Spin Kick 11/12/2021 02:39 PM CST
OK, so I've been seeing the Spin Kick reaction pop up and I'll click on it to use it since I am using Stormfront these days. Though I'd rather set a macro and that's where I've had a problem. The Mnemonic is spinkick but when I've tried setting a macro with that it doesn't work. Neither does feat spinkick or cman spinkick. What am I missing and being boneheaded about?
Re: Spin Kick 11/12/2021 03:01 PM CST
Ok, so I think this will work. It's the one thing I didn't consider and try.

weapon spinkick\r

Next time I'm out hunting and it activates I'll try that.
Re: Spin Kick 11/12/2021 03:17 PM CST
That should work.

If you're using lich and you want it to be automatic, look at the autoreact script.

- Andreas
Re: Spin Kick 11/12/2021 03:35 PM CST
When I happen to see it--even though I have it highlighted, it is frequently buried in an MStrike screen-and-a-half of results--and when I happen to recall which )^*&^%&^&(ing verb to use (is it cman? weap? feat? something I don't recall?), I trigger it with:
weap spink

In the same manner that I check my spot in the queue for staff help with:
ass position

Fortunately the game usually tells me "You are first in line!" rather than "It's that big, and you can't recall that you're sitting on it?!?!"
Re: Spin Kick 11/12/2021 05:04 PM CST
It is indeed weapon. WEAPON TWINHAMMER is the other weapon skill that is well worth using. The other brawling weapon skills aren't compatible with mstrike and aren't as nearly good as uac mstrike, so not worth using. Kick specialisation noticeably improves it.
Re: Spin Kick 11/13/2021 01:41 PM CST

So yep, it worked. :) I'll thank everyone ahead of time for being patient with me for recalling and trying to get it all sorted out again, specially with all the changes in the last 18 months. Overall they look like good improvements. I've got it double whammy highlighted so as not to miss it.

Oh, before I forget, I'm not quite grokking the way symbol of Blessing works or doesn't work with UAC monk combat. I'm a Voln Master and all, does blessing the gauntlets and boots make a difference at all? I can hit undead just fine without it but reading the Wiki on UAC and Voln stuff just isn't making it clear as to whether or not it matters or if I'm just wasting favor.

@Robert/Krakii LOL on the ASS Position.

@Rathboner Is Weapon Twinhammer worth learning? I'm still working my way through the CMAN, Feat etc changes and improvements. At 47th I'm currently at the following if that helps and wearing Voln Robes.

Skill Mnemonic Ranks Category Subcategory

Burst of Swiftness burst 3/5
Combat Focus focus 2/5
Combat Mobility mobility 1/1
Cunning Defense cdefense 3/5
Evade Specialization evadespec 3/3
Inner Harmony iharmony 2/3
Kick Specialization kickspec 1/5
Slippery Mind slipperymind 1/3
Surge of Strength surge 3/5

Unlearning Combat Maneuvers Points: 9
Estimated time until next point conversion: 34 minutes
Number of days remaining in your current 30-day unlearning cycle: 29 days
>feat list
Vazcor, the following Feats are available:

Skill Mnemonic Ranks Category Subcategory

Absorb Magic absorbmagic 0/1
Dispel Magic dispelmagic 0/1
Dragonscale Skin dragonscaleskin 1/1
Kroderine Soul kroderinesoul 0/1
Martial Arts Mastery martialarts 1/1
Martial Mastery martialmastery 1/1
Mental Acuity mentalacuity 0/1
Mystic Strike mysticstrike 5/5
Mystic Tattoo tattoo 1/1
Perfect Self perfectself 0/1

The output listed above was generated based on the following filters:
Availability: profession
Type: all
Category: all
Subcategory: all
Re: Spin Kick 11/13/2021 01:48 PM CST
If your UAC gear isn't blessed it doesn't contribute it's attributes to your attacks on undead. (so no enchant, flares, weighting, etc.) Being a voln master lets you hit them with the equivalent of bare hands, which those without the Kai step (I think it is?) can't.

- Andreas
Re: Spin Kick 11/13/2021 02:32 PM CST
>@Rathboner Is Weapon Twinhammer worth learning? I'm still working my way through the CMAN, Feat etc changes and improvements. At 47th I'm currently at the following if that helps and wearing Voln Robes.

You get weapon skills for free when you have enough ranks in the skill. Twinhammerfist is the first brawling one you get, and spinkick the last, so you already have it.

You no longer need burst and surge for perfect self (just get enough levels and its free), and they've also been downgraded so that you get their boost for a much shorter fraction of the cooldown now. If you aren't finding them useful to you, you might want to untrain some of the ranks in them. I'd recommend getting at least one of krynch/ki focus/flurry. A lot of offensive cmans are now useful with just one rank, which is dirt cheap, so I'd recommend picking up a few even if you aren't going to use them much. Bull rush is the monk mass knockdown, pretty much everyone should get a rank of that. Get a rank of bearhug and see what happens when you use it as the followup to twinhammer. I suspect you'll want to keep it. I think coup is great fun as well as a useful finisher, but that is one of the few where it pays to have a lot of ranks so thats probably better left till a higher level. Once you find spare points push kick specialisation higher.
Re: Spin Kick 11/13/2021 03:30 PM CST

Thanks for the replies and information Andreas and Rathboner. So yeah then Blessing your gauntlets and boots is probably a good thing if you have flares/weighing etc. I've been rotating using Surge of Strength and Burst of Swiftness, depending on which one is on cooldown. So what you're saying is I don't have to put points into them anymore? I'll just get them as I train up?

I'd noted that I would get perfect self at 50th automatically. I had Krynch but never used it so because I felt I needed iHarmony more but now I've been using Slippery Mind. I'm always looking a ways to improve my TD, don't like servants doing me with their sorcery. Definity going to look into Ki Focus, Flurry, Bullrush and Bearhug no. heh. Plus the Twin Hammer of course.

The Spin Kick has been really nice when it's proc'd as an aside though it's window is very short.
Re: Spin Kick 11/13/2021 04:13 PM CST
> Thanks for the replies and information Andreas and Rathboner. So yeah then Blessing your gauntlets and boots is probably a good thing if you have flares/weighing etc. I've been rotating using Surge of Strength and Burst of Swiftness, depending on which one is on cooldown. So what you're saying is I don't have to put points into them anymore? I'll just get them as I train up?

You used to get half the cooldown window with each of them so you could flip between them and always have one up. Now its 30% so you have to be without one for 40% of the time or use them in cooldown. They still cost CM points, but Perfect Self doesn't require them any more, so you can lose them and still get Perfect Self.
Re: Spin Kick 11/14/2021 09:50 AM CST
>You used to get half the cooldown window with each of them so you could flip between them and always have one up. Now its 30% so you have to be without one for 40% of the time or use them in cooldown. They still cost CM points, but Perfect Self doesn't require them any more, so you can lose them and still get Perfect Self.

Ah, so I wasn't imagining that. I thought I was simply screwing up my timing.
Re: Spin Kick 11/14/2021 02:58 PM CST
> Ah, so I wasn't imagining that. I thought I was simply screwing up my timing.

Extra ranks used to reduce the cooldown. That was actually a major part of the benefit from them. They don't any more, which makes them a lot more expensive compared to their benefit than they used to be.