Monk Utility Suggestion - Resistance Support 09/27/2018 02:53 PM CDT
Previously posted, but lost in the migration of the forums:

To provide Monks with utility that would be valuable and similar to other professions (Armor skill) - provide Monks with a method of transferring their Aura from meditation to other players to increase the resistance of another player by up to 10% (2% per rank based on training).

A monk would learn to expand their aura to other players, increasing the player's resistance to the monk's ATTUNED element (Fire, Earth, Lightning, Water (ice), or Air). This resistance would start at 20 ranks of mental lore - transformation for 2%, and increase in power up to 10% by 100 ranks in mental lore - transformation. The meditate bonus would last for 4 hours, and incur a 20s RT when being applied. The monk can only apply their ATTUNED elemental resistance to other players.