Animal companions have been updated with a few new features. The first is Behaviors (TELL COMPANION TO BEHAVE [NEUTRAL/OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE]), which will dictate how a companion will act when the Ranger is in combat. Neutral behavior is the default -- the companion will only ATTACK or GUARD when told to do so. Offensive behavior will allow the companion to follow up the Ranger's attacks with their own, by automatically going into an ATTACK order. Defensive behavior will cause the companion to pre-emptively go into a GUARD order whenever the Ranger is attacked.
Secondly, when in a GUARD order, companions will now attempt to search for hidden creatures/players. Discovered creatures will be immediately revealed. If a player is found, the companion will indicate them to the Ranger, but not reveal them.
Finally, when companions have a bleeding wound or are under half health, they'll indicate their declining state to the Ranger. This messaging will not occur more than once per 15 minutes.
The TELL COMPANION help text has been updated with the new updates and additional details for each of the commands.