Is there any chance that 1213 and 1216 could be updated to behave like just about every other group spell and immediately affect the group upon joining?
Also, would it be possible to add 1235 to show up under SPELL ACTIVE?
Re: Focus spells
09/16/2018 11:18 AM CDT
>>Is there any chance that 1213 and 1216 could be updated to behave like just about every other group spell and immediately affect the group upon joining?
I tried to add those on the initial release of group spell mechanics, but those (and bard spells) were really odd and require rethinking/redesigning the spells to make them compatible. It's something I intend to circle back to at some point, but I've a large list of higher priority items at the moment.
I tried to add those on the initial release of group spell mechanics, but those (and bard spells) were really odd and require rethinking/redesigning the spells to make them compatible. It's something I intend to circle back to at some point, but I've a large list of higher priority items at the moment.
Re: Focus spells
09/17/2018 09:57 AM CDT
I believe most of the BardSongs have like a hidden 15-second cycle built in to them (most visible with Unravel) where the next time it hits, everyone in the group gets updated.
Though I may be mis-remembering, too. <shrug>
Though I may be mis-remembering, too. <shrug>