The creature known as Althedeus, an ancient being born from the chaos of the war between Drakes and Ur'Daemons, has been vanquished. The demon had sought to leave the world of shadows behind, entering into Elanthia through the perfect host of an urnon golem, a construct perfectly suited to sustain his power without being destroyed. After ages of pursuing this goal, through various minions in the past such as Grishom, and later Elithain, the heroes of Elanthia rose to the occassion and thwarted the demon's plans, preserving the world and keeping it from crossing into shadows.
Elithain Cross and the urnon golem, housed with the spirit of his daughter, Madelyne, had begun their ritual far beneath Melgorehn's Reach, using the nexus of power to help fuel their spell. Many heroes joined with Grand Magister Pylasar in the confrontation far below the Reach. Meanwhile, Aralyte, the Palestra Blade led a group of heroes into the unknown of the shadow world, where they would meet Althedeus in battle, using shadowbane weapons to weaken the demon long enough for Aralyte's ritual to unravel him. Back in Wehnimer's Landing, town defedenders and wandering adventures sought to protect the town from airships, golems, undead and the krolvin.
Half way into the ritual, Madelyne had turned on her father Elithain, stabbing him and interrupted his spell, making him vulnerable enough to be killed by the heroes present. Unfortunately, her act of betrayal was the final piece of the ritual needed, which allowed Althedeus to begin to cross over into Elanthia. Back in the shadow realm, the heroes continue to confront Althedeus, battling demons and voidwalkers, doing all they could to weaken him. The Palestra's ritual was finally completed, and calling upon the will and power of all those present, Althedeus was unraveled within the world of shadows. His power had been severed, and far beneath the Reach, the remnants of his being desperately tried to infuse themselves into the urnon golem, making the metal of the creature extremely vulnerable for a short window of time. During this moment, the heroes beneath the Reach struck, working together to shatter the unstable urnon golem, stealing any chance of a host right out from under the Shadows. Having no host, and no thread to the shadow world, Althedeus dissipated, unable to exist anymore.
Back in Wehnimer's Landing, the heroes manned pylons to finally destroy the oncoming airships and regrouped to make a final push to rid their docks of the krolvin. Fires had raged, innocents had died, and buildings had been ruined, but the city was saved because of the defenders organized efforts and bravery.
While a welcomed peace had fallen on Wehnimer's Landing in the wake of the battle with the shadows, the following night Walkar Wellington had been found chopping down logs in the forest outside of town. The curse of his armor, which kept him alive, ended with Elithain's death. Heroes gathered as Walkar finally grew too weak to stand, and they remained by his side until he finally succumbed to death. His body was claimed by town guards and carry off, were preperations would be made for his burial.
While the threat to Elanthia from Althedeus was no more, many were left with a feeling of uncertainty, wondering exactly what was the cost of their victory?