We've run through the forest searching for foxes and dragonflies and jousted some of the bravest heroes in the land to the roar of a lively crowd. We've told ghost stories around the fire and tales of horror that would make any a man shake in his boots, had thrilling literature events, and learned to weave and make ribbons while drunk.
In all the fun we’ve had, we've also sat around the fire during quieter times to remember those of our past and honor their memory.
Well, this weekend, we'll gather around the fire one more time. On this Feastday (Saturday, June 26th) at 11:30 pm EST to tell a few more stories. Seeing as the theme of this year has be Remembrance, we will tell stories, tales, and songs of those who are no longer with us.
This can be open ended to include:
• Tall tales of characters from the past of players that are truly no longer with us,
• Silly stories of characters whose players are fine but no longer play the game,
• Epic yarns about an alt of yours that you’ve long since shelved,
and so on…
The key point will be sitting around the fire and telling stories of the past that involve those we don’t get to see as much anymore.
All are invited, there will be plenty of food and drink, and if you don’t have a story of your own, just come to drink, listen, and laugh. It’s what our friends that can’t be there would have enjoyed.
A Night of Stories and Remembrance (Saturday, June 26th at 11:30 pm EST, Rumor Woods Bonfire, Cysaelotar, #5 on RW Map)
06/23/2021 03:53 PM CDT
Re: A Night of Stories and Remembrance (Saturday, June 26th at 11:30 pm EST, Rumor Woods Bonfire, Cysaelotar, #5 on RW Map)
06/25/2021 12:36 PM CDT
Just as an extra: Tales of people from your backstory/fiction that are not with us anymore are totally fair game too. I want to give people that maybe don't yet have stories of actual people or alts that are gone a chance to have a story too!
Re: A Night of Stories and Remembrance (Saturday, June 26th at 11:30 pm EST, Rumor Woods Bonfire, Cysaelotar, #5 on RW Map)
06/25/2021 02:22 PM CDT
How much of this is in-character? Some of the funniest stories are about players, at meat-space events.
Re: A Night of Stories and Remembrance (Saturday, June 26th at 11:30 pm EST, Rumor Woods Bonfire, Cysaelotar, #5 on RW Map)
06/26/2021 10:12 AM CDT
It'll be in character. I'd love to hear tales of actual people, but we'd be breaking game rules. Perhaps we can find a way to do that some other way!