/5 etc because the gm no longer is here or whoever decides what can be unlocked and what can't just doesn't want too.
He isn't asking wyrom to sell rift boots i mean come on.
For that matter it was said at some point by wyrom or someone up top that there would be more uses for general tickets. That never happened as far as i know.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 04:53 PM CDT
I don't agree with asking to band-aid events to support gambling for profit behavior. We have enough of those types of events, and it's a nice change that there's a more casual extra for once. Maybe if there's nothing else desired to buy one should stop instead of asking to re-work the whole event. It was explicitly clear what was available upfront. It was in the OP announcement.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 05:26 PM CDT
Last year wyrom did a bunch of bag unlocks, multiple black ora jewelry upgrades, x/day adding to black ora hearts, uncursing black ora hearts and more at DM. I don't really any of that was communicated in advance of the event or some of it even before the day of.
This happens a lot where services happen that weren't communicated initially (most of the DR wyromanias until recently weren't communicated in advance of the event or even until halfway through or further). We have been trained over years to expect surprise services and disappointed when it doesn't appear like they are going to happen like we would expect.
This happens a lot where services happen that weren't communicated initially (most of the DR wyromanias until recently weren't communicated in advance of the event or even until halfway through or further). We have been trained over years to expect surprise services and disappointed when it doesn't appear like they are going to happen like we would expect.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 05:31 PM CDT
Last thing, our fellow players are free to tell us they think those of us who participate are wrong in our thinking, but what's the point? You aren't furthering any cause or making anyone feel better about anything.
Re: Important question.
03/29/2021 05:49 PM CDT
What he said. Seriously we get some people hate the way things are, some people like it. I am not asking for profit, I am just asking for more to spend my general tickets on, as was promised at another time.
Re: Important question.
03/31/2021 11:02 PM CDT
I concur with it hurting someone if they DO offer a way to spend the tickets that isn't pure fluff? The fluff is still there-an event can do both but predominantly do one or the other. DR is a mech event, sure, but there's also fluff (I, at least, consider the pendant fluff).
Giving freer access to deepening the coin part of coin pouches or gambling kits isn't exactly a power creep issue-even if it's not fluff.
Personally, I like running DM generally-but I do hope for something to spend the tickets on (that I would want to spend tickets on). The jackpots aren't a big motivation for me at the moment (I haven't a clue what most of them are), but I do have silvers to spend. I can sell them...or I can use them. I'd rather use them...
Re: Important question.
04/01/2021 05:26 AM CDT
Wyrom & Estild mentioned a couple days ago that weightless silver coin pouches were increased from a few to 10 spins, same as least year.
This doesn't include gambling kits (must already have weightless coin feature added) which will be other spins (or whatever distribution).
This is in no way an April Fool's post (really, it's not!)
This doesn't include gambling kits (must already have weightless coin feature added) which will be other spins (or whatever distribution).
This is in no way an April Fool's post (really, it's not!)