750 - Deaden 07/09/2022 08:47 PM CDT
The sorcerer harnesses all their spiritual essence and sorcerous capability to cast a dangerous spell with devastating effects for the warded foe. The infusion of death into the living body of the target will overwhelm their living forces so they begin to experience death. The changeover from living forces where the being is fighting for their life with will and spirit is intensely damaging in itself for the victim. The fabric of their flesh will begin separating from what keeps it together as the sorcerer gains more power over them.

Various effects can include, depending on the strength of the warding failure:

Necrosis or celluar death-- black splotches and injuries on body parts. If bad enough, they would become blackened and fall off or cause organ failure and death.

Loss of spirit. If the target gets to 0 spirit then they will be instantly dead and the sorcerer will gain a transfusion of spirit dependent on the critter variables and the sorcerer level/skill/stats.

Insight into the critter. The knowledge of what is hidden from the sorcerer by this intimate and terrible bond will reveal secrets that are useful to controlling their prey. The weaknesses imposed can include incurring a Curse (without further mana), to cause blackouts and confusion, can cause a minor infusion of mana to the sorcerer, can stun and delay the critter, lower the defenses like TD and DS, change stance, cause disinterest in fighting, etc. The insight is increased the spell effects the critter.

The target will begin to behave as if they are an animated corpse-- already dead, with no control whatsoever over their body. This macabre display of sadistic abuse can give the sorcerer some critical kills with a lot of pizazz.

The critter will be unable to heal, will have an increase in blood loss from wounds, will lose mana, will be unable to cast spells or attack.

Here's one I really like-- the critter will be triggered into a struggle for their life, activated into a frenzied response where their whole being and body begin to battle as if possessed. When this is the case, a separate warding roll occurs and if the sorcerer is successful, they will gain direct control over the spiritual dispossession on the critter by causing their motivation to become self-destructive. They will either cause damage to themselves or ultimately suicide.

A thudding drop in their defenses. The target will be heartpierced from the spirit world into the living which causes a clashing effect when their soul goes in and out of their magical fields. The result is that they are shocked and suffer a significant or major reduction in running spells and stats. This is similar to the effects of Deaths Sting only there is no cap to how negative the numbers can go, so if a 100th Sorc does this to a kobold the kob might have a -853 DS for a while!

A key element to this spell is that there will be a direct mana infusion upon the death of the FOE after 750 is successfully cast on them. When the critter dies, they will automatically return +20 mana as a base with another bonus based on factors typical for consideration. The critter generates this mana upon death by squeezing the life from themselves essentially, then pressuring it back out in a siphon toward the sorcerer by their design. The reward for the sorc is they will be feasting on the death in order to get themselves tuned up for the next struggle.

So that is the basic jist of the offensive value for this spell. If the spell is INVOKED
then the sorcerer will enter a state where they appear and behave as if they are dead, but will be able to guide themselves with some difficulty 'from the other side'. The utility for this is generally a battle emergency spell, where they can cast this through stuns, injuries, even Silence/Bind/similar because they are contacting themselves from their own place in the world of the dead. If successful, their body will not expire no matter what kind of battery it suffers to what extremes. The caster may carefully and slowly guide themselves to safety while incurring injuries they will need to heal from. They may wind up in fact with a plethora of them similar to an incinerator trap but they will be able to walk still from room to room. This is because their living corpse is bound by the magic of the masterful 50th+ sorcerer who keeps limbs from coming apart, keeps head on, etc. despite the immense beating the body may take. There will be a RT going from room to room and the success of the action will be based on the level of skill related to Animate Dead.

When they finally reach an area they feel safe enough to reanimate themselves, they will not bleed below 1 hp for 600 seconds or until they are fully healed from the wounds suffered as an animated living corpse. When they Deaden themselves, they stop experiencing physical pain but when they heal themselves up from it they wind up in an extremely delightful mood which will be obvious on their face.

When Deaden is cast instead on the corpse of a fallen critter, the chance to reinvigorate the critter into an undead version exists. This will not yield Voln learning or additional experience to the adventurer who slays the second incarnation of the critter but it could incur additional treasure. The reanimated corpse would be much more likely to attack other critters in the room than before. Casting at a dead critter costs a flat 50 mana with no return.

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