For Lady Reklawthur 09/13/2013 01:38 AM CDT


You being my father's mentor, confidant and close personal family friend, I write you this day with a heavy heart. Recently some things have came to pass that cause me to question my matter of faith, as well as the belief structure my father and mother worked hard to instill in all of my siblings, including myself. My brothers remain aloof, and my sister retired to her own devices. I have an urgent matter that I must share with you soon and hope this note finds you quickly.

There is much happening around me now, and I fear that we lack the strength needed to battle this threat, Someone of which you are aquainted, an old friend that my father spoke of often, may be needed to cure this blight. Please contact me at your earliest convenience, this matter will not allow us the luxury of taking our time.

By my hand,

~Greganth Olberath
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/20/2013 02:47 PM CDT

Forgive my late response to your missive. Unfortunately matters at hand prevent me from traveling or I would meet with you to learn why you are so distraught. If I understand your subtle hints of your father's "Old friend" are correct then perhaps we can correspond through this medium and alleviate some of your anxiety?

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/20/2013 04:14 PM CDT

Thank-you M'Lady for a reply.

I shall endeavor to share my concerns on this parchment, trusting that our conversation will remain in the closest confidence. I will get as close to the point as possible.

Recently it was shown to me that The Arkati remain powerless against the Threat against The Landing, and in fact, the world. Rumors and ideas abound that this threat is one born of Chaos, brought to form during The Great War.

When I was a child, my father often spoke of a friend, a powerful ally. One that as a child I sat in wide-eyed wonder as the stories he told instilled faith and hope of a brighter world. As I became older, I came to understand these tales were those of the type told to children, to teach valuable lessons, of faith, hope and humility. I will never forget the zeal in which my father spoke when regarding this being, the adoration, the belief, that indeed this was something tangible. Something to touch, to behold.

In these dire times which approach us, I find myself wondering... if indeed.. this being does exist, and if so.. can she be reached? Can her counsel be found, as it was told to me that she counseled my father, in his time of need?

I only know of you, as his confidant, to ask these questions.. searching for any weapon that can assist us... I am certain mother may hold these answers as well.. however. You are aware of our relationship at this time.

Any words you may offer on how to proceed, if it is remotely possible, will be guarded and used to best of my ability.

Thank you again, Lady Reklawthur, for your consideration.
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/22/2013 09:44 AM CDT

Since we will continue conversing through this medium I will forgo the honorifics hence forward and urge you to do the same.

Your father had many...quirks in his character but he was never known to lie especially to those closest to him. Even in his elaborate schemes to defraud some fat merchant of his gold I have known him to seriously bend the truth but not break it.

Perhaps if I recount some of where his and my history converge you might find facts he had not shared with you to help in your present dilemma?

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/22/2013 10:35 AM CDT

Lady Rek,

One of the things that I did retain from his instruction, was the patience to listen. If you can share this history with me, perhaps it will indeed illuminate a path to what I seek.

At your own discretion.

~ Greganth
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/25/2013 05:16 PM CDT

Lady Rek,

The Olberath's of Old and their alliance... allegiance? With or to, the Drakes is not unknown to me, naturally. But as bedtime stories told to children.

I never remember him mentioning his mother to me, in any tales.. Odd now that I think of it. Perhaps there is more to her that should be discussed. Did you know his Mother?

Thank you, M'Lady.

Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/25/2013 05:16 PM CDT
I will start by relating something of your father's history. Your father is one of the lucky few, his ancestry never witnessed the abominations of tyranny under the Elven rule, and his childhood was never subjected to racism, and political influence. Born in Gregarthia, a land far to the north and the other side of the world from where he now resides, he was born the crown prince of his lands. His father, a brilliant and generous man, ruled his kingdom with wisdom and valor. In all of his youth he cannot recall a time of war, or hardship within his lands. As a child within Olberath Castle, he was given free reign of all the lands. He spent a happy childhood well schooled in the arts of diplomacy, and courtly etiquette. He never questioned his ancestry, as it was taught to him that Olberath's had always possessed the lands there, and would always possess them throughout time. He was Taught of the Drakes, and how the ever powerful creatures had once ruled the lands. His lessons included studies of the Arkati, but not as gods, but as keepers of the world. He was taught also of the deceptions brought forth from the Arkati of Lornon, and while he was taught to respect the Arkati's obvious power, he was never taught to worship any as a god. The Drake, he was taught, were the rightful rulers, and one day would rise to rule again. He must never forget his allegiance to the Drake, as they would never forget the Olberath's.

Of his Mother, little is known. Said to be a woman of striking beauty and intelligence, it is believed she died during his birth. Recent events have changed that opinion, but no concrete evidence has been presented. His father had many consorts after her death, but never married again, preferring to honor her death by never replacing her as queen.

Your father has experienced omens and visions all his life which have been the catalyst of most of his journeys. I will relate one such journey in my next letter.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 09/28/2013 03:06 PM CDT

Forgive the slow response. Your last letter actually reached me before I could reply to the first. Perhaps after you read my reply you will better understand about your father's mother... but here is the tale as promised.

I will tell the story as if your father speaks it since that is how he told me.

You may know there was a time in my life when I didn't put much stake into claims of visions and claims of preternatural intervention. Until the time of my coming of age, mid thirty's or so, I kinda wandered thru my existence here without much direction or purpose. Sure I knew of the Olberath heritage and a few faint legends of my ancestor, but I never really knew what or where it was headed for until I became older. You know of the things I have witnessed in my mid life, and a few of the adventures that my heritage has embarked me upon. The reason I make mention of them tonight, is the relation they have on what has transpired in my life since I was last within our corner of this realm.

As I said, I never put much stock into claims of visions, until I witnessed the first of what would soon be many, and saw the direct influence they would have in my life. The first, and I might add, all of my visions have always come in the form of my father, I have never been able to say why that was, except that he was always a part of my life, and as may be aware of, I have no memories of my mother, she was, I was taught to believe, killed during my birth.

Visions being in the form of my father, were what I deducted to be the only recognizable form of communication from beyond. My father is, of course, deceased now as well. My visions... the first occurred soon after my induction into one of the Great House. T'was the same night, and after everyone had retired for the night, I felt myself restless and left to explore this strange grand house, which I had now been accepted into as my new home. I traveled through our secret passages below, suddenly felt myself become weak, and I awoke at the bottom of the stairs, with but one memory... My fathers image, as last I had seen him. Standing tall in his finest Vultite Armor, a bright red shield in his hand, he spoke to me clearly, "My son, you have made us all very proud, you must now seize your legacy, and continue to make your way. Above all, my son, be just and be proud". Confused by the -vision- I never thought much of it afterwards and continued to live as I always had. You see, I was under the impression, that I had tripped, fell down the stairs and bumped my head.

My membership to this Great House had awoken something within me for I truly had found myself at home, it seemed that within this house, I was at peace. A place I finally belonged. The subsequent times my father has appeared to me, have almost always been the same.. the words and actions, his appearance, always the same.... except this time. The night of my induction as Co Chairman of this Great House. After the official meeting, and a meeting with a prospective member.. I ventured out on a rather successful hunt with my T'Kai, The Lady Reklawhtur. I returned here to the house, and came through the courtyard outside. I sat for a few minutes on the steps outside the door, and watched as the sun's first rays cascaded across the eastern wall, and illuminated the dew on the flowers inside of the yard there, and watched as the shrine to Lummis and Oleani grew bright in the coming dawn. Quite content, I must have dozed in the early morning sun. Not sure how long I slept, must have been just a few minutes actually, because when I was awoke, the sun was still low, and the sky had still some traces of red.

Not certain what roused me from my slumber, but upon awaking, I heard a rustle in the branches above me, but oddly, no breeze moved across the yard. I stood and moved toward the shrine, and there, forming there before it, was an apparition, I blinked and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I quickly gathered my senses and looked closer as the form took a more defined shape. There was
no denying it, my father stood before me as plain as you do here. Curiously, he did not wear his normal array of battle gear., no armor or shield this time, and he looked upon me with his steel blue eyes, dressed in a long white ceremonial robe, the same I had seen him many times hold court in the throne room in, it was of course embroidered with the Olberath Family Crest, a Black Dragon in flight, soaring above the crossed points of two red rapiers. His long golden beard flowed freely across his chest, his hair, long and curly fell across his shoulders, he smiled at me and nodded towards me slowly in approval. I was overcome by the sight. It seemed he was there with me in the flesh! But alas, I knew he was not. Still I reached out for him. "Father", I said.

He smiled and continued his slow nod, not yet speaking. I fell to my knees and I am not ashamed to say that a small tear may have risen in my eye, I was overcome by this sight, it has been so long since I had felt him near enough to touch. He spoke to me softly, in a low tone with some slight reverberation in his preternatural tone. "My son....We are so proud...always remember that you have earned the respect of this Grand House, but also remember that it was your respect for this house that brought you here. Both of you should gain from the bargain. Remember your past, stay just and stay proud. Never forget whence you came, and never forget what your heritage represents". He continued, and I was mesmerized by his voice, blending easily with the songs of the birds who gathered in the trees of our garden, it seemed to sing in harmony with them there. "Your obligations grow with your lifeline, your destiny awaits you, we have been watching and will always do so". His form moved slowly along the path here and
out the gate, I walked behind watching, listening, both amazed and enthralled. We moved out the gate and into the garden beyond, where he stopped and sat on the soft grasses, I approached and sat across from him, watching and listening. He smiled warmly at me, and continued his speech, "As you have seen, our family owes a debt... a gratitude, that extends even my lifetime, and my fathers and grandfathers before me, you know what it is, through time it has evolved into a partnership, and you have seen both its good sides and I am sad to say, its bad. But with this obligation, there are other allegiances that you are not aware...although the Drake leads and guides you, and protects you, neither your obligation, nor your heirs"...he winked and smiled when he said that, '"your heirs'..your obligation, nor your heirs, ends there". There are others about that will assist you, but there are many others that our allegiance to the great she-drake requires you to assist, and now, my son, you are called upon to do so".

I was startled. "Others"? I asked myself. I was beginning to think the arrangement was getting to be more than I bargained for, I mean, my fight with Despana was taxing already, and has kept me quite busy, now I was to learn there was more. The apparition, my father, he spoke again. "Yes my son, many more, the fight is not just your own, but must be fought by many, you fight as hard
as you can, for as long as you can, and do what you can. When you are weak, others will join you, when you are strong you must join others, is the only way to insure that you survive, and by that same right, is the only way to insure the survival of others". He continued, "The Drake has shown you the way, through the kobold you met in the north, through the dwarven traveler you met on the
trail, through your association with the man-bear, your association with the T'kai, and even your not so chance meeting of the Faendryl, Sianan. You must now join others, and fight the fight they cannot win alone".

My fathers image faded and blurred at this point, he seemed to grow translucent, almost indistinct, then quickly reformed. He spoke again. "My time has grown short my son, fulfill your obligations, fulfill your destiny, make the way easier for those who follow. Your path now lies east, towards the remains of the forgotten Ta' Faendryl, you must go now, this day, this morn, make your way now, the path will open easily". He stood, as did I, his form moved close to me, and for a brief moment I felt his arms surround me in a warm embrace, his voice whispered in my ear, again telling me that they were proud, when I opened my eyes, he was gone. I stood for a few minutes in the garden there, recalling the words he spoke to me, then gathering myself, I headed to the grocers and purchased a few meager supplies to send me on my way. Not really knowing anymore than the general direction, I was well on my way towards the Dragonspine Mountains by noon.

To be continued as time and events allow.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/02/2013 12:14 PM CDT

Continuing the tale....

I had no idea that my journey would take more than a few days at the most, and didn't anticipate it being near as dangerous as it was. I suppose I may have become somewhat lax of late, as no -real- threats have presented themselves in recent months. I didn't realize the enormity of the task before me. On the fourth day of my walk, I reached the edge of our mapped territories, the valley and the sheer granite walls that mark the hidden entrance to Stronghold. I spent the next day walking along in deep thought, contemplating the things I had seen, my childhood within Olberath Castle, the war, my life in the landing, learning to be alone, becoming independent, and later in my life learning to accept what my lot was to be and thinking of my future, what may yet come to pass. I thought of my son, and how my actions today may affect his life forever. Having been this way on other occasions, I made my way a little east and stopped to have some lunch. There under the same tree I had met a dwarven traveler some months ago, I sat to rest and take a break from the midday heat.

I hadn't rested long, when something caught my eye off in the tall grasses that stood beside the roadway. The grasses seemed to move of their own volition, swaying back and forth, as if someone or something walked amongst them. Of course there was nothing there still I stood, unsheathed my longsword, and moved closer to investigate. Moving off into the waist high grass I moved closer towards where they bobbed and weaved alone without a breeze to disturb them. I was but a mere two paces away when the movement stopped, and I cautiously closed the distance to where they stood. Nothing there. I searched through the grasses and found nothing, my guard still up, I moved back to the roadway, watching the spot where I had been, no sign of anything. Returning to my spot under the tree to gather my belongings, I turned back to the roadway and decided I had most likely been chasing a will o wisp, and began to walk off towards Talador, and the Dragonspine Mountain range that loomed on the horizon. Then I heard a voice, it came from close by, almost it seemed at my ear, "Well it's about time", The voice stated matter of fatly. I turned quickly, searching for its source. Nothing. Quickly turning back around I scanned the area, no sign of anyone. "No imagination on this one", the voice quipped. I followed the sound and looked directly at my feet. There...clinging precariously to my pants-leg, and climbing slowly up my leg was what I first believed to be an insect of some sort, huge for a bug, but I have seen much bigger....about eight inches long, but with only four limbs...Its body looked like something a child may have built. The term stickman was coined with this guy in mind, limbs of what appeared to be made of twigs, his hair and beard were of what I thought was moss... a stickman.

Well, to say the very least, I was startled and started jumping around shaking my leg trying to knock it off, he wasn't budging, just kept climbing slowly up my leg until he could reach the edge of my cloak, then swung out around it and began climbing up the back. I stripped off the cloak and threw it down, covering him within the folds as it landed on the ground. Muffled grunts and curses flowed from underneath the cloak and I quickly drew my sword and began poking at the garment apprehensively. As I prodded at the garment moving it around to try to uncover the small creature, it suddenly leaped out and grabbed the blade, pulling itself up to a sitting position on it, and as I raised the blade to look at it, the creature spoke to me. "Boy, are you daft? it asked. I stared at it in disbelief. "Are you daft?, it said again. "Can you even hear, or are you deaf to? I spoke, well more like stammered, in answer to his question, "No, I am not either". "You were expecting to see me right? it asked of me. "Well, I was expecting someone, but to say I was expecting you, well that would be an understatement", I managed to get out. The stickman climbed down the flat side of my sword and across my hand, I watched as it climbed up my arm and came to rest on my shoulder, then he told me to sit down.. I sheathed my weapon and did so. He leaped from my shoulder to my knee and sat there looking at me. I looked at him as I as I grabbed my cloak, pulling it across my shoulders and fastening it.

'He introduced himself, "I am Pike, and you can only be an Olberath". "I see the resemblance, Olberath, no doubt there. You are your fathers son. You have grown a lot since last I saw you". Pike continued, "But, I see something of your mother as well, an aura, you glow with her strength". "You knew my mother? I asked of Pike. "And still do, he answered curtly. "You know her also, but not in the forms your weak mind would understand unless allowed to at the time". "Wha...", I started to say but Pike spoke with a matter of fact attitude that tended to be brusque and irritated my nerves and would say no more, and since we were to travel together I bit my tongue and refrained from returning his tone or asking more questions. It was difficult believe me. So finished with our introductions, he directed me in the direction we were to go with a gnarled finger, off to the northeast through a splendid forest.

After walking awhile I asked him just what was he. I mean I had never heard of any creature of his kind, and he told me that it was not any surprise that I hadn't. He said that he was Sinnissippian. I still hadn't a clue. Pike then said that most referred to his kind as Sprites, Fairies or such, and he was a keeper of the forest. His responsibility, and those of his kind was to guard the forests from evil. He told me that his race was as old as the Drake, forever abounding within the forests of Elanthia, since time began. Since the time of the Ur-Daemon War, they had allied themselves with the Drake. I wondered why they chose sides at all. Pike explained to me that the Sprite were the guarders of magic. The forests are abundant sources for all sorts of magic, herbs, potions, and all elemental spells have their roots in nature, the forest is from where those magic evolved. When the Daemon attacked, they drained the mana from the lands, proving themselves to be enemies of the sprites as well, mana is of course the source that allows you to use the magic, without one you cannot have the other, you can see the problem.

So we continued to walk, and he spoke more of his kind, and directed me along the way from his perch upon my shoulder. I asked why I was called to aid. Surely a race of such lineage would have little need of a Human. He never answered that question, but merely glared at me with some animosity, as if I should have known the answer already. I didn't ask again. As is always the way with these excursions, the way is eventually shown, and I prepared myself for some dire task indeed. I asked him if my father had ever been asked to come to this forest. He told me that my father had visited the Sinnissippian's home on many occasions, but never in the capacity that I was to be shown. But that he had only visited once since my birth. He went on to say that my grandfather had journeyed to the forest where we were going with my father, while my father was still but a boy in his teens. It was there that my father had met my mother, and many years later, they were wed there as well. Pike told me that within this forest I was christened, and that was the last time he saw my father, alive. I was a little taken back, "My grandfather?", I asked. "You knew my grandfather as well?" Pike laughed out loud, '"and his father as well", he answered, "Though I was young when I first saw the human, and he was the first of his kind I had ever seen. I was just a boy, some one hundred and twenty of your years, quite young for my people". I stopped short, blinked, and said simply, "Young? gads, how old are you Pike?". Pike laughed and answered after a moments recollection, "As you age, I am soon to reach my five hundred and fiftieth year, still in my prime, there are, well, were, some in my village that had seen over two thousand years within the forest".

His face grew grim, and he didn't speak again for a while, we walked on deeper into the forest, and camped that night nearby to a large lake, a good pace to the east of Talador and along the northern shore. Pike stated adamantly there would be no fire, but it was warm summer night, and I didn't argue. Climbing to an overhanging branch, he bade me to sleep and he would wake me at dawn. I asked if he slept, he simply shook his head no, and climbed further up the tree. We didn't speak again until first light.

Pike led us through the underbrush and forests easily, and indeed it seemed the trail simply opened up before my feet, he sat atop my shoulder silently for many hours on end, and we travelled still further west along the northern shore of the lake. Crossing the river that emptied into the lake from the mountains still further to the north, Pike directed me to turn more south and still west into the wilderness of the foot hills of the Dragonspine. That night we camped, again without a fire, and Pike told me we would reach our goal the next day, most likely before midday. It wasn't easy for me to rest, but after some tossing about I finally did sleep. Pike awoke me at first light and we headed off into the forest towards his village.

I will complete the tale in my next missive.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/03/2013 12:19 PM CDT
Thankfully I have time to send you the conclusion of the tale. I hope this will resolve the troubles you have been dealing with. I should be back in those parts within a month but feel free to contact me if you need anything further.

And so the conclusion:

Pike sensed something wrong before I did, he called my attention to it. "It is quiet", he said. Standing up on my shoulder, he spoke again, "There! Can you smell it? Fire!". I stopped and scanned the horizon above the tree line. There maybe a mile into the distance, I saw the smoke plume climbing into the sky, it looked as if the fire at its base had burned for some time. I moved quickly through the forest and soon climbed a small hillock to look into the valley below. I gasped at the scene before me. The trail from the hillock down into the village seemed a grey ribbon winding its way into the ruins of smoldering trees. Fires burned from the trees and wooden hovels that scattered the vale below, the long greasy spirals of smoke gathering into one and filling the air with ash and soot, I could hear the crackles of the flames as they did their work from even that distance away. It began to rain, a soft mist at first then a steady drizzle, staining my face and clothes with the soot. As the rain turned into a steady drizzle, I felt Pike jump down from my shoulder, and stood amazed as his form began to grow, until he stood next to me, equal to my height. As we stood and watched from the top of the hill, he fell to his knees and began to weep.

I thought to comfort him, but I knew not the words, all I could do was stand and watch as the flames continued their work, although being diminished by the steady rain. The thoughts that clouded my head were of my own loss, my father, my first wife Rayyaa, and the burned out remains of our home, I could feel his loss as we stood their watching. As I stood and watched, forms began to appear at the edge of the village. Nothing more than shadows from where I stood, their numbers seemed to grow and soon it appeared a hundred or so were all gathered, their attention turning to where we stood. "Feeders", I heard Pike say, and he stood and turned to me. "Quickly now, into the forest", he touched me lightly on the arm and we moved off into the underbrush. "Feeders?", I asked of him, once we had reached what I thought to be a suitable distance. "Yes, what you may call as Wraiths, or Minion... They work for her", his voice trailed off. "Her?", I asked, fearing the answer I already knew would come. "You are Olberath, you know whom I speak of ", was Pike's only reply, he led us through the woods, and soon to a cave. "Safe here, we should be", he told me. Resting briefly, he led us towards the back of the cave, and after a short walk I saw light at the end. We breached the opening and stood on a hillside, looking down into another valley. Completely a contrast to the other, we saw a beautiful lush forest, and off into its center fertile plains grew, and further towards the center of it another village similar to the one we had just witnessed aflame. "My home", he said and led me down a faint path towards the valley. "We must be on our guard from here on", Pike told me. "The witch has been at our necks for some time, she has sought a certain parchment we hold in our village, and although we have been able to withstand her attempts so far, many of the elders have fallen to her attacks". "There is no doubt she has feeders close to us now. They spotted us on the hill, and have alerted her to our presence. With your gift Olberath, you are difficult to conceal from her". "Gift?", I asked. "Your mothers influence", Pike answered.

We moved thru the forest easily and out into the plains, bringing the village closer with each step. It happened rather suddenly. A flash of white light, and then all was black. I heard a muffled cry from Pike, and then silence. I awoke bound inside a small straw hut. Pike was nearby, bound as well, and an eerie glow emanated from around him. Not a minute after I awoke two Death knights walked through the hut's entrance and led us both out into the night air. There a great fire pit stood, a fire burning brightly, I could see a small altar had been constructed just to the side of the blaze, and a small gold bound trunk sat atop the dias. There, moving from the opposite side of the pit, She moved slowly in my direction. She moved closer to us both, and stopped in front of Pike. "Fool, you thought you could dissuade me forever?, she laughed while raising her arm above her. I noticed that she held a tattered parchment in her hand, which she showed to Pike. She continued to speak to him, "I always get what I seek, and you and your ilk should have never counted yourselves above my will". Her cold black eyes turned to my direction, the flames from the fire flickered in the deep pools of her eyes, although I wasn't sure if it was reflection, or the flame danced there always. "Olberath", she addressed me. "Again you arrive to foil my plans, too late I might add". "I wonder.", she mused as she turned back towards Pike and spoke, "Does he even know why he is here?". "I will always be there to foil you, witch", I spat at her. "It is my lot in life". She turned back to me with laughed. She moved close to me and her fingers ran across my cheek, almost in admiration. I shivered at her cold, clammy touch. "Such a fire in your eyes, pure hatred", she laughed again, cackled even. "I have only seen it glow as brightly in one other in your family", she paused. "And I did so enjoy squelching that flame". I knew without saying to whom she referred, and I felt the bile rise in my throat as I gazed upon her.

Waving her hand in a dismissive gesture, she spoke as she walked away from us back towards the altar and the fire pit. "Release them from their binds, the Sprite is harmless within the shroud, and the Human"...Again she laughed, a preternatural wail, that turned my blood to ice. "The Human will die soon enough anyway, if he moves, kill him, let him decide his fate". The Death knights moved to obey her orders, I watched them as they released my hands, and followed them with my gaze until they assumed positions beside me, their tridents standing at the ready. Under my breath I spoke softly to the one closest my right hand. "You are one ugly joker aren't you? I think I killed your brother last year". He moved quickly and punched me in the stomach, doubling over with pain, I fell to my knees. "Silence", he said in a deep raspy voice. Struggling against the pain, I watched from my knees as the Witch moved to the altar, and opened the trunk that lie atop of it. She removed what looked to me to be blob of golden mass, but in the light provided from the fire pit I could see protrusions coming from it in different angles. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking upon the skeletal remains of some humanoid creature. A jumbled mess actually, but I could see a skull, and what looked to be a skeletal foot protruding clearly from the glob.

The Witch lifted the parchment above her head, and began to read from it.

"Life stream from which all things flow;Hear me now and let life grow;From the nether where time is sheol;Obey my voice and answer this vow".

"My mate, my liege, bring him here;I call him back, my beloved Dharthiir. It is him I seek".

When she said the name, I gasped audibly. Dharthiir, the arch-lich whom served as her general during the undead war.. believed to be killed at ShadowGaurd by Taki Rassien. My mind raced at the possibility that she could revive him again together they may prove to be unstoppable. The Death knights who still stood nearby were entranced by the ceremony. From my still kneeling position, I slowly worked the clasp on my pouch and slid my hand inside, finding in an instant what I searched for. It grew warm to my touch, and suddenly I knew what I must do. The Witch continued with her ministrations, repeating the words again. Pike stood mesmerized by what he was witnessing. The flames leaped from the fire and began to bathe the golden mass which sat upon the altar. I saw a smoky nimbus begin to form in its midst, and slowly a more defined shape took form on the altar. The golden mass began to writhe and wiggle, as the gold seemed to melt away and the bones began to reassemble themselves into a humanoid form.

The Witch then began another barage of chanting. I couldn't make it out, was nothing I have ever heard before, unrecognizable to me. The Death knights were enthralled by the spectacle, they had forgotten it seemed, that Pike and I were even there. I stood slowly, my hand gripping tightly the item from my pouch within my palm. Shuffling my feet slightly, I managed to kick a few pebbles in Pike's direction, his gaze was torn slowly from the sight before us and he turned his head towards me. Motioning with my eyes towards the plains behind us, I nodded and turned my hand over slowly, letting him catch a glimpse of what I held. He caught sight of it and a puzzled look crossed his face. I mouthed silently to him one word, "Run".

As the Witch was repeating for the third time the phrases from the parchment. The form upon the altar was growing flesh upon its bones. It stood now, a grotesque, half alive, decayed being, the blood and sinews of muscle were gathering within Its form. The spell was almost complete. Acting quickly, I dropped to one knee and swept a leg out at the nearest of the Death knights, he fell clamoring into a heap. The other turned to me, reaching over his head with his trident, I saw the tip begin to glow in the same green light that could take a Drake from the sky. Staring at its forming, I wondered how I would survive. Pike, hampered only in his use of magic by the aura, struck him from the side, tackling the abomination and quickly jumping to his feet. "RUN!", I screamed at him.

The Witch was too far along in her spell at this point, she was beyond the point of stopping. Dharthiir's form was almost complete, his fingers began to flex, and as I watched one arm raised slowly from his side. Asking for guidance in one breath, I threw the stone clasped tightly in my hand towards the center of the fire pit, waiting just long enough to be certain it had found it's mark, I turned and ran in the direction Pike had fled. Not more than twenty yards from the edge of village center I was knocked flat by the explosion. An immense rumbling and a wave of green energy poured out from the fire pit. Rolling onto my back I gaped with awe at the sight that grew from the cloud above the fire pit and lit the night sky. A Drake there appeared in the mist, forming itself quickly from the smoke, seeming to gather strength, its huge mouth opened and rained a shower of Draken Flame down upon the village in a circular pattern. The light was blinding and I covered my eyes, rolling over onto my stomach face down in the grass, turned away from the blast, I could still make out the skeleton of my hand thru my closed eyelids. A wave of energy flowed over my body, and as fast as the light appeared, it was gone, all was dark once again. I rolled back onto my back and after a moment for my eyes to adjust, I saw the summer sky above me. The stars blinked steadily as if there was nothing more anywhere but their existence. Pulling myself up to a sitting position, I looked to where the village once stood. All was gone. A perfectly symmetrical circle spreading out from around the center where the firepit was, all was black and turned to ash. No signs of anything ever being there but this blackened circle.

The diameter of circle came to an abrupt halt a mere five paces from where I lie in the grass, too close for comfort. I sat there amazed at the carnage, and heard a noise off to my right. Pike stood upright and moved to my side, grinning from one mossy side of his face to the other, pulling me to my feet, he said, "Grand show Olberath, I know now why she sent you. Grand show!". I took a weary step back and Pike quickly grabbed my arm'. "Watch yer step there!", a voice shouted at my heels. I turned slowly and saw another figure, much like Pike's, grow from the tall grass of the plain. As I watched, others soon began to increase in size around us, and soon there were more of the Sinnissippian's than I could begin to count. "What of your village?", I asked of Pike. "No concern Olberath", he told me, "we are natives of this land, a week, a month, we will have all we had before. It is better that the Witch be stopped at the sacrifice of a small village, than at the sacrifice of our world". I of course nodded in agreement, there was no argument there.

The light of the next day came quickly, and I wished eagerly to return home. Pike sensed this and we made fast goodbyes and he led me away from the plains into the forest. Stopping at the top of the hill where I had first looked into his valley, I turned again to look out across the forest and the plains. There in the distance, the blackened circle was outstanding. I could see faint forms already at work within it. It seemed to me that new green grass was already beginning to grow there. We crossed through the cave and out into the forest we fled through the day before. Again climbing the hillock to look down into the valley where we witnessed the carnage of the day before in the first village. We saw the flames no longer burned and all seemed to be recovering at a rapid pace as the other village was. Pike directed me back along the trail that had led me that far, and again he shrunk down in size and made his perch upon my shoulder. We talked briefly of what had conspired. "Think she is dead?", I asked. "Hard to say", he answered. "I have to admit, I have never seen anything like that In my life time", he told me. "What was it?", he asked. I walked slowly along the path, and told him, "The stone was a gift from none other than the Witch herself". I laughed, and told him briefly how the stone had come in my possession. He was fast to discover the irony of the stone and we enjoyed a laugh over it. It seemed the miles back towards home moved much faster than those on the way, and soon we were back to the spot where our paths had met. I told Pike I would rest there for the night, and be on my way dawn the next day. He climbed a tree and sat on a branch there, looking down on where I sat.

"Olberath?", he said in a soft tone. "Yes Pike?", I answered him, turning my attention towards where he sat. "You asked me about your mother before", he began. "Yes?", I responded. "Years before she met your father, she came to my village. She was different from any other we had known, kind, loving, and intelligent. She possessed a knowledge of magic that bewildered even those of our race. She was readily accepted by us, an outsider yes, but then she had a quality of something that drew us. We knew she was more than what she professed, a noble creature, and I am certain she knew she was far superior than even us, the Sprites of the forest, but she never flaunted it. She stayed with us for many years before she met and married your father. Our kind like to think that we both gained by her being with us. And Olberath", Pike jumped down from the branch from where he sat and came near to me, looking deeply into my eyes. "She came to our village soon after your birth. She has been there periodically since then. She was there when I left to meet you, and there when we left to return here now". "Wha?", I stammered "She was there?", "Why didn't she show herself ?", I demanded, heartbroken that she had been so close but not recognized. In a tone far gentler then his normal tones Pike said, "Her reasons are her own, my friend. With one such as she, you cannot ask the question why. Know this though she loves you, and is proud of you, I am certain when her time is right she will reveal herself. I was crestfallen but knew I could do nothing to fight fate so I simply nodded. "She told me to ask you this one request", he continued. I looked towards Pike suspiciously and growled, "Ask", I demanded. "She requests that the child, your son, be returned to the village for his Christening, as you were, and all Olberath's should be hereafter", he said. I smiled at the notion, and answered that it would be an honor to have that part of history renewed within my son. "Of course I would have to gain the approval of the child's mother, and she would of course have to make the journey with us but given those exceptions I agree", I said.

Pike told me that anyone who claimed close association with me or my family were always welcome within their forest home. I smiled at this and leaned back against the tree, sleep quickly overtook me, and when I awoke Pike was gone. I travelled from there alone, and made my way back to our corner of the realm early this morning returning to the Grand House's courtyard. I stood and gazed upon the shrine there, the spot I had seen my fathers apparition all those days ago, and listened for a while the birds sang their cheerful morning tune, thinking to myself how grand it is to be alive in this day and age.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/03/2013 02:46 PM CDT

Lady Rek,

Thank you for sharing this tale. My father spoke of many of his journeys to us as children, however, this is one I have not heard prior. It refers many times to his unborn son.. but my father's firstborn were twins. He never mentioned another wife prior to my mother either. What are your impressions of who or possibly what, his mother actually was?

I know I am asking a lot, but perhaps in these journals somewhere is the true answer we need.

Thank you again for your patience, Lady Rek,


Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/06/2013 10:29 AM CDT

Your question tickled a faint memory and I sent word to have my personal correspondence searched through by Mirrah. She has discovered a journal which contained this passage inside.

Sometime around your father’s thirtieth birthday, he met the Faendryl lass, Rayyaa. After a short engagement and whirlwind romance, they were wed. Making a home for them both in the forest, your father settled into domestic life. It was short lived however. He began to have feelings of a restlessness. His dreams were full of visions, a powerful Black Drake, a burning fire, a sense of great loss, and he saw the face of a Banshee in his dreams. Sometimes he would awake screaming in the night, telling of a pale faced woman with long flowing hair, and fangs for teeth, who would cloud his dreams. It was this vision that prompted him to seek out and join The Order of Voln, surely, he thought, such a beast could only be undead. Little did he know just how true those thoughts may be. As these dreams assaulted him, he felt compelled to return to his homeland, and seek out any answers that might lie there.

Kissing his wife goodbye, and promising a short journey he set out. On the third day of his trip he was met on the trail by an old, bent over woman who was carrying a small chest. The chest though small appeared to your father to be quite heavy. He asked the elderly woman if he might help her with her burden. As she thanked him for his kindness she went on to explain that the box contained important documents, land deeds to her properties, family histories and so forth, that her husband and locked inside for safekeeping. But, alas, she explained, her husband had died, and she knew not where to find the key. She traveled to The Landing to seek out a locksmith, and was afraid that she was too feeble to make the trip, carrying the heavy chest so far at her age. Having become well versed in the skill, your father volunteered to pick the lock for her, thereby saving her the journey. Again she thanked him profusely and presented the chest to him. He studied the chest for a few minutes then attempted to pick the lock. Instantly he was transported to a shadowy void, full of mist.

Shocked, surprised and angry, he walked for many days searching for a way out. It was then he looked into the chest and saw the parchments within. Sitting down to read, he studied them intently. They contained his families history with the Drake, told of the terrible battles that his family had endured against Despana, and he realized why these visions had began to encroach into his dreams.

Within the void, time stood still for your father. When he thought he would never learn the secrets to traveling the mists he found his way out into a small clearing beside a road. Seeing two heavily laden carts and their drivers beside a small campfire he ventured to hail them. He was shocked when he realized that more than a year had passed since his departure. He rushed to his forest home, only to find the cabin he shared with his bride burnt to the ground, only one wall remained. Worried for his wife, he raced to town, and asked any and all who may pass if they knew of her and what had become of her. One person answered his plea. "She is Dead." The person pronounced, "Killed some time back during an invasion of undead." Crushed by this news your father spent a great amount of time in seclusion. When he returned to the Landing he was a man with a renewed purpose. He would seek and destroy any and all undead within his power to do so. He took upon himself the battle with Despana, as the mother of all undead, and vowed to not rest until she was destroyed. Some say that the task has always been before him to do just that, but that it was this realization of himself that pushed him into action.

Of the Olbrath family's association with the Drake little is known. In stories told by your father of The Drake, he tells of a time following the Ur-Daemon war when most Drakes were killed, or driven into seclusion by the insanity of fear. It is said that a group of Human nomads came upon a wounded Drake, the beast was near death, and some within the group raised their voice to slay it. One man stood against them and convinced the group that there would be no fame in slaying the great beast. Convincing the others to assist him, they tended the creature back to health. In return for her life, the Drake pledged to watch over and protect the Human and his descendants forever. That one man's name was Gregar Olberath. The Drake called herself Koalitra, and according to your own father, she still provides him guidance and protection against Despana.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/07/2013 09:11 PM CDT

Lady Rek,

Koalitra. Yes, that is a name I heard many times, The Drake colored many of my father's stories. As I became older I believed she was merely the fantastic part of the tale, to keep a child's interest. However, what I am reading now gives me pause to consider that she may have been real. I do not know how to proceed. In your own role, as adviser and confidant, what do you make of my father's fascination with this creature?


Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/09/2013 06:39 PM CDT

I have not had any personal contact with Koalitra. I have only seen her with my own liege. He was gracious enough to assist us the night your brothers were born. Amid all that chaos brought by the Witch at that event, it is no wonder Koalitra was close by.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/10/2013 06:38 PM CDT

Lady Rek,

The confidence in your words indicates that indeed this creature does exist. How would one such as I proceed to contact it? Would my brothers be aware of such a method, as she took notice of their birth, but not my own? I have been shielded from this information, I am unsure how to proceed. The stories I was told never indicated more.

The being that strikes fear in the hearts of those here in The Landing must have a weakness beyond ego, pride and envy. Words and opinion will not be enough to defeat it. There must be some physical attack as well.

Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/12/2013 10:36 AM CDT

My own long absence attending to family matters leaves me ignorant of Landing affairs and indeed your own. I do know your twin brothers know of Koalitra but I was unaware you did not. Perhaps your life is too sheltered. I can only suggest you do as your father did, travel and let your destiny find you.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/13/2013 09:22 AM CDT

Lady Rek,

Thank you for your correspondence. Many things that you have revealed are new to me, and I remain perplexed. I left home on a journey that led me here, where I am now. I had surmised this then to be my destiny. Time for preparation and action grow shorter with each passing day. I fear an extended journey, in search for answers, may leave me out of position when I am needed the most. There are others who have made themselves aware to me that may hold some clues as well, perhaps my own agents can investigate those leads and return with answers.

For now, my place is here, with those who depend on my presence. If this threat is as dire as one may believe, perhaps She will find me, and honor that alliance she shares with others of my family.

Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/17/2013 05:35 PM CDT

I read your last missive and truly had to laugh out loud. Send others to have your fate revealed to them? Expect a Dragon to jump to because your time is short? I begin to see why she may not have deemed you worthy to approach. However only you must weigh your responsibilities and decide your course, just be sure you accept the consequences as well.

Lady Rek
Re: For Lady Reklawthur 10/17/2013 07:00 PM CDT

Lady Rek,

I apologize for the misunderstanding. I meant that I would have my agents pursue the other leads I have in mind, while I determined if such a journey as you suggest can be embarked upon. I did not intend to insert humor into this very serious and dire circumstance.

~ Greganth