620 update, please 10/31/2021 10:04 PM CDT
It's been nearly a year since we were told that 620 was being worked on. I understand the person who was leading the changes to the spell is no longer on-staff, but can we have any update on the status? Can we be assured there will be a fixskill issued when/IF the changes are implemented? Should we not expect any change and continue with the present one?

I've seen several requests for an update. I know several GMs read the forum. Are you not allowed to say anything? I LOVE the work we had done with our spells but feel rather put out that everyone else is getting their services/new mail systems/GRIT/etc. and we sit, without a guild, with a spell I never use.

Re: 620 update, please 01/08/2022 04:17 PM CST
>It's been nearly a year since we were told that 620 was being worked on. I understand the person who was leading the changes to the spell is no longer on-staff, but can we have any update on the status? Can we be assured there will be a fixskill issued when/IF the changes are implemented? Should we not expect any change and continue with the present one? ~EC

I should have more news on this in the next few days.

Re: 620 update, please 01/08/2022 05:17 PM CST
Thank you for this, Mestys! Hopefully before the boards are brought down!

Thanks again!
