Pulling her sweater closer around her shoulders, Qitrana walks west along North Arm Road. Six figures cloaked head-to-toe follow close behind her, talking quietly among themselves. "Are we getting closer?" asked Yunto. Qitrana stops for a moment and pulls a crystal from her pocket. Gazing into the crystal, she slowly turns to the north, east, south, west, then back north. Nodding her head, Qitrana points west. "It's that way."
The group makes their way westward, following Qitrana with blind faith. Stopping below the cliff on Mantle's Landing, Qitrana once again peers through her crystal. Clotheslines overhead sway in the breeze, and suspended linens snap audibly. Requardi leans against a lantern perched upon its wrought iron pedestal and watches Qitrana turn in a circle while peering through her crystal.
Qitrana suddenly stops and lowers her crystal, squinting at the base of the cliff. Dropping her crystal in her sweater pocket, she draws her wand and closes her eyes, nodding to herself. As she makes intricate symbols in the air with the tip of her wand, the six cloaked figures also draw their wands, raising them above their heads, and form a semi-circle around her. The tips of their six wands begin to glow with an ethereal light, and as the points of light grow, beams of essence streak from each wand tip to converge on the tip of Qitrana's wand. With a flick of her wrist and a muttered incantation, Qitrana points her wand at the cliff's base, where a flickering portal takes shape. Once the portal is fully formed, the seven figures lower their wands and step through.
OOC NOTE: The Kraken's Fall wizard guild is now open in all instances! Enjoy!
~~GM Kynlee~~
Elanthian Architect
Breaker of Things
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