No boxes for me to pick! 09/23/2021 10:36 PM CDT
I'm so sick of hearing, "we don't have any jobs for you at the moment. Why don't you try again later?"

Yes, i'm old, but all I do is pick. This is highly annoying when you're sitting in the east tower, watching everyone around you opening boxes. What the bleep is up with that?? I don't hunt, by choice. Yes, I know I could. but why should I? when there is a for the most part awesome locksmith pool.
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/24/2021 10:45 AM CDT
>>What the bleep is up with that??

They're lower level boxes. It's designed to give pickers that aren't capped a chance at picking boxes from the pool without having capped pickers who can pick anything cleaning out the pool completely..

- Andreas
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/24/2021 11:10 AM CDT
>They're lower level boxes. It's designed to give pickers that aren't capped a chance at picking boxes from the pool without having capped pickers who can pick anything cleaning out the pool completely..

They are easier locks. The 5% of capped boxes with 5-35 locks get handed out to low level pickers too. I get a lot of capped boxes that way when visiting the pool at mid level. Far too easy, but they've been in there long enough to be offered to someone with a 700 maxlock.
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/24/2021 11:31 AM CDT
>>They are easier locks. The 5% of capped boxes with 5-35 locks get handed out to low level pickers too. I get a lot of capped boxes that way when visiting the pool at mid level. Far too easy, but they've been in there long enough to be offered to someone with a 700 maxlock.

Indeed, by levels I didn't mean actual creature level in this case, but the difficulty of the actual boxes.

- Andreas
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/24/2021 08:26 PM CDT

I understand that they don't want a capped picker cleaning out the pool. I do however expect to get more than 2-3 boxes an hour later in the month, after I spent a lot of the beginning of the month, picking hand over fist. Or early in the morning, there are a lot more boxes available than this time of night. Just my two cents. I expect if I can pick that many at the beginning of the month, that I should be able to pic that many through out the month.
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/24/2021 08:27 PM CDT

If it's all because they're easier locks, I would expect to have this problem all month, not just at the end of the month.
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/25/2021 03:51 AM CDT
>> I expect if I can pick that many at the beginning of the month, that I should be able to pic that many through out the month.

If the pool was infinite, then sure, but how many boxes are in the pool at any given time is driven by other player's behavior. If people hunt less toward the end of the month for some reason (i.e. an event that they focused on vs traditional hunting), then there will be fewer boxes entering the pool. Or maybe more people are picking at the end of the month, so there's as many in the pool, but more people are working on them.

- Andreas
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 09/25/2021 08:46 AM CDT

so true!! I was highly irritated, after spending over an hour, and picked two boxes in that hour. Maybe i've got to high of expectations. Yes, I could have stayted longer, but why try??
Re: No boxes for me to pick! 10/12/2021 12:25 PM CDT
You might do well in Teras then, there's a constant stream of high end locks coming in all day. If not that, then you can be my personal picker. I'm a rogue that went the other way so together we could be a SUPER rogue!