Question about two weapons combat... 12/29/2019 05:00 PM CST
So I'd forgotten that I'd come back briefly when the monk was released and migrated my secondary Voln Master Rogue into a Voln Master Monk. I did so with the knowledge of the time and brawling weapons, and not understanding the full ramifications of who unarmed combat system rewrite. My monk is currently x2 trained in two weapons combat,but we don't use weapons really from what I'm reading and honestly I'm confused.
Some of the guides mention getting one rank of two weapons combat or x.5. Can anyone fill me in on what's going on with the skill? I feel I'm doing my monk very very wrong at this time. I was approaching him with the mind set that he's a square that does have his own spell list that he gets a spell in every once in a while. Here's my current training. Feedback, information etc would be deeply appreciated.

Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat.................. 145 45
Combat Maneuvers................... 190 90
Brawling........................... 190 90
Multi Opponent Combat.............. 145 45
Physical Fitness................... 190 90
Dodging............................ 190 90
Arcane Symbols..................... 70 15
Magic Item Use..................... 70 15
Harness Power...................... 70 15
Mental Mana Control................ 25 5
Spirit Mana Control................ 25 5
Mental Lore - Telepathy............ 15 3
Mental Lore - Transformation....... 70 15
Survival........................... 70 15
Perception......................... 145 45
Climbing........................... 70 15
Swimming........................... 70 15
First Aid.......................... 145 45
Trading............................ 70 15
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual.................... 3
Spell Lists
Minor Mental....................... 9

Re: Question about two weapons combat... 12/29/2019 05:51 PM CST
TWC allows you to get DS from your off-hand, it doesn't do anything offensively with UCS. Getting a single rank opens up the ability and is by far the single greatest bang for your TPs there is... never have less then one rank in it.

Whether you get more then that or not depends on how comfortable with your DS and how thin your TPs are. Generally speaking, the more spells you have, the fewer ranks in TWC you'll have or need (or be able to afford regardless)...

From what I've been able to gather, some monks train more like semis with .5x-1x in spells while others train more like squares with training more like yours. Each way has their benefits and draw-backs... though if you're in robes, you'll prolly be better off going heavier in spells to get more out of 1202 and access to 1214, 1215, 1216.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Question about two weapons combat... 12/29/2019 07:07 PM CST
As a clarification: spells (# known) themselves do nothing to benefit your Iron Skin/1202.
That is entirely driven by levels, and Lore ranks.
Re: Question about two weapons combat... 12/29/2019 08:03 PM CST

Gotcha, thanks for the replies. I was having a problem wrapping my head around the whole, "just train once in two weapons skill" mechanic. Back to research. :)

Re: Question about two weapons combat... 12/30/2019 07:38 AM CST
There's a break point at 0.5x TWC as well as 1 rank. 0.5x is definitely worth it at low level, and I kept it all the way to cap, but my fu characters that were high level when UAC came out never went past 1 rank.

UAC mstrike is very sensitive to AGIDEX and number of strikes. I needed 90 ranks on a giant before it was useful, but if you are a better AGIDEX race, getting another 10 ranks now for an extra strike may make a big difference to you.
Re: Question about two weapons combat... 12/30/2019 06:40 PM CST

Decided to go with x.5 for the time being. We'll see how that goes.