A cedar-handled black ora trident.
inspect trident
You carefully inspect your black ora trident.
After a careful inspection you determine that a cedar-handled black ora trident requires skill in polearms to use effectively.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of black ora.
It is currently cursed into my hand. But I'm pleased as heck.
Magarven the Mad
Re: My latest find
05/23/2020 12:00 AM CDT
Best to find a cleric to remove the curse, or very temporarily neutralizing the curse by pouring a pure/impure potion on it and quickly appraising at/selling to pawnshop.
Unless you want to have a bard sing to it, but probably it is pawn fodder.
Unless you want to have a bard sing to it, but probably it is pawn fodder.
Re: My latest find
05/23/2020 01:04 PM CDT
I handed it off to my empath. She has a thing for pole arms, but really spends most of her time healing. It'd more for show than anything else. It's slightly amusing to play a character with only one hand.
Magarven the Mad
Magarven the Mad
Re: My latest find
05/23/2020 02:28 PM CDT
Yep, there was a person or two collecting them when they first began generating within the treasure system, but that was over a decade ago of daily finds so they're somewhat common now.