To increase the combat options, and allow for Monks to expand their combat niche from Unarmed Combat, I would like to propose that the spell 1206 be bolstered by either Spell Aiming or Thrown Weapon ranks -- whichever is highest (not combined) -- to allow Monks a way to utilize this spell along with another combat style.
At this time, Monks are exceeded in combat options easily by Rogues and Warriors due to the limitations in CMAN options (such as wspec, bonding, and stance options). This makes their other combat options weak by comparison, and only unarmed combat is close or equal to other square professions.
While 1206 is a spell, it could also be considered a way to "empower" a hurled object. By harnessing their acute mental training, monks are able to infuse objects with mana in order to hurl them for significant damage. The same damage formula used by the bolt spell, would be used resulting an effective way for Monks to hurl objects with their physical body, but empowered by their mind.
The mechanics would be identical. Prep 1206, cast @ object (etc) - you spend 6 mana, the object is hurled at the target. Perhaps a minor update to the wording of the spell effect if the spell utilizes thrown weapon skill vs spell aiming. Otherwise, identical mechanics. This would provide Monks a unique way to hunt, and a unique way to use thrown weapons thus removing their need to rely entirely on UAC.