I have been away for 2 years, and just came back recently. 2 years ago my capped rogue's maximum trap disarmed was -480.
I asked around, and the general cosensus was that this was the upper limit for traps. However, in the interim, capped hunting
areas have opened up, and critters are now spawning at levels over 100. It stands to reason that their boxes would have arder locks and traps.
So, I was in the east tower doing boxes, and got a box from some level 104 monstrosity; I was a bit surprised to find it had a -490 trap. Nasty scales
trap, even worse. Anyway, I figured I'd give it a shot; got a couple rolls in the 70s and was told I could have gotten it with a bit more luck. Alas,
when you depend on luck, sometimes the luck you get isn't good. I rolled a 1, fumbled it, and set off the trap. I got killed and also accrued a whopping fine.
Anyway, was wondering if anyone had encountered any traps even harder, like -500 or worse. If so, I may have to invest in a few more ranks of disarm and picking. Also, I was almost tempted to try disarming with 408. Can 408 set off a trap with a bad roll? I am curious.
"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville;
we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."