A Familiar Raffle 02/08/2022 10:38 PM CST
A raffle for one lucky wizard to get their own custom familiar. Has been set out in Ta'Vaalor's Wizard Guild, Gardens (You must be level 20 to enter the raffle, if you enter the raffle before your level 20, your win will be considered ineligible and forfeit. Another winner will be selected immediately and no refund will be given. You do not need to be present, however you must be somewhere in the lands. This is a delayed service that will go through QC. The familiar must be 15/15/15 - no long description and the talisman must be made of wood and wearable. The talisman will be bound to the winning wizard. You must have something to me by no later than 11:59 p.m. PT on February 17th or the win is forfeit. Please make sure your play.net is forwarding to a valid email address.) The raffle draws on February 10th at approximately 8:45 p.m ET.
