Scars in the Stormfront Window for Patients 11/08/2020 08:34 PM CST
When you appraise a patient, and they have no wounds, and only scars you don't have a point and click interface in Stormfront.

I think this is a holdover from when we couldn't heal scars, so it would be appreciated if we could have clickable scars for people that have the ability to take those injuries. Both as a clickable interface in the main window and as numbered orange bubbles in the side windows when they pop up, please. It would be a nice quality of life improvement.
Re: Scars in the Stormfront Window for Patients 01/04/2021 10:06 AM CST
Re: Scars in the Stormfront Window for Patients 03/25/2021 01:32 PM CDT

Oh my, yes! Thirded!