UAC Rogue 04/11/2021 10:01 PM CDT
How viable is a lockpicking UAC rogue? What would the training look like? Comparable to a monk?
Re: UAC Rogue 04/11/2021 11:23 PM CDT
If you're only going 2x with picking skills, I doubt there would be any problems. If 3x is your goal, TPs would prolly be tight, esp when you get to the point you'll be looking at getting 403/404... but I don't see the training being all that different from a lockpicking sniper.

<Comparable to a monk?>

I haven't played a UAC rogue, but I think it would be a mistake trying to copy a monk built over to a rogue. A big part of what makes monk builds work is their access to the Minor Mental circle, which rogues don't have. All rogues I've heard of going the UAC route attack from the shadows for the stance pushdown and critical weighting (I can't find UAC specifically mentioned as getting this benefit, but I'm 95% certain it does). Trying to make UAC work in the open as a rogue has been....less then optimal according to those I know of that have tried it.

If anything I think I'd train a UAC rogue like my sniping locksmith... sept I'd switch out Ranged for Brawling and maybe get into some level of chain instead of stopping at brig.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: UAC Rogue 04/12/2021 04:48 AM CDT
Ambushing with UAC from hiding is very good from what ive seen from other players. Never leveled a rogue myself though.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"

Re: UAC Rogue 04/12/2021 08:40 AM CDT
> How viable is a lockpicking UAC rogue? What would the training look like? Comparable to a monk?

Its viable. I was open fu before UAC and have been ambush UAC since. The more dedicated you are to picking, the choosier you'll have to be about targets because you can't be top at both before cap.

I find UAC is rather more sensitive to not being full 2x in ambush than weaponry is. While I've managed fine with 1x ambush for weapon use, I reckon UAC needs 1.5x. Otherwise the same sort of criteria apply as when trying to balance picking with other styles of ambush.

Not at all like a monk. Both 2x brawl and thats about it.

>All rogues I've heard of going the UAC route attack from the shadows for the stance pushdown and critical weighting (I can't find UAC specifically mentioned as getting this benefit, but I'm 95% certain it does). Trying to make UAC work in the open as a rogue has been....less then optimal according to those I know of that have tried it.

The ambush tier is the key benefit and the reason I reckon ambush training is more important than with weapons. Skimp on ambush training and too many attacks will fail to get it.

The reason ranged and UAC both work for smiths is that they are both pretty insensitive to skimping on CMan training.