<Cross posted from Dev's Corner>
This is an idea that just entered my mind last night and wouldn't let go. Its little better than napkin math, but I thought I'd toss it out there. Nothing below is meant to trivialize the necessary Dev effort involved in creating systems in the game. Any attempt to discuss how things would be 'done' below is all me talking out of my rear. Thanks for reading.
[GLORIFY] - New Warrior Service Proposal
* Anything in [BRACKETS] is simply a placeholder idea or name.
TL;DR Summary
Warriors would gain the ability to perform a service for players that would impart weapons with flat bonuses to Standard Maneuver Rolls.
-This would be a tiered system.
-Warriors would gain an essence-like resource called [Glory]
-Practical Justification - A brand new mechanic (standardized maneuver system) in a game system (combat manuevers) that has always been considered to be the Warrior’s crown jewel.
-In Game Justification - Warriors have the ability to bond with weapons, they could pass on a smaller version of this to others via a bonding ceremony.
Detailed Proposal
Warriors have traditionally been a class with few options to impart ang-term/impactful services to the player base. Unless trained in spells or specific CMANs, they don’t have the ability to improve other players in any real way. Their non-combat services are all temporary and, while useful, would never be considered to be on par with Monk Tattoos, Ensorcell, Enchanting, Ranger Resistances, etc. All professions deserve a service that can make long-term improvements to characters and also generate a reasonable silver income for the service provider.
Mechanics [GLORIFY]
The release of the SMRv2 system creates a unique opportunity to put a warrior-provided service in place after decades of being of minimal long-term use to other professions.
[GLORIFY] allows Warriors to imbue weapons and runestaffs with a Category C improvement that provides a flat bonus to SMRv2 rolls. The improvement is based on Tiers, which work in similar fashion to tattoos and ensorcell.
*That’s it. Simple. Straightforward. Effective. Desirable. Appropriate.*
Warriors would accumulate an essence-like resource called [GLORY] in a similar manner to monks/sorcerers/wizards
Warriors would have to expend accumulated [GLORY] in order to [GLORIFY] a weapon. Again, similar to the other professions.
In-Game Justification
- Weapon Bonding is a truly unique Warrior-exclusive mechanic that defines the class as a uniquely gifted weapon user. It is described in-game as a ‘spiritual connection’ and even requires a prayer ritual to create. It is not unreasonable that a warrior could allow others to sample a taste of that sort of connection by guiding another character through a similar ritual.
Practical Justification - Warriors have long been a profession that offers little to no long-term service benefit to other characters. Many of the attempts to do this (batter barriers, sheathmaking,etc) are either coopted by other characters and/or made inferior by regularly available GM created items. While warriors do have some immediate term service benefits such as assessing, armor skills, protect/guard, they have nothing that offers medium to long-term benefit to other characters. In addition, warriors have no innate skill or ability from which to generate anything like a silver income via tips or payments.
Manuevers as a concept have always been the province of squares and warriors are supposed to be the experts at them. SMRv2’s standardization of the many varied maneuver mechanics in the game gives a real opportunity to provide a new way for warriors to assist others and themselves.
-SMR rolls are literally new as a system, meaning that Warriors being given a service in this area does not infringe on any other professions existing services.
-SMR roll bonuses are an almost inevitable concept that could easily end up relegated to GM only services. Putting it in the hands of the game’s most appropriate profession benefits all characters rather than a lucky/rare few.
-SMR rolls are universally important to all characters. Professions with manuever rolls want to excel at their use. All professions want to be better at defending against SMR rolls. This is a desirable benefit to all characters.
-SMR rolls are fresh in the mind of Devs, who could almost certainly balance the benefits of various tiers of [GLORIFY] easily. This is not a new idea needing to be shoehorned into an old system with the potential for many unexpected outcomes. This is a new system with a standardized set of metrics that is well understood by the current Dev team involved.
-Using a model of existing service systems to create an essence-like resource with chances for success or failure of a [GLORIFY] attempt allows for Devs to produce a relatively quick rollout.
Category C seems an appropriate place to safely create such a bonus, as it is already the place where similar bonuses (Weapon Bonding’s cman bonus) is already tallied.