what value would i get out of a pick thats sancted +20, +10 defender, +10 THW bonus, +5 perception bonus
effectively its 8x as is with the ability to go 14x with the defender ranks and the 10 THW bonus. both are bonus stats and not base stats.
Re: 2 hander
08/03/2021 12:36 PM CDT
Not sure if they changed things, but in the past the "total bonus" of +AS/+DS maxed at +50, not "to a max of +50 on either side" as you seem to imply.
(So, +40 attack/+10 defense, if you leave it otherwise as-is and Enchant only the attack side.)
- Note that HESS in Duskruin has +Defender certificates, so that you could increase that side as well if you chose.
- Note too that HESS has +Enhancive certificates, so that could be bumped up to as much as +20 (limit of certificate use), eventually.
So you could arrive (eventually) at +40AS/+10DS +20 2-Hand skill, or (working the other side entirely) +20AS/+30DS +20 2-Hand skill, or any range in between.
(So, +40 attack/+10 defense, if you leave it otherwise as-is and Enchant only the attack side.)
- Note that HESS in Duskruin has +Defender certificates, so that you could increase that side as well if you chose.
- Note too that HESS has +Enhancive certificates, so that could be bumped up to as much as +20 (limit of certificate use), eventually.
So you could arrive (eventually) at +40AS/+10DS +20 2-Hand skill, or (working the other side entirely) +20AS/+30DS +20 2-Hand skill, or any range in between.
Re: 2 hander
08/03/2021 10:08 PM CDT
That restriction is only the case with zelnorn.
It was the approved rule awhile ago, but TD and DB can go past +50 in combo with enchant, its detached from an enchant (unless merchant/raffle specific rules). The HESS cert (100K per +1) has no such limitation on it either. Anyway, think he wants the current value.
As to the item, what base?
It's not effectively 14X, even if you added DB with enchant and enhancive bonus, that is like 6x/2x. Base is important, the stats are nice and worthy of enchanting and work if an ok base but as is best to do an auction as probably 1M and up.
It was the approved rule awhile ago, but TD and DB can go past +50 in combo with enchant, its detached from an enchant (unless merchant/raffle specific rules). The HESS cert (100K per +1) has no such limitation on it either. Anyway, think he wants the current value.
As to the item, what base?
It's not effectively 14X, even if you added DB with enchant and enhancive bonus, that is like 6x/2x. Base is important, the stats are nice and worthy of enchanting and work if an ok base but as is best to do an auction as probably 1M and up.
Re: 2 hander
08/04/2021 09:52 AM CDT
base is vultite and yes i realize it is not 14x currently, didnt know that a max +50 was a rule.
You carefully inspect a vultite military pick for sale.
It imparts a bonus of +20 more than usual.
It is a holy item.
It helps defend its wielder with a bonus of 10.
It provides a boost of 5 to Perception Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 6 times.
It provides a boost of 10 to Two-Handed Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 33 times.
The pick looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It appears to weigh about 6 pounds.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vultite.
The pick is a military pick that requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively