The Song of Space makes use of the mastery of both elements and song to rip through the fabric of space and harness the powers of reality for the Bard's advantage. This primal use of magic must be performed with appropriate balance and always within the range of ability for the Bard, since it is a highly volatile spell. When the Bard is around critters 10+ higher in level, they will suffer a modifier against maintaining control. The song is so powerful indeed that it must be focused into the most precise and economical uses of it but it will reap perhaps the best rewards.
When Song of Space is running, an added feature to the attack by AS or CS is applied. The result of even a losing ward roll for the attack will carry a chance to trigger a reaction upon contact with the target. This reaction is a test for the space between the flesh of the being being assaulted and that of the magic or physical characteristics of the weapon. Should the space become tempered by the Bard's magical forces, the integration from ether to physicality in a fraction of an instant will lose it's connection between moments in time which then causes an abrupt, often painfully destructive response against the foe. The tiny moment lost will become an anchor which unravels the elemental organization of the critter which results in micro-eplosions on their body, warbled temporal effects such as their bodies lose form, become droopy, wavy, they have nervous shock, can lose their weapons and armor by them not fitting, and they can even disappear. In addition, the mana that is generated by the critter from that point in space on is now fed to the bard, so they gain a portion of the mana that critter would normally receive as long as the critter remains alive. This would depend on MC trainings and level/skill/stat factors, of course but the mana is not gained as raw mana into their personal mana pool to use for spells. Instead it makes the spell slightly more powerful with each bit of mana fed into it-- more likely to work, more effective if it does, more mana in return when it works. This drain to mana is obviously very powerful against magical enemies and there is always a chance to repel the induction.
In addition to the chance of a strike with an attack on critters by the Bard is a tiny field of static energy flickering around the bard. This defensive capability is the harnessing of a layer in space within the fabric of it around the Bard's field of energy, so it's the opposing concept of aggressive use where this field is a stable one used against incoming assaults. If activated, the foe will be unable to get through the barrier and the exactitude of the repulsion is a signature of the creature's own energies, so they will be blown back, knocked on the ground potentially unconscious, even taking damage. It could drain their mana, cause some confusion or stun depending on the skills between Bard and foe. The group will experience a similar shield effect but it will be much less powerful when triggering by those joined. There will be no mana drained from the critter upon even the worst interaction but the field will get slightly more powerful each time it is activated, making it something the Bard will want to perpetually sing.
When the Song is not being sung, it can be used as an attack spell by SINGING at or CASTING at. SINGING at will create a version similar to the attack type where the ward will challenge the fabric of space connecting the critter to it body and the moments in time between it, but the effects will be amplified by the critter's own vibrations. It will be much more damaging but the mana feed will be per ward, not a chain making it more potent. The mana return itself can pull more out than the critter wants which can cause a lot of focused nerve damage, especially when they are far outmatched. CASTING at is a CS version which creates a barrier like the one surrounding the bard when the song is running, only this one is around the critter. If they move through it, they will cause themselves damage so there will be a moment before the damage is done when the creature notices what is around them but has to break free somehow. The mana return is the same. MANA COST for either would be related to spells known, EMC and level of the Bard making it more expensive the more powerful the Bard is but giving more likely and gainful mana returns. It could be practical at 50 mana per cast only if it were a much more powerful version, not the workhorse as intended here.
At Level 100, can use this song to teleport some items from one place to another. In order to do this, they must set an ANCHOR point on a noded location and CHANNEL the spell on the object. There is great risk without proper EMC and the most spell ranks possible, but when successful the object will wind up almost exactly like its previous version waiting for the Bard to pick it up (and no one else) for up to 600 seconds. They can do this for things like treasure boxes, hides, gems, coins, wands/crystals/orbs/statues but weapons, armor, teleport objects, living creatures cannot be teleported. Each object costs 50 mana and will exhaust the Bard, so Stamina is a factor along with a cooldown of 2 uses per hour.
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